Student Life
The Carmel High School family strives to create a positive environment in which all are challenged and inspired to achieve their potentials. Academics and student activities are the backbone of Carmel High School. Activities can benefit students only if they participate in them. Through participation in the activities program, a student will become a part of the rich tradition of our school. Research has shown that participation in extracurricular activities is a better predictor for success in adult life than college entrance examinations or grade point averages. Positive participation in activities also shows students' level of commitment to and involvement in their school. Carmel High School students are fortunate to be at Indiana's largest high school with a wide range of opportunities for participation. The phrase, "You can make a big school small, but you can't make a small school big" is heard frequently at Carmel and similar schools. Although we are a large school, the opportunity to participate in activities gives students the chance to "make a big school small" by forming closer relationships with other students. Each activity described on the website has something to offer. The opportunities for making friends, achieving personal growth, traveling to new places and developing new skills are limitless. The Carmel High School staff encourages students to get involved in the activities program. For many years we have told our students that, "You can only take with you what you leave behind" and to please choose to "leave something behind" by becoming involved in our activities program.