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Student Government


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Student Government at Carmel High School is made up of three sections: four class officers for each grade, six senators for each grade, and over 500 members in the House of Representatives.


There are elections each spring to be a class officer or senator. To become a House member, students have to submit an application in the fall.

A Student Body President and Speaker of the House are elected each spring from the then junior class to serve the following school year. The Student Body President presides over the Senate and provides leadership to the student government as a whole, and the Speaker presides over the House. The House Cabinet is selected each spring by application and interview and works with the Speaker of the House to coordinate House activities.

Ms. Michelle Foutz and Ms. Sarah Wolff are currently the faculty advisors. Michelle Foutz is the sponsor of the Senate, and Sarah Wolff is the sponsor of the House.  The Senate and House Cabinet have special SRTs to enable those students to plan events. The 500 members of House meet twice a month during SRT on late start Wednesdays.  The class officers meet as needed by the class sponsor to plan events.

About the Senate

The Senate's major responsibilities include organizing Homecoming, two blood drives, staff appreciations, a Christmas gift drive, a winter dance, and SSRT competitions.

For Homecoming, Senators are responsible for planning the festivities on Homecoming Day, which include spirit days, the parade, and all activities at the stadium. 

Care-to-Share takes place in November and December. The Senate is responsible for finding families to support via the Carmel Youth Assistance Program, they organize the gift collection through the SSRT classes.

Senate organizes various SSRT competitions throughout the year, such as a March Madness competition and a Brain Game competition (an academic, buzzer round competition between students).

About the House

The House of Representatives includes over 500 students. There are members from each grade who participate in planning and publicizing various student government events each year, including Tailgate for Life, Garage Sale, Smoothie Smashdown, Basketball Tailgate, Trick or Treat for Riley, Runway for Riley, FT5K, Auction Dinner, egg hunt, Music for Miracles, paint war, and Dance Marathon. All events are charity based and benefit local organizations such as Riley Hospital for Children.