Student Handbook
Middle School Student Handbook
- Academics
- Attendance
- Cafeteria
- Communication
- Conduct Code
- Custodians
- Deliveries & Messages for Students
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Gang Policy
- Health Services
- Lockers
- Lost & Found
- Media Center & Maker Space
- Network, Cellular Devices, and Internet Responsible Use Guidelines
- Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
- Parent Teacher Organization
- School Safety
- Student Records
- Student Services
- Transportation
Field Trips
Various school groups and classes will conduct field trips throughout the school year.
- No student may accompany such a group off the school grounds without a signed permission slip from parents.
- Students not in good standing may be denied the opportunity to attend field trips.
- It should be noted that school field trips are not absences at all. Any student attending a field trip or other school function and missing a class is responsible for any and all class work missed that day. No extra time is allowed for make-up in this case. Students should always check with their teachers ahead of time to obtain class work and assignments. This responsibility rests exclusively with the student.
Grading And Reporting
Students will receive grades at the end of each 9-week period for a total of 4 reports. All student report cards will be online and can be accessed through PowerSchool.
Grading Scale
The following table will be used to compute honor roll and grade point average.
Letter Grade | Points Range | GPA |
A | 100-93 | 4.000 |
A- | 92-90 | 3.667 |
B+ | 89-87 | 3.333 |
B | 86-83 | 3.000 |
B- | 82-80 | 2.667 |
C+ | 79-77 | 2.333 |
C | 76-73 | 2.000 |
C- | 72-70 | 1.667 |
D+ | 69-67 | 1.333 |
D | 66-63 | 1.000 |
D- | 62-60 | 0.667 |
F | 59-0 | 0.000 |
Hall Passes
Permission to leave a class may be granted by the teacher in charge, who fills out a hall pass. Such a pass must always be carried by the student when he or she is not in his or her assigned classroom. Students are to report to and from the location noted on the pass and not detour from the permitted location.
Homework Policy
Carmel Clay Schools believes strongly that successfully completing homework and class work are important components to achieving academic success. Carmel Clay students are expected and required to complete and turn in class work and to make up missed work. Failure to do so, may result in appropriate consequences.
Honesty Code
Cheating and plagiarism compromise the integrity and character of students and does not align with the mission and philosophy of CCS. Academic dishonesty occurs when a student engages in any behavior or uses any unauthorized device (including but not limited to cell phones, calculators, and other electronic devices) which gives the student an unfair advantage or represents another person’s work as his/her own. Examples of these behaviors include, but are not limited to plagiarism, talking during assessments, using cheat sheets (paper or electronic), looking at or copying another student’s work, and/or relaying information to students in other classes about specific information covered in that class. Should an incident of cheating occur, teachers will conference with the student, contact the parents, and provide an alternative assignment/assessment. In addition to these steps the teacher may choose to complete an office referral. This strong course of action should be a deterrent for students from participating in academic dishonesty.
Textbook Rental
Most texts will be furnished to the students on a rental basis. Rental textbooks enable students to have books at the beginning of school at a great savings. The rental price of a textbook is one-fourth or less of the retail price of the book. The student will be held responsible for any undue wear and tear on the textbooks issued. If books are damaged excessively or misplaced, the student may expect to pay a fine or pay for the book at the end of a grading period, the trimester, or at the end of the year. The minimum fine for any newly issued textbook will be $5.00.
- The School Board, as an agency of the State, is required to enforce regular attendance of students. The Board recognizes that the presence in the classroom enables the student to participate in instruction, class discussions, and other related activities. As such, regular attendance and classroom participation are integral to instilling incentives for the student to excel.
- Attendance shall mean to be physically present in a school or at another location where the school’s educational program is being conducted, during regular school hours.
- Attendance shall be required of all Corporation students, except those exempted under other provisions of State law, during the days and hours that the school is in session or during the attendance sessions to which she/he has been assigned.
- Exceptions to compulsory attendance that shall be recognized by the school corporation as provided by state statute:
- service as a page or honoree of the general assembly (I.C. 20-33-2-14)
- service on a precinct election board or helper to a political candidate on the date of an election (I.C. 20-33-2-15)
- subpoena to appear in court as a witness in a judicial proceeding (I.C. 20-33-2-16)
- service in active duty with the National Guard for not more than ten (10) days (I.C. 20-33-2-17)
- participating as a member of the Indiana wing of the civil air patrol for not more than five (5) days (I.C. 20-33-2-17.2)
- participating in an educationally related non-classroom activity which is consistent with and promotes educational philosophy and goals of the school corporation, facilitates the attainment of specific educational objectives, is part of the goals and objectives of an approved course or curriculum, represents a unique educational opportunity, cannot reasonably occur without interrupting the school day, and is approved in advance by the school principal (I.C. 20-33-2-17.5)
- For any of these exceptions a student shall not be recorded as absent from school.
- The Superintendent shall require, from the parent of each student or from an adult student who has been absent for any reason, a written statement of the cause for such absence. The Board reserves the right to verify such statements and to investigate the cause of absences.
- The Board considers the following for excused absences:
- illness verified by a note from a physician
- recovery from accident (verified by a physician’s statement)
- required court attendance (verified by court documentation)
- professional appointments – Parents are encouraged to schedule medical, dental, legal, and other necessary appointments other than during school hours. When appointments are necessary during the school day, the student shall report back to school immediately after the appointment with a signed statement from the doctor, dentist, lawyer, counselor, etc.
- death in the immediate family
- observation or celebration of a bona fide religious holiday in accordance with Policy 5223
- military connected families’ absences related to deployment and return
- such other good cause as may be acceptable to the Superintendent or permitted by law.
- An unexcused absence is any absence not covered under the definition of excused absence or an exception to compulsory attendance. An out-of-school suspension shall not be considered an unexcused absence.
- Repeated instances of unexcused absences may result in disciplinary action up to suspension or expulsion of a student.
- Truancy is defined as absence from school without permission of the parent.
- The Superintendent or an attendance officer having jurisdiction shall report a child who is habitually absent from school to an intake officer of the juvenile court or the Department of Child Services.
- Attendance need not always be within the school facilities, but a student will be considered to be in attendance if present at any place where school is in session by authority of the Board.
- Parents or legal guardians are required to call the school to report the absence. This may be accomplished before school hours by calling your school’s attendance line prior to 8:00 a.m. the day of the absence and speaking with the attendance secretary. If the call is not received by 10:30 a.m. on the day of the absence, a wellness check may be conducted by the Carmel Police Department.
- A telephone call will be required each day the student is absent or tardy unless prior arrangements have been made.
- For medical and dental appointments, parents or guardians should call the attendance line to report the pre-arranged absence. Parents must come to the Main Office to sign out a student. Upon return from such appointments, a doctor’s note is required. If the student does not have a note from a doctor, the parent must accompany the student to the Main Office. Failure to bring such a note could result in the absence being considered unexcused. Students must report to the Main Office for an admit slip upon their return to school from appointments.
- In case of a pre-arranged absence of one day or less, parents must notify the school, by note or by phone, of the impending absence and state the reason for the absence. For an extended pre-arranged absence (more than one day) students must present a note from a parent or guardian or email the assistant principal, stating the dates of the absence and the reason. It is the parent/student responsibility to inform the teachers of their pre-arranged absence from school. Failure to inform the teachers prior to the pre-arranged absence will jeopardize the opportunity to complete make-up work. Family trips and vacations during times when school is in session are strongly discouraged. A parent or guardian may, however, make arrangements for such absences if completely unavoidable. The parent or guardian must submit a written request before the absence occurs and receive the approval of a building principal for the student to accompany his or her own family on a trip or vacation. In general, it should be noted that a child who accompanies anyone other than his or her own family on a trip, outing, or vacation will not be excused. In addition, this type of absence immediately before or after a school holiday is especially discouraged.
- Students who have a planned absence of 10 or more consecutive school days will be removed from the CCS system. It is the responsibility of the parent/guarding to re-enroll their student upon completion of the extended absence. Any work or tests that occur during this period will not be made up and grades will not be recorded. Teachers plan their lessons in accordance with the school calendar and are not obligated to provide schoolwork in advance of an absence. Please note that Canvas and other instructional materials are often inaccessible outside of the continental United States.
Project ACES - Attending Class Equals Success
Project ACES is designed to assist students with Excessive Excused Absences and Unexcused Absences. The goal of Project ACES is to ensure that every child attends school as required by Indiana Law so that each child will receive the necessary guidance and knowledge to become a productive member of the community.
Full information concerning Project ACES can be found on the CCS Attendance page.
Per Indiana Code 20-33-2.5, when a student misses 5 unexcused days of school within a ten-week period the school will provide written notification to the parent/guardian that the student is violating school policy, that the parent is responsible for monitoring school attendance in compliance with compulsory school attendance laws and that the parent is required to attend a meeting. If the student continues to have unexcused absences, the school is required to report the student to the Juvenile Court.
Per Indiana Code 20-33-2.5, the parent, student, school representative, and teacher must schedule a conference to discuss the student's attendance at school. In some cases, the School Resource Officer will attend the meeting. The meeting will attempt to discern what the issues are for the student missing school and devise a plan to assist the student in improving their attendance.
The school shall establish an attendance plan that may include
Wraparound services to ensure school attendance for the student.
A description of the behavior required and/or prohibited for the student.
The effective time period for the plan, but not to exceed 45 instructional days.
Disciplinary actions the school will take if the student does not comply with the plan.
A referral to counseling, mentoring or other services for the student as appropriate.
Whether the parent is required or expected to attend the services assigned to the student.
The signature of the student and the parent agreeing to the plan.
Documentation of the meeting must be kept in the student file.
Indiana Code mandates that when a student misses 10 unexcused days of school, the student and parent must be referred to the local prosecutor’s office. Therefore, school administration will submit an ACES Referral Form to the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office. The Prosecutor’s Office will then contact the parents to determine possible consequences, including court action for truancy or educational neglect.
Absences not included in the ACES Program include:
- Religious Holidays
- Death in the immediate family
- Court Appearances, Jury Duty
- Serving as a page for the State Legislature
- College Visitation - High School
- Driver License Examination - High School
- Immigration, passports
- Medical, with doctor's note
- We believe that timeliness is a life skill and that 6th, 7th and 8th grade students, not their parents, are responsible for their own tardiness to school. Students tardy to school are to report to the main office for an admit slip and to clear their names from the absence list. Excessive tardiness to school will result in disciplinary consequences.
- Students entering class late may be admitted by the classroom teacher but also may be subjected to disciplinary consequences by the teacher. Those who are constantly tardy to class may be referred to the office for further discipline.
Assignments for Absent Students
Textbooks and locker contents may be picked up upon request by a parent. Students will have one day for each day of excused absence to make up work; however, a student who is absent only the day of a previously announced test is expected to take the test upon return to school.
- Make-up Work Excused: A student must make up work missed during an absence. It is the student’s responsibility to ask each teacher for the assignments. Students will have one full day for each day’s absence in which to do required make-up work.
- Pre-arranged (More than two days): Assignments are to be completed prior to the absence if possible. All make-up work, including tests, will be due by the third full day of school upon the student’s return to school, unless prior arrangements are made with individual teachers.
- Unexcused: A student may or may not receive full daily credit for an unexcused absence based on administrative decision. However, the student must make up missed work. This includes truancy or out-of-school suspension.
Habitual Truancy
A habitual truant is defined as a student who has ten or more days of unexcused absences. A student who has been designated as a Habitual Truant may not be allowed to participate or continue to participate in extracurricular activities and/or co-curricular activities.
Withdrawing from School
If a student must withdraw from school, they should:
- Present a withdrawal letter, from parent or guardian to the School Registrar, stating date of withdrawal and giving a forwarding address at least one week before the last full day of attendance.
- Receive appropriate forms and instructions.
- Return completed forms to the School Registrar before the end of his last day of attendance.
- Meet all financial obligations before a transcript will be forwarded.
- The USDA school lunch and breakfast program is offered to all students. School lunches consist of an entrée, 1-2 servings of vegetables, 1 serving of fruit, and an 8 oz milk. Ala carte items are also available for an additional cost. Parents are highly encouraged to create an EZSchoolPay account to deposit funds into their child’s meal account (, however checks made payable to Carmel Clay Food Services and cash are also permitted. The cost of lunch is $2.80 and breakfast is $1.50. It is the parent’s responsibility to see that their child has a lunch brought from home or has money in their account. If they do not have money in their meal account, students are permitted to charge breakfast and lunch meals, however, parents are responsible for all negative balances accrued until their account is paid in full. Carmel Clay Schools will reach out to the household regarding any negative balance.
- Students will be asked to provide their school identification card at the time of purchase. Students may also bring a packed meal from home to be eaten in the cafeteria. In an effort to help protect students with food allergies, restaurant carry-in meals are not allowed in the cafeteria during lunch. The cafeteria is supervised by school staff and rules are expected to be followed. When finished eating, students are asked to carry their trays to the dish room, discarding all food, paper and milk cartons and placing the recyclable plastic items and beverage cans in the proper containers for recycling. Students are asked to go to and from the cafeteria quickly and quietly because many classes are in session during the lunch periods
- Students should never leave their lunch money in or on their desks. It should be kept in a pocket, purse, or in their locker.
- The lunch supervisors are responsible for maintaining order in the lunchroom which may include:
- rearranging seating to improve behavior
- removing students for disruptive or improper behavior
- reporting improper behavior to the classroom teacher or sending students to the office for further disciplinary action.
- Students are expected to be polite and to display proper manners while going to, eating in, or coming from the cafeteria. There will be no loud talking or horseplay in the cafeteria.
- Students who have a food allergy, medical need, disability or impairment that restricts their diet will be eligible to receive a meal modification if the regularly planned menu cannot meet their needs.
- If you have any questions concerning your child’s meal account (setting limits, restrictions, allergies), please contact the school’s cafeteria manager. You can also review transaction history in your child’s EZSchoolPay account.
- Please refer to the district food service website for prepayment information, menus, and to obtain the link to the online free and reduced-price meal application.
Directory Information
Carmel Clay Schools designates the following items as Directory Information: a student's name; address; telephone number; date and place of birth; photograph; major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; height and weight, if a member of an athletic team; dates of attendance; date of graduation; awards received; or any other information which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy, if disclosed. The corporation may disclose directory information to any individual, other than a for profit organization, even without a parent’s prior written consent.
Parents and eligible students may refuse to allow the Corporation to disclose any or all of such "directory information" upon written notification to the Corporation within twenty (20) business days after receipt of this Student Handbook.
District Calendar
Emergency Contact Information
In order to facilitate reaching the parents of sick children, please remember to update emergency information on the CCS Powerschool Parent Portal with any change in home, work and cell phone numbers. Please also supply names and phone numbers of friends and/or relatives who can be called if parents are not available.
Methods of Communication
Teacher Communications
Teachers communicate with parents through Canvas and via email. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers first (via email or voicemail message) with questions or concerns pertaining to the classroom.
School Messenger
School Messenger is the platform used by Carmel Clay Schools to deliver mass emails and phone messages to families. Communications through School Messenger include anything from announcing school delays/cancelations to distribution of quarterly grade reports. Should your email address or phone number change, update that information in your PowerSchool Parent Portal so as not to miss out on these important communications.
Text Alerts
CCS families wanting to receive text alerts can text YES to 68453 from mobile devices.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years of age or older (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. Their rights are:
- The right to inspect and review the student's education records within forty-five (45) days after Carmel Clay Schools receives a written request;
- The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student will be so notified and provided the opportunity for a hearing. Additional information concerning the hearing will be provided when notified of the opportunity for a hearing;
- The right to provide written consent before the school discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent; and
- The right to file a complaint with the United States Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the school to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
FERPA permits the disclosure of education records, without consent of the parent or eligible student under certain circumstances. One of those circumstances is to other school officials, including teachers, within Carmel Clay Schools whom the school has determined to have legitimate educational interests. For purposes of FERPA, “school official” includes teachers, professors, instructors, administrators, health staff, counselors, attorneys, clerical staff, trustees, school board members, members of committees and disciplinary boards, contractors, including online service providers, volunteers, or another party to whom the school has outsourced institutional services or functions.
Additionally for purposes of FERPA, “legitimate educational interest” means direct or delegated responsibility for helping the student achieve one (1) or more of the educational goals of the Corporation or if the record is necessary in order for the school official to perform an administrative, supervisory or instructional task or to perform a service or benefit for the student or the student’s family.
Conduct Code
Dress and Grooming
Our school philosophy emphasizes that education is to help the individual develop his/her potential in an atmosphere of self-disciplined behavior. The basic dress code is intended to encourage students to “dress for success” and to come to school properly prepared to participate in the educational process. We will not interfere with the right of students and their parents to make decisions regarding their appearance, except when their choices:
- Present a hazard to the health or safety of the student or to others in the school;
- Interfere with school work, create disorder or disrupt the educational program;
- Cause excessive wear or damage to school property;
- Prevent the student from achieving his/her own educational objectives because of blocked vision or restricted movement.
In keeping with the above philosophy, and in order to reduce misunderstanding, inappropriate school wear includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- The maintenance of common decency and classroom order requires adequate coverage of the person. Clothes must be worn in a way such that genitals, buttocks, and chests are fully covered with opaque fabric.
- Students Must Wear:
- A shirt (with fabric in the front, back and on the sides under the arms extending to at least the navel
- Pants, jeans, skirt, dress or the equivalent (e.g. sweatpants, leggings or shorts)
- Shoes, sandals, or boots, and such additional items that maintain health and safety, including requirements for special classes such as laboratories and physical education.
- Students Cannot Wear:
- Clothing that reveals visible undergarments.
- Hats, caps, hoods, sunglasses and any head coverings or any item that obscures the face. Religious head coverings are permitted.
- Swimwear (except as required in class or athletic practice).
Students will not be permitted to wear clothing which advertises the use of alcohol, drugs, or other substances which, if used by a minor, would be illegal. Additionally, clothing will not be permitted which advertises, promotes, or, via innuendo or double meaning, suggests inappropriate ideas or behavior not conducive to a positive school climate or is disruptive to the educational functioning of the school. This includes promoting violence, gang affiliation, racially or sexually offensive messages or references.
Articles Prohibited in School and Classrooms
Students are not permitted to have book bags, coats, food, or beverages in the hallways or classrooms. However, water in water bottles is allowed. In classrooms where equipment may be damaged, a teacher may determine that water bottles are not allowed.
Discipline Policy
“The School Board acknowledges that conduct is closely related to learning and that an effective instructional program requires an orderly school environment, which is, in part, reflected in the behavior of students. The Board believes that the best discipline is self-imposed and students should learn to assume responsibility for their own behavior and the consequences of their actions. The Board shall require each student of this Corporation to adhere to the Code of Conduct promulgated by the administration and to submit to such disciplinary measures as are appropriately assigned for infraction of those rules.” (Policy 4600)
The basic purpose of discipline is to help all students benefit from the learning activities presented by the school. The school’s goal is for the student to effectively discipline himself/herself so as to reach his/her greatest potential. The first line of responsibility for discipline in the school rests with the classroom teacher. Teachers and/or teams may have rules for classroom conduct. After discussion and counseling between student and teacher the normal progression of disciplinary procedure referral is to the building administration office for determination of action or services needed relative to the student’s conduct. A student who has committed a disciplinary infraction will be afforded due process in proportion to the disciplinary action taken by school officials. Recognizing that the behavior of some students may be so disruptive that it interferes with school purposes or educational functions of the school corporation, school officials may find it necessary to remove a student from the school.
*The NCLB Act’s provision, at Title 20 of the United States Code, reads as follows:
Section 7165. Transfer of school disciplinary records
(b) Disciplinary records
In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. 1232g), not later than 2 years after January 8, 2002, each State receiving Federal funds under this chapter shall provide an assurance to the Secretary that the State has a procedure in place to facilitate the transfer of disciplinary records, with respect to a suspension or expulsion, by local educational agencies to any private or public elementary school or secondary school for any student who is enrolled or seeks, intends, or is instructed to enroll, on a full or part-time basis, in the school.
All of Carmel Clay School’s rules and regulations include, but are not limited to Indiana Code 20-33-8. Indiana Code 20-33-8 covers student discipline as enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana. A copy of this law is available upon request in the office of the Carmel Clay Middle School.
Suspension from School
A school principal (or designee) may suspend a student from school for a period of up to 10 school days.
In accordance with the due process procedures defined in this policy, a student may be expelled from school for a period no longer than the remainder of the current semester plus the following semester, with the exception of a violation of rule 14 listed under the grounds for Suspension and Expulsion in this policy.
Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion
In compliance with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001*, Carmel Clay Schools will place in a student’s academic record notification of the student’s suspension or expulsion from school. Grounds for suspension or expulsion are student misconduct or substantial disobedience.
Examples of student misconduct or substantial disobedience include, but are not limited to:
- Using violence, force, noise, coercion, threat, intimidation, fear, passive resistance, or other comparable conduct constituting an interference with school purposes, or urging other students to engage in such conduct. The following enumeration is only illustrative and not limited to the type of conduct prohibited by this subdivision:
- Occupying any school building, school grounds, or part thereof with intent to deprive others of its use.
- Blocking the entrance or exits of any school building or corridor or room therein with intent to deprive others of lawful access to or from, or use of the building, corridor, or room.
- Setting fire to or damaging any school building or property or possessing a lighter or matches or other such devices.
- Preventing or attempting to prevent by physical act or intimidation the convening or continued functioning of any school or education function, or of any meeting or assembly on school property.
- Continuously and intentionally making noise or acting in any manner so as to interfere seriously with the ability of any teacher or any of the other school personnel to conduct the education function under this supervision.
- Misusing distractive or hazardous items such as radios, CD players, curling irons, toys, etc.
- Causing or attempting to cause damage to school property, stealing or attempting to steal school property, or possessing stolen school property.
- Causing or attempting to cause damage to private property, stealing or attempting to steal private property, or possessing stolen private property.
- Intentionally causing or attempting to cause physical injury or intentionally behaving in such a way as could reasonably cause physical injury to any person or themselves. Self-defense or reasonable action undertaken on the reasonable belief that it was necessary to protect some other person does not, however, constitute a violation of this provision.
- Cheating and plagiarism; academic dishonesty occurs when a student engages in any behavior or uses any unauthorized device/program (including but not limited to cell phones, calculators, artificial intelligence (AI), and/or other electronic devices) which gives the student an unfair advantage or represents work that is not their own. Examples of these behaviors include, but are not limited to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, talking during assessments, using cheat sheets (paper or electronic), looking at or copying another student’s work, and/or relaying information to students in other classes about specific information covered in that class.
- Threatening or intimidating any student for the purpose of, or with the intent of, obtaining money or anything of value from the student or for the purpose of, or with the intent of, preventing the student from participating in school or school activities.
- Using any form of verbal, non-verbal, and/or physical contact. This includes but is not limited to derogatory language against another student referencing disability, ethnicity, gender, race, sexual orientaton, religion, and/or sexual harassment. Additional to school consequences, the incident may be reviewed the district Title IV or Title IX coordinator to determine if federal protections have been violated. Additional information can be found in the handbook under “non-discrimination and anti-harassment."
- Knowingly possessing, handling, or transmitting a knife or any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon.
- Knowingly possessing, using, transmitting, or being under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind. This includes the misuse or transfer of a prescription drug. For student safety, all medications must be delivered to the school by a parent or guardian and shall be kept and administered in the nurse’s office. Exceptions to this rule (where potentially life threatening situations may occur) must be cleared and documented through the nurse’s office.
- Engaging in the unlawful selling of a controlled substance, a substance represented to be a controlled substance or engaging in a criminal law violation that constitutes a danger to other students or constitutes an interference with school purposes or an educational function.
- Failing in a substantial number of instances to comply with directions of teachers or other school personnel during any period of time when the student is properly under their supervision, where the failure constitutes an interference with school purposes or an educational function.
- Engaging in any activity forbidden by the laws of Indiana that constitutes an interference with school purposes or an educational function.
- Violating or repeatedly violating any rules that are reasonably necessary in carrying out school purposes or an educational function and are validly adopted in accordance with Indiana law, including, but not limited to:
- engaging in sexual behavior on school property.
- disobedience of administrative authority including a directive to respond truthfully and completely when questioned about a school related matter.
- willful absence or tardiness of students.
- knowingly possessing, using, or transmitting any substance which is represented to be or looks like a narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, stimulant, depressant, or intoxicant of any kind.
- possessing, using, transmitting, or being under the influence of caffeine-based substances, substances containing phenylpropanolamine (PPA), or stimulants of any kind, be they available with or without a prescription.
- possessing or providing to any person, anything used or designated to be used primarily for the storage, processing, delivery, or consumption of alcohol, marijuana, stimulants, intoxicants, narcotics, depressants, inhalant, or hallucinogens.
- participating in or placing nuisance phone calls to staff as well as unauthorized or prank phone calls to police, fire, or 911 services.
- abusive and/or profane language, verbal or written.
- misuse of technology as outlined in the Carmel Clay Schools Network and Internet Responsible Use Guidelines.
- knowingly providing false information to school personnel.
- Knowingly possessing or using on school grounds during school hours an electronic paging device or a hand held portable telephone in a situation not related to a school purpose or educational function
- Students should refrain from physical and intimate behaviors on campus or at school events & activities. Students are expected to show good taste and conduct themselves respectfully at all times. Being overly affectionate in school (this includes holding hands, kissing, etc.) creates an environment that is not conducive to concentration and learning.
- Possession of a firearm.
- No student shall possess, handle or transmit any firearm on school property
- The following devices are considered to be a firearm as defined in Section 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code:
- any weapon which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive.
- the frame or receiver of any weapon described above.
- any firearm muffler or firearm silencer.
- any destructive device which is an explosive, incendiary, or poison gas bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four (4) ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter (1/4) ounce, mine, or any similar device or any combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into any destructive device described in the two immediately preceding examples, and from which a destructive device may be readily assembled.
- any weapon which will, or which may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant, and which has any barrel with a bore of more than one-half (½) inch in diameter.
- The penalty for possession of a firearm: ten (10) days suspension and expulsion from school for one calendar year. The length of the expulsion may be reduced by the superintendent if the circumstances warrant such reduction.
- The superintendent shall notify the county prosecuting attorney’s office when a student is expelled under this rule.
- Tobacco
- Possessing and/or using tobacco products by a student who is on school grounds, adjacent to school grounds, on school provided transportation, traveling to or from school or attending a school-sponsored event is not permitted. Any student under the age of twenty-one (21) who has violated the tobacco policy has also violated the state tobacco possession law. This information will be referred to law enforcement agencies and may result in the student receiving a citation for violating tobacco laws and having to appear in the Carmel City Night Court. If the court finds a violation of the law, the student will pay court costs and whatever fines the judge deems appropriate. For purposes of this policy, “use of tobacco” shall mean all uses of tobacco, including a cigar, cigarette, pipe, snuff, or any other matter or substance that contains tobacco, as well as electronic, “vapor,” or other substitute forms of cigarettes. The following penalties will be instituted for violation of the tobacco policy:
- Students found possessing or using tobacco products will be ticketed in each instance. In addition, students will face the following penalty:
- FIRST OFFENSE: Student will serve a one-day suspension.
- SECOND OFFENSE: Out-of-school suspension for three (3) days.
- THIRD OFFENSE: Out-of-school suspension for five (5) days.
- FOURTH OFFENSE: Request for expulsion for the remainder of the semester.
- ADDITIONAL OFFENSES: Request for expulsion for the remainder of the semester.
- Violations of this policy are cumulative during the student’s middle school years; however, they do not carry over to the high school. Violations of this policy occurring while the student is attending Carmel High School are also cumulative.
- Drug testing policy: Students who consume or ingest any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, drug, or intoxicant of any kind before or while attending school or a school function or event.
- The school may require a student to submit to a test for drugs if a student exhibits behaviors that lead school authorities to suspect the student consumed or ingested a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, drug or intoxicant of any kind. Behavior such as slurred speech, dilated pupils, unsteady walk, impaired coordination, etc. are behaviors that could lead authorities to suspect a student has consumed or ingested a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, drug, or intoxicant of any kind. Consumption or ingestion of such substances is grounds for suspension or expulsion from school. Further, the school may subject items in such student’s possession to test to determine if those items contain drugs or alcohol. If the school requires the student to submit to a test, the results will be given to the school administrators.
- Refusal to submit to a drug test will be considered an admission of having consumed or ingested a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, drug or intoxicant of any kind. This is a violation of school rules and will be dealt with according to the student disciplinary policy.
- Students who violate school rules and whose behavior causes a reasonable suspicion of drug use (including alcohol).
- Reasonable suspicion will be determined on an individual basis by a trained school administrator.
- The school will require a student to submit to a test for drugs if there is reasonable suspicion of drug use. The results of the drug test will be provided to the administration who will always share the results with the parent(s) within ten (10) working days.
- FIRST POSITIVE TEST: The results of the drug test will only be provided to the parent(s). The Student Assistance Coordinator will work with the parent(s) to provide approved referral sources for evaluation and treatment.
- SECOND POSITIVE TEST: The result of the test will be provided to both the parents and the principal (or designee). The Student Services Coordinator will work with the parent(s) to provide approved referral sources for evaluation and treatment.
- THIRD POSITIVE TEST: The parents will be required to pay for the drug test and the results of the test will be provided to both the parent(s) and the principal (or designee). The Student Services Coordinator will work with the parent(s) to provide approved referral sources for evaluation and treatment.
- Refusal to submit to a drug test when reasonable suspicion of drug use has been determined will be considered disobedience of administrative authority and will be dealt with as any other insubordinate act.
- Students who have not violated school rules but whose behavior causes a reasonable suspicion of drug use (including alcohol). Reasonable suspicion will be determined on an individual basis by a trained school administrator.
- The school may contact the parent and make available to them the opportunity to have their child drug tested. The results of the drug test will only be provided to the parent(s). The Student Assistance Coordinator will work with the parent(s) to provide approved referral sources for evaluation and treatment.
- Failing to report behavior of another person to a teacher or administrator when behavior by another person could result in harm to another person or persons or damage the property of another person or persons when the student has information about such behavior.
- The grounds for suspension or expulsion listed above apply when a student is:
- on school grounds immediately before, during, and immediately after school hours and at any other time when the school is being used by a school group;
- off school grounds at a school activity, function, or event, or
- traveling to or from school or a school activity, function, or event.
- engaging in unlawful activity on or off school grounds if the unlawful activity may reasonably be considered to be an interference with school purposes or an educational function, or the student’s removal is necessary to restore order or protect persons on school property. This includes any unlawful activity meeting the above criteria which takes place during weekends, holidays, other school breaks, and the summer period when a student may not be attending classes or other school functions.
- The throwing of snowballs on school property is grounds for suspension from school.
- The grounds for suspension or expulsion listed above apply when a student is:
Suspension Procedures
When a principal (or designee) determines that a student should be suspended, the following procedures will be followed:
- A meeting will be held prior to the suspension of any student. At this meeting the student will be entitled to:
- a written or oral statement of the charges;
- if the student denies the charges, a summary of the evidence against the student will be presented; and,
- the student will be provided an opportunity to explain his or her conduct.
- The meeting shall precede suspension of the student, except where the nature of the misconduct requires immediate removal. In such situations, the meeting will follow the suspension as soon as reasonably possible following the date of the suspension.
- Following the suspension, the parents or guardians of suspended students will be notified in writing. The notification will include the dates of the suspension, describe the student’s misconduct, and the action taken by the principal.
- Generally, and when feasible, the parent will receive a phone call from the school explaining the school’s concern about problems that the student is experiencing. Either by phone conference or a personal conference, the school will communicate those behaviors the student has exhibited that have violated school rules and may result in “in-school” suspension, or, due to disruption of the school environment, will result in an “out-of-school” suspension.
- If a student is suspended, be it in-school or out-of-school, they are prohibited from attending any school sponsored activities, including team practices and games.
- Occasionally, the school may schedule a parent conference where the school and the parent determine what arrangements can be made to solve the student’s behavior problems. If the parent does not attend the conference or fails to comply with the recommendations, a letter will be sent to the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office. The Prosecutor will then send a letter to the parents to see if such problems could be rectified before initiating possible juvenile proceedings. Consequences for not responding to this letter would be handled by the court and/or the Prosecutor’s Office.
- If a student’s discipline record or infraction indicates suspension, the following plan, cooperatively developed between Carmel Clay Schools and the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s office may be implemented. When student behavior problems warrant an “out-of- school” suspension, the parent will be called and the suspension period will begin the morning of the next school day when possible. The parent and/or guardian may be required to appear in Hamilton County Circuit Court. The Court will then sign an Order authorizing Hamilton Centers to accept the student on an “out-of-school” suspension. The parent/guardian will be instructed to deliver and pick up the student at the predetermined time each day of the suspension at an off-site location. THE STUDENT WILL BE EXPECTED TO OBTAIN ANY ASSIGNMENTS TO TAKE WITH HIM/HER TO THE SUSPENSION FACILITY. The school will work cooperatively with Hamilton Centers to provide necessary student work. A STUDENT WILL BE EXPECTED TO COMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS WHILE AT THE SUSPENSION FACILITY. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE SUSPENSION POLICY WILL BE HANDLED BY THE COURT OR PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE. Note: If a student has been suspended, pending expulsion, he or she is ineligible to attend Hamilton Centers.
Expulsion Procedures
When a principal (or designee) recommends to the superintendent (or designee) that a student be expelled from school, the following procedures will be followed:
- The superintendent (or designee) may conduct an expulsion meeting, or may appoint one of the following persons to conduct the expulsion meeting:
- legal counsel.
- a member of the administrative staff who did not expel the student and was not involved in the events giving rise to the expulsion.
- An expulsion will not take place until the student and the student’s parents are given notice of their right to appear at an expulsion meeting with the superintendent or a person designated above. Failure by a student or a student’s parent to request and appear at an expulsion meeting will be deemed a waiver of rights administratively to contest the expulsion.
- The notice of the right to appear at the expulsion meeting will be in writing, delivered by certified mail or by personal delivery, and contain the reasons for the expulsion and contain the procedure for requesting an expulsion meeting.
- At the expulsion meeting, the principal (or designee), will present evidence to support the charges against the student. The student or parent will have the opportunity to answer the charges against the student, and to present evidence to support the student’s position.
- If an expulsion meeting is held, the person conducting the expulsion meeting will make a written summary of the evidence heard at the meeting, take any action found to be appropriate, and give notice of the action taken to the student and the student’s parents.
Notification of Carmel Police Department
In order to assist all of us in providing better coordinated services for our youth, the Carmel Clay Schools entered into a memorandum of understanding between the Chief of the Carmel Police Department and the Superintendent of the Carmel Clay Schools to provide each other with information concerning students that attend Carmel Clay Schools and are involved in alleged acts of delinquency.
In January 1996, the following procedure was adopted and agreed to concerning the providing of information. In the suspension and/or expulsion of a juvenile involving allegation of delinquency which would be a crime if committed by an adult, the school official will advise the juvenile and his/her parents that the school will contact the Carmel Police Department concerning the suspension or expulsion of such juveniles. The school official will then submit this information to the designated Carmel Police Juvenile Officer. The school official will supply the Carmel Police Officer the following information, when applicable:
- The name, address, age and sex of the juvenile;
- The nature of the offense allegedly committed, including the time, location and property involved;
- The description of the method of apprehension;
- Any instruments of physical force used.
Group Intimidation/Threatening
Group intimidation/threatening is potentially dangerous and possibly explosive. In a group situation, each person is guilty of lending his or her influence to the group and will be responsible for what may have happened as a result of the actions of the group.
Student Harassment
Harassment of student(s) and/or staff members by other students or any member of the staff is contrary to the School Board’s commitment to provide a physically and psychologically safe environment in which to learn and may be a violation of Federal or State law. In addition to sexual harassment, which includes unwelcome sexual advances or any form of improper physical contact or sexual remark, harassment shall also include any speech or action that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive learning environment.
False Reporting Of Sexual Harassment Against A Staff Member
I.C.35-55-2-2 – A student who gives a false report that a member of the staff has sexually harassed a student, or who gives false information to an administrator who is investigating a charge that a staff member has sexually harassed a student, knowing that the report of information is false, will be considered to have engaged in student misconduct and will be subject to discipline, including suspension or expulsion.
We are fortunate to have a dedicated staff of custodians at Carmel Clay Middle Schools. These people work day and night to keep our building clean and attractive. Our building and its appearance serve as a source of pride for our students, staff, and community. While our custodians are charged with the daily maintenance of our building, all students and staff can assist their efforts by picking up trash and disposing of it properly when noticed. Your cooperation is most appreciated.
Deliveries & Messages for Students
The school will not accept or deliver messages to students EXCEPT IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY. The school believes that messages/deliveries are disruptive and should be handled before the beginning of the school day. Dropping forgotten items off for students is highly discouraged; however, items may be left in the front office. It is the responsibility of the student to pick up items brought in for them. This limits classroom interruption.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years of age or older (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. The rights are:
- The right to inspect and review the student's education records within forty-five (45) days after Carmel Clay Schools receives a written request;
- The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student will be so notified and provided the opportunity for a hearing. Additional information concerning the hearing will be provided when notified of the opportunity for a hearing;
- The right to provide written consent before the school discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent; and
- The right to file a complaint with the United States Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the school to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
FERPA permits the disclosure of education records, without consent of the parent or eligible student under certain circumstances. One of those circumstances is to other school officials, including teachers, within Carmel Clay Schools whom the school has determined to have legitimate educational interests. For purposes of FERPA, “school official” includes: teachers, professors, instructors, administrators, health staff, counselors, attorneys, clerical staff, trustees, school board members, members of committees and disciplinary boards, contractors, including online service providers, volunteers, or another party to whom the school has outsourced institutional services or functions.
Additionally, for purposes of FERPA, “legitimate educational interest” means direct or delegated responsibility for helping the student achieve one (1) or more of the educational goals of the Corporation or if the record is necessary in order for the school official to perform an administrative, supervisory or instructional task or to perform a service or benefit for the student or the student’s family.
Gang Policy
Prohibited Conduct
Carmel Clay Schools prohibits criminal gang or criminal organization activity and similar destructive or illegal group behavior on school property, or school buses, or at school-sponsored functions.
Carmel Clay Schools prohibits reprisal or retaliation against individuals who report criminal gang or criminal organization activity and similar destructive or illegal group behavior or who are victims, witnesses, bystanders, or others with reliable information about criminal gang or criminal organization activity and similar destructive or illegal group behavior.
Per IC 35-45-9-1,"Criminal gang/organization" means a formal or informal group with at least three (3) members that specifically either:
- Promotes, sponsors, or assists in; or participates in; or
- requires as a condition of membership or continued membership; the commission of a felony or an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult or the offense of battery (IC 35-42-2-1).
Organization or “Gang Activity” means a student who knowingly or intentionally actively participates in a criminal gang or organization, or knowingly or intentionally solicits, recruits, entices, or intimidates another individual to join a criminal gang or organization. A school employee shall report any incidents of suspected criminal organization activity, criminal organization intimidation, or criminal organization recruitment to the principal and the school safety specialist. The principal and the school safety specialist may take appropriate action to maintain a safe and secure school environment, including providing appropriate intervention services.
Health Services
Our health services are strictly limited to the administering of first aid. In case of illness, a student should report to his or her classroom teacher for a pass to the Nurse’s Office. It is not acceptable for students to make their own arrangements to go home due to illness or injury. The first time this happens, the proper procedure will be discussed. The second offense may result in an unexcused absence. Under no circumstances should a student leave the school grounds without official permission from the school nurse or administrative personnel. According to the health policies of Carmel Clay Schools, any student whose temperature is 100.4°F or above should be sent home from school. However, a student does not have to have a temperature of 100.4°F or above to go home. Any student with a fever should be kept at home until the temperature has been below 100.4°F for twenty-four (24) hours.
All medication to be given during school hours must have a written doctor’s statement or current prescription indicating that the medication is to be taken during school hours. The medication must be brought in the original container with the name of the student clearly marked.
To safeguard the transportation of medication to and from school, all medication both prescription and non-prescription must be brought into the health center by a parent or guardian. Students are not permitted to carry any medication or drugs. The one exception is that any student with a life-threatening medical condition may possess and self-administer medication on an emergency basis (i.e. inhaler, Epipen, etc.). An annual authorization must be on file in the Health Center with a written statement from the student’s physician and parent/guardian for the student to carry and self-administer the medication.
All medication shall be kept and administered in the Nurse’s Office. It shall be the student’s responsibility to come to the Nurse’s office to receive the medication at the designated time. If it becomes necessary to give a student medication that is not kept at school, a parent or legal guardian may come to the school and administer the medication in the Nurse’s Office. In case of a bee or wasp sting, Benadryl will be given according to weight guidelines if parent consent is on file. Also, the school nurse will administer analgesics (generic Tylenol or Advil) if a parent consent is on file.
A student who has an injury which makes normal passage to class difficult should report to the school nurse upon his or her return to school. A pass will be issued which gives extra time between classes and help with books if needed.
Parents who are going to be out of town should send a note to the nurse with information regarding who will be responsible for their children in the parents’ absence.
A statement of immunization history, verified by a physician and/or parent, will be required of all students enrolled in Carmel Clay Middle Schools. New students enrolling in a Carmel Clay Middle School will not be permitted to attend any classes until a complete record of the state-required immunizations (month, day, and year) is on file at the school.
Emergency Information
In order to facilitate reaching the parents of sick children, please remember to update emergency information on the CCS Powerschool Parent Portal with any change in home, work, and cell phone numbers. Please also supply names and phone numbers of friends and/or relatives who can be called if parents are not available. Parents who are going to be out of town should send a note to the school with information regarding who will be responsible for their children in the parents’ absence.
Head Lice
Parents have prime responsibility of assisting in the prevention and management of head lice cases through regular checks of their children’s hair and starting immediate treatment when head lice are detected. While head lice are a nuisance, they do not spread disease and are not a health issue. Should a case of head lice be brought to the school’s attention, the school nurse will maintain confidentiality at school, verify presence of an active infestation, and bring it to the attention of the student’s parent. Parents, students, and school staff will be educated about head lice identification, treatment and prevention. If at all possible, students should not be excluded from school for having head lice as the management of head lice should not disrupt the educational process of the child. The need to exclude students from school will be determined on a case by case basis. This policy is supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Association of School Nurses, and the Hamilton County Health Department.
Indiana law requires that students in all grades are required to meet the minimum immunization requirements. The immunization record must include the student’s name and date of birth, the vaccine given and date (month/day/year) of each immunization. Please visit the CCS School Nurse page for information on immunization requirements.
Indoor Air Quality
Carmel Clay Schools recognizes its responsibility relative to student, employee, and visitor health and safety, and the need for development of a comprehensive program designed to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment on Corporation property and at Corporation-sponsored activities. Carmel Clay Schools’ administrator designated to monitor, facilitate, and answer questions pertaining to these indoor environmental quality procedures is the Director of Facilities and Transportation at 317-815-3962.
Students may purchase insurance through the school, for school activities, or on a twenty-four (24) hour plan. This also includes athletics for middle school age students. The school system does not carry insurance of any type on students. Please visit our Student Accident Insurance page for more information.
Meningococcal Disease
Indiana law requires each year that parents/guardians be informed “about meningococcal disease and its vaccine” (IC 20-30-5-18). Meningococcal disease is a dangerous disease that can strike children and youth. The disease can progress rapidly and within hours of the first symptoms, may result in death or permanent disability including loss of hearing, brain damage, and limb amputations. Symptoms of meningococcal disease often resemble the flu and can include a fever, headache, nausea, and stiff neck, making the disease difficult to diagnose. The bacteria that causes meningococcal diseases are transmitted through air droplets and by direct contact with an infected person. Fortunately, there is an immunization available and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends routine meningococcal immunizations at 11 to 12 years old. For teenagers, immunization is recommended at high school entry and incoming college freshman. Please talk with your child’s health care provider about meningococcal disease and vaccination.
Carmel Clay Schools is committed to providing a safe environment. While pesticides protect children from pests that may be found in the school and its surrounding grounds, under some circumstances they may pose a hazard to children. Therefore, pest control practices may involve a variety of chemical and non-chemical methods that are designed to control pests effectively while minimizing potential pesticide exposure. For information regarding pest control, please contact the main office, and the name and phone number of a specific contact person will be provided. Carmel Clay Schools will provide notice of planned pesticide applications to parents who have requested advanced notice during the student registration process. Unless an emergency is declared, Carmel Clay Schools will give notice at least forty eight (48) hours prior to the date and time the pesticide application is to occur. The notice will include the date and time of the pesticide application, the general area where the pesticide is to be applied and the telephone number to contact for more information. In case of emergency pesticide applications, because of immediate threat to the public health, the school shall give written notice as soon as possible.
Every student is assigned a locker in which school materials, bags, and coats are to be kept. Combinations are changed on these lockers every summer. These lockers are provided for the student’s convenience, yet they remain the property of the school. They are not to be misused in any way, including attaching any signs (unless approved by the administration), tape, or marking on the outside or writing on the inside.
Indiana Code 20-33-8-32. Locker Searches
- A student who uses a locker that is the property of a school corporation is presumed to have no expectation of privacy in that locker or the locker’s contents.
- In accordance with the rules of the governing body, a principal (or his designee) may search a student’s locker and the locker’s contents at any time.
- A law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the geographic area having a school facility containing a student’s locker may, at the request of the school principal (or his designee) and in accordance with rules of the governing body of the school corporation, assist a school administrator in searching a student’s locker and the locker’s contents.
The school does not guarantee the safety of items kept in lockers. DO NOT BRING MONEY OR VALUABLES TO SCHOOL IF YOU INTEND TO KEEP THEM IN YOUR LOCKER. The school does not assume the responsibility for items presumed stolen or in any way missing from lockers. Keep your locker LOCKED and DO NOT share your combination with any other students. Report any difficulties in locker operation or needed repairs to the front office.
Search and Seizure Policy
The school recognizes that students maintain their rights of privacy while attending school and that those rights include the right to be free from unreasonable searches by school personnel. These rights will not be disturbed unless it is necessary to do so to enforce the law or school rules. In all circumstances, students shall be treated with dignity and respect. In order to clarify the rights of the students and responsibilities of the school, Carmel Clay Schools adopts the following policy:
- General Certified school personnel may search a student’s person, locker, or vehicle if there are reasonable grounds for that search. As used in this policy, reasonable grounds for search exist if the circumstances would cause a reasonable person to suspect that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is violating the law or the rules of the school.
- Search of Student’s Person: A search of a student’s person may occur only if reasonable grounds exist for the search. Generally, searches of a student’s person shall be limited to
- searching the pockets of the student;
- searching any object in the student’s possession such as a purse or backpack;
- a “pat down” of the student’s clothing.
- Search of Student Lockers: All lockers and other storage areas provided for students use on school premises remain the property of the school corporation and are provided for the use and convenience of the students. Under state law, students do not have any expectation of privacy in their locker or its contents. All locks used on lockers or storage areas are to be provided or approved by the school and unapproved locks may be removed and destroyed. The principal, or designee, may search a particular student’s locker and its contents if there are reasonable grounds for that search. If possible, the student whose locker is to be searched shall be present at the time of the search.
Posters must be approved by an Administrator or teacher prior to being displayed. Specific wall and locker areas have been designated as display areas for the middle school. Posters or displays are to be removed on the day following the advertised event or activity by the sponsoring group or person(s).
Lost & Found
Students are responsible for their school clothing, equipment, and supplies. Most students lose very little or nothing during the year, while a few students misplace many items. Students are asked not to bring to school articles of great value. Books from the media center should be returned to the media center. Wellness uniforms and equipment should be returned to the wellness department. Other articles which have been found (textbooks, electronic devices, miscellaneous items should be taken to the front office. You are encouraged to check for lost items in those areas.
Media Center & Maker Space
Carmel Clay Middle Schools have excellent media facilities that we urge all students to use. Books, periodicals, electronic databases, and several other sources of information are readily available for student use. Students use their school library cards to check out materials and use the online library catalog. Students are permitted to come to the Media Center during the day, provided they have a pass from their teacher. Students also frequently visit as a class or in small groups for both book check out and instructional research.
Network, Cellular Devices, and Internet Responsible Use Guidelines
Board Policy and Administrative Guidelines
Board Policy 7540 CCS Administrative Guidelines 7540
Personal Electronic Devices and Cell Phones
Possessing and/or using a wireless electronic device which is portable and is capable of providing voice, messaging, or other data communications between two or more persons and includes cellular phones, tablet computers, laptop computers, smartwatches, digital cameras, and/or gaming devices in a manner which constitutes an interference with a school purpose or educational function, an invasion of privacy, or an act of academic dishonesty, or is profane, indecent, or obscene is prohibited.
This rule is not violated when the student has a) been given permission from a teacher to use a wireless device for educational purposes during instructional time; b) to use a wireless device in an emergency or to manage the student’s health care; c) to use a wireless device as part of the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan.
In addition to being disciplined, students who use a wireless electronic device in a manner which violates this rule may have the device confiscated by school administration. An administrator will meet with the student and contact a parent. The parent can decide whether or not administration keeps the device until they can pick it up or if they prefer the device be given to the student at the end of the school day. If a parent cannot be reached, administration will give the device back to the student at the end of the day.
Students are expected to adhere to the following expectations:
- Phones and electronic devices are to be powered OFF and are not to be seen in the classroom without prior teacher permission. Earbuds are to be used only with teacher approval.
- Students may check their phone/electronic device during the passing period and at lunch.
- Headphones and earbuds are not to be used in the hallways.
- Students may use one earbud if using their device during lunch.
Digital Responsibility
Students should be aware that anything that is sent electronically including pictures and videos can easily be spread to a large number of their peers and/or posted on the Internet. Before students hit send, they should think about the following: “Is this something I really want to share? How would I feel if I was the one receiving this message? Who will see it? How would my loved ones feel about seeing the post/text/video/picture that I send?” The use of electronic communication inappropriately can cause a disruption to the learning environment which is a violation of school rules.
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
Parent Teacher Organization
You are cordially invited and urged to attend on behalf of your children, the programs offered this year by the Middle School Parent- Teacher Organization. Please consult the PTO publications, social media or feel free to call the school for more PTO information.
Fund Raising
The PTO, Athletic Department, Band and other approved school organizations may sell items or services during the school year for the purpose of augmenting the educational program of the school. Individual students or private organizations shall not sell items or services for personal or commercial gain.
Extra-curricular/Co-curricular Activities
Participation in all extracurricular activities is a privilege. The PTO will sponsor occasional events. Attendance at these events will be limited to students and their parents. All events are chaperoned by faculty members and parents and will have a definite start and end time. It is important that students make arrangements for transportation home soon after the close of any evening activity. The building should be empty within fifteen minutes after closing time. Faculty members cannot be expected to chaperone indefinitely while some students wait for a ride home.
School Safety
LEGAL REFERENCE: I.C. 20-33-8-0.2 I.C. 20-33-8-13.5
- Bullying committed by students toward other students is strictly prohibited. Engaging in bullying conduct described in this rule by use of data or computer software that is accessed through any computer, any computer system, or any computer network is also prohibited.
- For purposes of this rule, bullying is defined as overt, unwanted, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communications or images transmitted in any manner including electronically or digitally, physical acts committed, aggression, or any other similar behaviors that are committed by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the targeted student and create for the targeted student an objectively hostile school environment that:
- places the targeted student in reasonable fear of harm to the targeted student’s person or property;
- has a substantially detrimental effect on the targeted student’s physical or mental health;
- has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted student’s academic performance; or
- has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, and privileges provided by the school.
- This rule may be applied regardless of the physical location of the bullying behavior when a student commits bullying behavior and the targeted student attends a school within the school corporation and disciplinary action is reasonably necessary to avoid substantial interference with school discipline or prevent an unreasonable threat to the rights of other students to a safe and peaceful learning environment.
- Any student or parent who has knowledge of conduct in violation of this rule or any student who feels he/she has been bullied in violation of this rule should immediately report the conduct to the Student Services department (who shall actively be involved in any reports of bullying) and/or building level administration who has responsibility for all investigations of student misconduct including bullying. A student or parent may also report the conduct to a teacher, social worker, or counselor who will be responsible for notifying the school administrator or guidance staff. This report may be made anonymously.
- An administrator, social worker, or counselor shall investigate immediately all reports of bullying made pursuant to the provisions of this rule. Such investigation must include any action or appropriate responses that may be taken immediately to address the bullying conduct wherever it takes place. The parents of the bully and the targeted student(s) shall be notified on a regular, periodic basis of the progress and the findings of the investigation and of any remedial action that has been taken.
- An administrator will be responsible for working with the school social workers, counselors and other community resources to provide information and/or follow-up services to support the targeted student and to educate the student engaging in bullying behavior on the effects of bullying and the prevention of bullying. In addition, the school administrator and school counselors will be responsible for determining if the bullying behavior is a violation of law required to be reported to law enforcement under Indiana law based upon their reasonable belief. Such determination should be made as soon as possible and once this determination is made, the report should be made immediately to law enforcement.
- False reporting of bullying conduct as defined in this rule by a student shall be considered a violation of this rule and will result in any appropriate disciplinary action or sanctions if the investigation of the report finds it to be false.
- A violation of this rule prohibiting bullying may result in any appropriate disciplinary action or sanction, including suspension and/or expulsion.
- Failure by a school employee who has a responsibility to report bullying or investigate bullying or any other duty under this rule to carry out such responsibility or duty will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment with the school corporation.
- Counseling, corrective discipline, and/or referral to law enforcement will be used to change the behavior of the perpetrator. This includes appropriate intervention(s), restoration of a positive climate, and support for victims and others impacted by the bullying.
- Educational outreach and training will be provided to school personnel, parents, and students concerning the identification, prevention, and intervention in bullying.
- All schools in the corporation are encouraged to engage students, staff and parents in meaningful discussions about the negative aspects of bullying. The parent involvement may be through parent organizations already in place in each school.
- The superintendent or designee will be responsible for developing detailed administrative procedures consistent with the Indiana Department of Education guidelines for the implementation of the provisions of this rule.
Student Anti-hazing
Indiana Code 35-42-2-2, School Board Policy 4361
The School Board believes that hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational process and prohibits all such activities at any time in school facilities, on school property, and at any Corporation-sponsored event.
Hazing shall be defined for purposes of this policy as performing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to perform any act of initiation into any class, group, or organization that causes or creates a risk of causing mental, emotional, or physical harm. Permission, consent, or assumption of risk by an individual subjected to hazing shall not lessen the prohibitions contained in this policy.
Building Security
In order to provide a secure environment for students, staff, and visitors, certain procedures will be followed pertaining to building security.
Due to safety and security issues or liability and legal responsibility involved, casual visits by persons who are not either parents or guardians will not be allowed. In lieu of bringing visitors to school, students are always encouraged to invite or bring their siblings, other relatives, friends or out of town guests to extra-curricular events.
Parents/guardians who have completed a background check and have been invited to assist with curricular activities are always encouraged, but must check in at the main office upon arrival and wear a provided name badge while visiting in the building.
Visits for the purpose of possible enrollment will be considered if pre-arranged. If a potential student and his parents wish to view the school, tours can be arranged with the student services department with a 24-hour notice. Also, in general, the visit will be limited to a maximum of one school tour. Shadowing of a current student is not generally allowed.
Entering Carmel Clay Schools
All Carmel Clay Schools utilize a visitor check- in system to provide the best possible security for our students and staff. All visitors are required to scan their driver’s license or state identification card to enter the school. This increased level of security will allow the school to better track visitors and help increase the safety and security of our students and staff. As you enter the school, you will be required to scan your identification card and be issued a badge to wear. When you leave the school, you will scan and return that badge. As always, safety is a top priority at Carmel Clay Schools. Thank you for your continued support as we continuously work to improve our educational institutions.
Persons granted admittance to Carmel Clay Middle Schools will be limited to the following:
- Enrolled students and Parents/Guardians of enrolled students
- Carmel Clay Middle Schools’ staff members and volunteers
- Carmel Clay Schools staff members
- Guest speakers and others in an auxiliary educational role
- Certain guests for purposes of building tours
- Other persons cleared by building Administration
All of the above, except students, will wear appropriate identification badges or name tags. All non-staff members in the above categories must check in with the office before proceeding to their destinations within the building. Those persons in the building without identification badges or clearance will be escorted to the main office.
Student IDs
Students will be issued a school picture ID which will also serve as their library card, lunch card, and internet access card. This ID will also be used for admittance to some extra-curricular activities.
All visitors during the day must enter and exit the main entrance.
Siblings, other relatives, and friends
Relatives and friends of students other than parents and guardians will not be admitted to school past the administrative offices. Articles dropped off for students such as lunches, money, and books, must be left in the main office. Relatives, friends and others are always welcome at extracurricular activities.
Fire Drills
As required by state law, there will be fire drills periodically during the school year. When an alarm sounds, every student will leave the building in a quiet and orderly manner. Students will leave their classroom by the nearest clear exit. The alarm signal will be emergency horns sounding in the hall.
Severe Weather
In the event of severe weather, teachers, staff, and students will be notified by the public address system. All academic areas, library, gymnasiums, and cafeteria will be evacuated. Various areas throughout the building will be utilized for the protection of students. Instructions for all students and faculty are posted throughout the building. Students should sit on the floor with backs to the wall, knees drawn up under the chin, hands clasped across the back of the neck. If coats are readily available, they may be used as a drape across the shoulders and head. A tornado watch is a forecast of the possibility of one or more tornadoes in a large area. One might continue normal activities, but should “watch” for tornadoes. Tornado warning means a tornado has been spotted and may be approaching. Seek safe shelter.
Lockdown/Severe Weather Situations
Students will NOT be released to parents during an emergency school lockdown or during a severe weather situation. All students will be required to report and remain in their assigned locations until conditions are safe. These procedures have been established for the protection and safety of our students.
Emergency Closing
It may be necessary for the school to close or be delayed due to extreme weather conditions. Notification regarding weather-related closings, delays or early dismissals will be posted on the district and school websites, district social media page, and on local news stations. In addition, a School Messenger email, phone call and text message may be used to notify parents. Please be certain your family has established a plan for weather-related closings, delays or early dismissals.
Leaving The School Grounds
After arriving at school, the student is expected to remain in school the full day unless previous arrangements have been made in the attendance office. Students leaving the building during the day must have their parents, guardian or their designee come to the main office for the purpose of signing the student out. Students who are to leave school with a parent or guardian designee, including another student’s parents, must bring a note to the office advising of this permission being granted. It is not necessary for the parent to report to the office upon the return of the student to school. The student must report to the front office when returning. These policies are for the protection of the student. Students leaving school premises without permission will be considered truant and will not be readmitted until their parents have been contacted.
Student Records
Student Services
Counselors and School Social Workers work cooperatively with students on their shared caseloads. Although primary roles have been outlined below, involvement with students on an academic and social/emotional level will overlap.
Counselors work as a part of the educational program to support the academic achievement of all students as they prepare for the future. Focus is on the planning and implementation of programming in the areas of goal setting and decision making, academic planning, transition, and college and career readiness.
School Social Workers
School Social Workers work with students and families to provide social/emotional supports and links to community resources. Primary areas of focus include peer relationships and social skills, family changes, attendance, bullying and harassment, assistance to families, and outside referrals. Parents and students are welcome to contact either the counselor and/or student services coordinator with concerns at any time.
Access To Student Records
Right of Access
An adult or a parent of a student who (1) is under the age of eighteen (18) years of age, and (2) is currently enrolled in the school system, and for whom the schools maintain official school records, has a right to inspect and review such student’s “official” or “semi official” records or any specific part thereof.
Manner of Exercising Such Rights
Rights shall be exercised by presenting a written request (Form CCSR-2) to the building principal or his/her designee. The request shall specify the specific records which the parent wishes to inspect or examine. In the event the school cannot determine the exact record, as per parent’s request, the principal or the designated employee will contact the parents by letter or telephone to determine the desired scope of records to be examined and inspected.
Such inspection shall be made during reasonable business hours determined by mutual agreement between the school employee and the parent, and every effort should be made to conduct the inspection within forty-five (45) school days after submission of a bona fide written request. The building principal or his/her designee shall be present during any such inspection to assist in the interpretation of the records when they reasonably require a professional interpretation.
Records Involving More Than One Student
Where the records requested include information of more than one student in question, the parents shall either receive for examination that part of the record pertaining to their child, or where this cannot be reasonably done, is informed of the contents of that part pertaining to their child.
When Rights Transfer To The Student
Whenever a student has attained eighteen (18) years of age or is officially attending a post-secondary institution, the rights previously accorded to parents under this policy will terminate, and the rights of this act then totally and permanently transfer to the student.
Course Change (Drop/Add) Policies
Students must have the written consent of their parents to drop any course. Requests may be made on the middle school drop-add form available in Student Services, or via email to your child’s counselor. Courses chosen by students in state-required categories (i.e. Visual Arts) may not be dropped unless able to be replaced by a course that fulfills the category requirements. Prior to making a request to drop a Performing Arts course, we recommend contact be made with the teachers. Drops/adds in elective courses must be made prior to the beginning of a grading period and are subject to class size and availability. The school administration reserves the right to waive penalties and to make other exceptions to policies when deemed appropriate in an individual situation. The school administration reserves the right to, without parental consent, change the order or sequence of a student’s classes when necessary to adjust class size or for other administrative reasons.
Work Permits
Indiana law requires a work permit for employment of those people less than eighteen (18) years old. A verification of age (birth certificate, baptismal record, etc.) and a “State Intention to Employ” Form (#896), filled out by the employer, and are required to obtain the permit. Contact Carmel High School for information on work permits.
The bookstore is operated as a service to our students. All necessary school supplies are available in the bookstore. Prices there will be kept as low as possible. The bookstore will be open during lunch.
Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades
Those students who ride bicycles to school must keep them in the racks provided for them. Each student should make sure his/her bike is locked properly. Carmel Clay Middle Schools accept no responsibility for damaged or stolen bicycles. The privilege of riding a bike will be taken away from a student who interferes with car traffic or rides between school buses before or after school. Students should stay away from all motor traffic. No motorized vehicles of any type are to be operated on school property by licensed or unlicensed Carmel Clay Middle School students. The riding or use of skateboards or roller blades is prohibited on school property. It is against school policy and Carmel City ordinance.
Bus students will ride their assigned bus to and from school unless given permission from the administration to do otherwise. Students requesting permission to ride on a bus different than the one they have been assigned must bring a note from their parents, have it signed by an administrator, and then present the note to the bus driver. Students and parents should be aware, however, that if a bus is too crowded in the opinion of the driver, permission to ride a different bus will not be granted. Only the school administrators can give permission to change buses and this permission will always be contingent on safety in the view of the driver. Only parents can give permission to use private transportation.
The safety and welfare of all Carmel Clay students are matters of great concern to all of us. Riding the school bus is a privilege, and we hope you will help us assure a safe transportation program.
The following guidelines for bus safety will apply to both the regular and shuttle services:
- Obey the bus driver who is responsible for the safety of all passengers.
- Observe classroom conduct.
- Be courteous, use no profane language.
- Do not eat or drink on the bus.
- Keep the bus clean.
- Cooperate with the bus driver.
- All Carmel Clay School rules pertaining to alcohol, tobacco, other chemical substances, and paraphernalia are enforced.
- Do not damage the bus or equipment.
- Stay in your seat while the bus is in motion.
- Keep head, hands and feet inside the bus.
- Do not fight, push or shove.
- Do not tamper with bus equipment.
- Do not bring pets on the bus.
- Do not bring flammable material on the bus.
- The bus driver is authorized to assign seats.
- Be at the bus stop on time.
- No potentially dangerous tools or weapons such as knives are allowed on the bus.
- Both parents and students are responsible for conduct at the bus stop, from home to bus stop, and from the bus stop to home. Conduct which interferes with the safety of any or all passengers may result in the loss of the privilege of riding the bus. The drivers have been instructed to report incidents of misbehavior to the principal or assistant principals, and the parents by use of the Stopit App.