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Achieve Initiative

JA CareerIgnite 
October 16 & 17, 2024
Carmel High School

Interested businesses can register HERE to attend the Carmel High School JA CareerIgnite event. This is an opportunity to network with approximately 2,000 students in grades 9-12 sharing information about your industry, company, jobs in demand and skills needed for the future workforce. 

Please contact foundation@ccs.k12.in.us, sally@jaindy.org or josh.back@jaindy.org with any questions. 

REgistered companies for 2024

JA CareerIgnite is one of three Junior Achievement capstone programs offered to Carmel Clay Students. 

JACareerIgnite Logo

The JA CareerIgnite Fair engages 2,000+ Carmel High School students to explore their post-secondary options for education, employment, enlistment, and entrepreneurship through interactions from community businesses and representatives. 

Check out these pictures at JaCI 2024-2025!

JACI booth with students

Photo: Clark Dietz

Girl and man with VR









                                 Photo: Orbis Education 

THANK YOU to the companies that participated in past JA CareerIgnite events at Carmel High School!! 

2023 company particIpants