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CHS Welcome Week!

Greyhound Students and Families,

I hope each of you have had time to enjoy a break and are looking forward to the start of the school year. The CHS staff has been working hard to prepare for the return of students. Our team would like to invite all students and parents to participate in Welcome Week! These events are a wonderful opportunity for everyone to get to know the building, learn more about what it’s like to be a Greyhound, and how we work together to help students succeed. As a reminder, our back-to-school event in the fall is virtual with video teacher introductions and information about courses. Please join us for one or more of the parent workshops or opportunities to explore CHS during Welcome Week!

I look forward to seeing everyone during Welcome Week to kick off the start of the 2023-2024 academic year. I am excited for transitioning students to join us at CHS and for those returning to continue their impact in a positive way. See you on campus and stop by to say hello as I am out and about in the hallways.

Go Hounds!
Dr. Tim Phares

Welcome Week Daily Schedule

Monday, July 31, 2023

♦ 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
9th and 12th Grade Registration @ Main Cafe

9th and 12th-grade students will receive a printed copy of their schedule, pose for their school picture, receive a school ID, update emergency contact information, obtain a parking permit, and get maps for classrooms and lockers.  For security and safety, students will not be permitted to wear hats or cover their faces when taking their identification pictures.


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

8:00 am - 7:00 pm
10th and 11th Grade Registration @ Main Cafe

10th and 11th-grade students will receive a printed copy of their schedule, pose for their school picture, receive a school ID, update emergency contact information, obtain a parking permit and get maps for classroom and locker locations.  For security and safety, students will not be permitted to wear hats or cover their faces when taking their identification pictures.

9:00 am - 1:00 pm
College Application & Essay Help @ College Career Resource Center (Main Hall)

Get answers to application questions and/or have your essay reviewed by College & Career Resource Center (CCRC) staff. Interested seniors can sign up for one 60-minute small-group session on August 1st (9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.) OR August 2nd (9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.) from their Naviance Student account, in the College Visits section. Space is limited for these summer help sessions, but please know the CCRC staff will continue to offer help sessions throughout the fall semester during SSRT.  You can access your Naviance Student account by logging into the CCS Student Portal (using your usual CCS login information) and clicking on the Naviance icon.

10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Student Workshops @ Media Center Classrooms

(Sessions repeat every hour so join for one or two.)

1) AP Survival Skills - Our excellent AP Teacher and Trainer, Mrs. Allison Malloy, will be providing students strategies and tools for success in an AP classroom. This workshop is suitable for any new or veteran AP student.

2) Tips and Tricks for Doing Well in School - 9th & 10th Grade Students - Join two CHS teachers who will provide underclass students with strategies and tools for a successful school year, including note-taking, test-taking, and studying. 

3) Tips and Tricks for Doing Well in School - 11th & 12th Grade Students - Join two CHS teachers who will provide upperclass students with strategies and tools for a successful school year, including note-taking, test-taking, and studying.


5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Parent Workshops @ Media Center Classrooms

(Sessions rotate so you can join one or both.)

1) Drugs Trends: What parents need to know about vapes, edibles, and pills to keep your kids safe. - Our SROs will provide parents with awareness of current Carmel High School, local and national drug trends.  Parents will have the opportunity to meet and speak with our CHS SROs. 

2) The Ever-Changing World of Social Media -  how do I keep up and keep my kid safe? - Social media and the internet have made our world better and more challenging all at the same time, especially true for high school students.  If you would like to know more information about and strategies for keeping your students safe on social media and the internet, please join our SROs for this informative presentation.


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

8:00 am - 7:00 pm
9-12th Grade Registration @ Main Cafe

9-12th grade students will receive a printed copy of their schedule, pose for their school picture, receive a school ID, update emergency contact information, obtain a parking permit and get maps for classroom and locker locations.  For security and safety, students will not be permitted to wear hats or cover their faces when taking their identification pictures.

9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Greyhound Kickoff @ Freshman Center Cafe

Freshmen, welcome to Carmel High School! Don’t miss this one-day orientation for incoming Freshmen led by CHS student-mentors and teachers! You will meet other incoming freshmen, learn about available activities at CHS, and make new friends! You can find your classes, open your locker, and discover other helpful tips for a smooth transition to CHS. This event does require registration, including a $25.00 fee covering a T-shirt, lunch, an outstanding program, and future activities for the Class of 2027. Use this link to register by July 22, 2023!

9:00 am - 1:00 pm
College Application & Essay Help @ College Career Resource Center (Main Hall)

Get answers to application questions and/or have your essay reviewed by College & Career Resource Center (CCRC) staff. Interested seniors can sign up for one 60-minute small-group session on August 1st (9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.) OR August 2nd (9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.) from their Naviance Student account, in the College Visits section. Space is limited for these summer help sessions, but please know the CCRC staff will continue to offer help sessions throughout the fall semester during SSRT.  You can access your Naviance Student account by logging into the CCS Student Portal (using your usual CCS login information) and clicking on the Naviance icon.


Thursday, August 3, 2023

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
9-12th Grade Registration @ Main Cafe

9-12th grade students will receive a printed copy of their schedule, pose for their school picture, receive a school ID, update emergency contact information, obtain a parking permit and get maps for classroom and locker locations.  For security and safety, students will not be permitted to wear hats or cover their faces when taking their identification pictures.

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Greyhound Connections @ Media Center Commons

Are you a 10th, 11th, or 12th-grade student new to CHS?  If so, welcome!  While you can connect with other new students and hear from current CHS students on all that CHS has to offer, new parents can join in to learn more about CHS and how best to help facilitate a smooth transition.