All Carmel Clay Schools use School Dismissal Manager to report absences and late arrivals.
Elementary schools also use School Dismissal to report changes to dismissal. All middle schools and high schools will also use the online system to report appointments during the school day.
Using School Dismissal Manager is preferred to help manage absences and eliminate large quantities of calls to front desk staff.
Procedure for Reporting Absences
- Parents or legal guardians are requested to use School Dismissal Manager (see directions above) or call the 24-hour attendance voice mail line (317) 571-5915 for 10-12th grades and (317) 571-4622 for 9th grade the day of the absence. A School Dismissal Manager message or call must be received by 10:00 a.m. the day after the absence. You may call the attendance office as far in advance as possible. Absences can be scheduled months in advance.
- A School Dismissal Manager Message or telephone call will be required each day the student is absent unless prior arrangements have been made.
- When reporting an absence through School Dismissal Manager, please complete all required information.
- When reporting an absence through voicemail, the parent or guardian should give the following information:
- their name and relationship to student
- student’s name (please spell) and grade in school
- reason for absence
- the date of absence
- Upon returning to school the day following an absence, the student should go directly to class. If there is a question about the absence, the Student Services Office will contact the student.
- If a student leaves the school building during the school day, the student must sign out with the attendance office. Students must sign in at attendance upon returning to school that day or arriving at school after the school day begins, even if returning or leaving during a passing period.
Failure to properly sign in or out could result in the student’s absence being marked as unexcused and consequences may be issued.
The student, parent or legal guardian, and the school must cooperate to achieve the school's stated philosophy of education where school attendance is concerned. However, students must be encouraged to exercise self-discipline within the framework of the stated attendance policy.
Important Absence Information
Excused absences from Carmel High School are only granted for:
- School Sanctioned Activities (i.e. - Field Trips)
- Planned Family Absence*
- College Visitations
- Driver License Examinations
- Illness of the Student (Medical, Dental, and/or Clinical Appointments) - Please note: after any doctor's visit, turn in documentation of the visit to the attendance office.
- Death in the Family
- Required Religious Observance
- Jury Duty/Court Appearance
- Immigration/Passports
*Prearranged absences of more than 3 days may only be excused with the approval of an administrator in student services. In order to be approved, the student must come to student services to meet with an administrator to discuss the absence AFTER a parent has reported the absence to the attendance office. It is the student’s responsibility to request make-up work or schedule tests missed with each teacher either prior to the absence or upon returning to school. Absences during ACE week must be pre-arranged using the process outlined in the ACE section of the handbook.
Tardiness to school due to oversleeping and/or car trouble will not be excused.
If you have any questions, please call the Student Services office of Carmel High School at 317-846-7721.Documentation such as doctors notes and college visit notes can be faxed to: 317-571-4066.
NOTE: For a complete list of current student-related policies and procedures, consult the Carmel High School Pathways to Success and Student Handbook, available online and from the CHS Bookstore.