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College & Career Resource Center

Logo for CCRC

The College and Career Resource Center (CCRC) is a service of the CHS Counseling Department that complements the work of school counselors by assisting students and parents with career exploration and decision-making, college search and application processes, and general post-high school planning. The CCRC consists of one full-time College & Career Programming Coordinator (who is also a licensed school counselor) and two part-time College & Career Advisors. The CCRC develops resources, implements programming, communicates opportunities, and provides small group and individual help to students and families.    

Students in all grade levels can make an appointment by completing an appointment request form in the Counseling Office. Parents may request appointments via email.  

What We Do:

  • Collaborate with CHS Counselors to assist students with their post-high school planning process.

  • Offer individual appointments with students and/or parents seeking assistance with navigating the college/career planning process.
  • Conduct workshops throughout the school year on topics including but not limited to:
    • College search and admissions process
    • Major/Career exploration and decision making
    • Essay writing/personal statements
    • College and scholarship interviewing
    • Financial aid and scholarship resources
  • Provide resources for college and career planning topics, including:
    • Navigating the college search and application process
    • Major to Career Connections
    • Scholarship opportunities
    • Summer and Enrichment Programs

Request an Appointment

CCRC is located in room B107 across from the CHS 10-12 Counseling Office.

Counselors are available daily between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Students in all grade levels are encouraged to make an appointment, no matter where they are in their post-high school planning process!

  1. Login to the PowerSchool Student Portal
  2. Click on Forms
  3. Select College & Career Resource Center among the Meeting Request

PowerSchool Student Portal

Meet the Team

Melinda Stephan

Melinda Stephan

Elizabeth Henke

Elizabeth Henke

Support Staff
Harry Pettibone

Harry Pettibone

Support Staff