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Skills for Success in Action

Skills for Success are the identified tools and developmental tasks required for continued advancement in academics and in life. By defining the eight Skills for Success, we provide consistency and a shared vocabulary for teachers, staff, and families to reference when supporting students. Skills for Success is not curriculum. Skills for Success lessons are typically embedded in daily learning, primarily recognized when celebrating a win or identifying an opportunity for growth.

Carmel Clay Schools also provides age-appropriate lessons in the classroom that equip students with the tools needed to be successful in school. Carmel Elementary third graders recently participated in a brief activity to help recognize their feelings using age-appropriate color-coded ranges. The students, led by Mrs. Cox, then identified tips and strategies they could use when moving away from the ‘green zone’ so they could return to a healthy and productive state to continue to learn.

The student’s classroom teacher, Mrs. Trammell, also participated in the activity to identify the tools she uses to manage her feelings. By working together and using the same language, the class gained a collective understanding that while big emotions are okay, they also possess the tools needed to calm and regulate their feelings so they can continue the day. 

The Carmel Clay Schools’ eight Skills for Success:

  • Self-Initiative
  • Growth Mindset
  • Connection
  • Regulation
  • Problem-Solving
  • Insight
  • Perseverance
  • Collaboration

To learn more, please visit the Skills for Success website