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Traffic Patterns

CWE Traffic Patterns


Morning Carpool


  • Students may be dropped off at Door 1 starting at 7:15 a.m.

  • Drop off is a single file line along the curb.

  • Please pull your vehicle forward to the front of the line or directly behind the next vehicle.

  • Students should be ready to exit the car when the vehicle comes to a stop. Please say goodbye as you are pulling up so the exit process is speedy.

  • Students must exit from the passenger side of the vehicle.

  • Students should only be released from their vehicle within the “drop off area,” which is clearly marked by two large orange traffic cones.    

  • Parents should remain in their vehicle.

  • Please do not pass or go around cars unless instructed to do so by staff.  We must remain in a single file line for student safety.

  • Students arriving after 7:45 a.m. are considered tardy, and parents should park in the front parking lot and walk students into the main office.

  • Please remember the line backs up the closer we get to 7:40 (arrival bell).  Carpool begins at 7:15; we appreciate those who come earlier than later so it isn't a stressful start for your children. 

afternoon Carpool


  • Parents may start to arrive for dismissal at 2:15 p.m. in the front parking lot.  Cars should be turned off while sitting in line. 

  • Please form a single carpool line along the curb.

  • Display your carpool sign indicating your child’s first and last name.

  • Your child will be directed to your car by staff. 

  • Please do not pass or go around cars unless directed to do so by staff. 

  • Drivers should put their vehicles in the park position when students are loading into vehicles.

  • On inclement weather days we use an alternate carpool dismissal procedure.  Students will be kept inside until their car is in the loading zone.