Traffic Patterns

CCE Traffic Patterns


Morning Arrivals

  • Students may be dropped off at Door 1 starting at 7:15 a.m. 
  • Please use the drop-off line. Do not park and walk your student between cars.
  • There are two lanes that merge into one lane for drop-off.
  • Please follow the zipper method when merging into one lane.
  • Students should be ready to exit the car on the passenger side. This includes having breakfast completed, shoes on, and outerwear on.
  • Students should only be released within the “drop off area” by a staff member. 
  • Parents should remain in their vehicle.
  • Please do not pass or go around cars.
  • Do not proceed forward even after dropping of their child until directed to do so by staff.
  • The staff will open doors for students and direct carpool traffic until 7:40 a.m.
  • From 7:40-7:45, parents can use curbside drop-off and students can enter the building and come through the main office.
  • Students arriving after 7:45 a.m. are considered tardy. Parents should park in the main parking lot (west side of the building) and walk students into the main office.

Afternoon Dismissals

  • Parents may arrive for dismissal at 2:20 pm in the front parking lot. Please turn off engines while parked.
  • Please proceed to one of the two carpool lanes.
  • Display your carpool sign indicating your child’s name, grade, and teacher.
  • If you do not have a sign you will be directed to park your car and report to the office to provide your ID for student pickup.
  • Your child will be released to your car by staff. 
  • Please do not pass or go around cars. Staff will direct drivers when to pull forward.
  • Drivers should remain in the park position when students are loading into vehicles.


  • Bikers may enter the building through Door 1.

  • Bikers should use the bike racks next to Door 1.

  • Bikers must walk their bikes once on school grounds.
  • Bikers will be dismissed after carpool traffic by a staff member. 


  • Walkers may enter the building through Door 1.
  • Students will be released from door 6 after buses have been released and walker attendance checked.