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Cognitive Coaching Training


Coaching Staff
Coaching 2

Select CCS administration, instructional coaches, social workers, counselors, and psychologists recently completed an eight-day Cognitive Coaching Seminar. Two district-level staff members are currently finalizing their certification to be Agency Trainers, allowing Carmel Clay Schools to continue onboarding new staff members to this research-based model every school year. 

Cognitive Coaching

According to the Cognitive Coaching materials, “The mission of Cognitive Coaching is to produce self-directed persons with the cognitive capacity for excellence both independently and as members of a community.” 

Whether communicating with students or teachers, school leaders need to be able to listen, understand and support the needs of our community. Participants in the seminar learn how to develop trust and belonging, increase coaching effectiveness, and mediate complex problems. The seminar included role-playing, text and workbooks, and group collaboration.    

Carmel Clay Schools’ staff is constantly learning and getting better. Training and professional development can mean long days followed by catching up on other duties.