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Carmel Clay Schools offers middle school students an exemplary standards-based instruction focused on the four core areas: language arts, math, science and social studies. All students participate in world language, technology, and fitness while having the opportunity to take elective courses.

Honors, Special Education and English as a Second Language services are available to students. Counselors, Student Service Coordinators, and School Resource Officers are available to all students. 

Our state of the art facilities are equipped with computer labs, media centers and fitness centers. Outstanding teachers have been trained in research-based instructional methods, resulting in Carmel Clay students becoming lifelong learners.

5th Grade Presentation

Program of Studies


State Standards

Grading Scale

A 93%-100%
A- 90%-92%
B+ 87%-89%             
B 83%-86%             
B- 80%-82% 
C+ 77%-79%
C 73%-76%
C- 70%-72%
D+ 67%-69%
D 63%-66%
D- 60%-62%
F 0%-59%

Understanding Indiana GPS

According to the Indiana Department of Education, the mission of the Indiana Graduates Prepared to Succeed dashboard is "to empower Indiana’s educators, families, communities, and employers with a learner-centered, future-focused dashboard that displays how our students are building the necessary knowledge and skills—in all grades and in all schools."

The state requires the following information to be posted to each school's website. The complete GPS dashboard contains more school and student data. Indiana GPS is a new tool and is still being developed by the IDOE. Carmel Clay Schools is in the process of verifying the data to ensure accuracy.

While assessments provide valuable insights into students' academic progress, Carmel Clay Schools recognizes that they are not the sole determinants of current and future success. We believe in a holistic approach to education that considers diverse strengths, talents, and experiences, fostering well-rounded development for each student.