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Digital Citizenship

Common Sense Media Certification Banner


College Wood Elementary strives to foster a safe, organized, educationally beneficial environment, both offline and online, to provide a structure for students where skills can be developed to become motivated, self-reliant, productive citizens.  All members of College Wood Elementary will be good digital citizens by being safe, responsible, and respectful with their technology. Teachers and staff will model and provide instruction for students regularly about using technology safely and effectively in the classroom and personally.  Staff members will teach deliberate lessons on the safe use of technology but additionally strive to make it a part of their classroom culture. By doing so, students and staff of College Wood Elementary will protect information, treat others kindly, and credit their sources. College Wood administrators, teachers, and students know the importance of technology as a tool in the 21st Century educational landscape when technology is used safely and appropriately.

Common Sense Media Certified School

Common Sense Schools are committed to deep implementation of the Common Sense Digital Citizenship Curriculum.  Earning the Common Sense School badge is a symbol of our school’s dedication to helping students think critically and use technology responsibly to learn, create, and participate.

College Wood aspires to become a Common Sense Certified School to implement Carmel Clay Schools district wide digital citizenship goals.  This certification will contribute to a positive school culture where our entire community is invested in helping students thrive as digital learners and citizens.  The Common Sense badge allows all stakeholders to affirm their commitment to schoolwide implementation of these goals and ideals.

Common Sense Media is a resource for both parents and teachers as they seek to create a community where students have the opportunity to develop strong digital citizenship skills.

Common Sense Media

Common Sense Media Reviews

Common Sense Media Family Agreement

Common Sense Media Family Tips

Common Sense on Digital Life Infographic

Online Security Family Tip Sheet


Online Security Family Tip Sheet infographic