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Counseling & Social Work

Request an Appointment

Online Request Forms are available though PowerSchool Student Portal. 

PowerSchool Student Portal

appointment Request Instructional Video

not sure who to contact?

Every student at Carmel High School has an assigned School Counselor, listed on PowerSchool and available below by searching by grade level and last name. If you are unsure of who to talk to regarding an issue or concern, your assigned counselor is a great place to start!

The entire department works together to ensure students receive the needed support from the correct team member. 

Emergency Intervention

If you are in immediate danger please contact 911 or dial 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

StopIt Anonymous Reporting

Students, parents, and community members are encouraged to use our anonymous reporting system, StopIt, to notify school administration about a student or individual in need of assistance, potential threats, or danger. If you see something, please say something, so that we can do something. 

Naviance Student

Naviance Student provides student and parents a multitude of resources to assist in the college and career research process. College profiles and acceptance history, transcript and letter of recommendation requests, career inventories, resume builders and many other tools are a few of the many tools available. 

Naviance Student Overview

Counseling Department Contacts