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Greyhound Kick-Off Mentors - GKOM


Greyhound Kick-Off Mentors (GKOM) is a group of approximately 320 junior and senior students who serve as mentors to our incoming freshman class. This group leads our orientation, “Greyhound Kick-Off.” Throughout the year, teams of 6-7 mentors work with each SSRT to teach students the culture at Carmel High School, introduce personal and academic management skills necessary for success at the high school, and create connections between the CHS freshmen and upperclassmen. GKOMs act as big brothers/sisters to first-year students and assist in making the transition from middle school to high school. GKOMs meet with their mentees each month during SSRT Connection Sessions designed by a Council of experienced Senior GKOMs. 
GKOM Students
GKOMs are an essential part of our Greyhound culture, and hundreds of students apply each year to serve our incoming first-year students. SSRT teachers and GKOM sponsors select GKOM mentors. The selection committee look for a diverse group of students who possess leadership qualities, enthusiasm, and the desire to create a positive, fun atmosphere while demonstrating the best qualities of being a Greyhound. Before they begin their service, GKOMs go through mentor training to prepare to lead the new class of CHS.

Applications for students who will be juniors and seniors during the 2022-2023 school year are being accepted now through March 1, 2022. Apply today!