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U.S. Secretary of Education Names Carmel Clay Schools a 2023 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School District Sustainability Awardee
On April 20, the U.S. Department of Education announced that Carmel Clay Schools is among the 2023 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School District Sustainability Awardees. Across the country, only 26 schools, 11 districts, and four postsecondary institutions are being honored for their innovative efforts to reduce environmental impact and utility costs, improve health and wellness, and ensure effective sustainability education.
"Carmel Clay Schools is proud to be recognized in this manner," commented Emily Bauer, Director of Community Relations. "For more than 20 years, CCS has implemented energy-saving measures in each department that produce positive results for the environment and save money for taxpayers."
Carmel Clay Schools Strategic prioritizes the “expansion of environmentally friendly initiatives” from efficiency and refinement of daily operations, and continuous improvement in the design, construction and maintenance of all Carmel Clay Schools facilities.
On the building level, each of our schools has a thriving Green Team, a group of students, parents, and staff who have a passion for encouraging habits and initiatives that support and protect the Earth and promote an eco-friendly lifestyle.
Visit the U.S. Department of Education website to learn more about the Green Ribbon School Award.