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Jeff Frizzi attended Indiana State University where he received a Bachelors of Science in Music Education. While at ISU Jeff studied music theory and music composition. As a double bass player, he participated in Symphony Orchestra, Jazz Band, Concert Band and chamber ensembles. 

Jeff Frizzi, a 25+ year teaching veteran, currently teaches at Clay Middle School in Carmel, IN, where he is the Orchestra Director and the Performing Arts Department Chair. In addition to teaching, Frizzi is a free lance musician performing in the Indianapolis area. He is also in demand as a clinician and adjudicator. Jeff has over 20 compositions for string and full orchestra published with Hal Leonard, Tempo Press, Inc., The Kendor Music Company and BRS Music, Inc. His works have been performed internationally, including Europe, Australia and South Africa. Frizzi has also served as a guest conductor for the Indiana String Teacher’s Associations All Region Orchestra Festivals. He has also been commissioned to compose pieces for several Indiana schools including the Zionsville High School’s Low String Clinic in 2007. The Indiana Chapter of the American String Teacher’s Association commissioned an arrangement of “On The Banks Of The Wabash” to be performed by many Indiana high school’s in celebration of Indiana’s bicentennial. Several of his published pieces have been or are currently being performed that the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago as well as the IMEA State Convention.

In 2003, Jeff was the winner of the Indiana String Teacher’s Associations Merle Isaac Composition Contest for his composition “Elegy For Remembrance.” This piece is a musical account of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Additionally, Jeff won the INASTA Middle School Orchestra Director of the Year Award in 2014. A father of four, Frizzi currently resides in Indianapolis, IN with his wife Michelle.

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