JA CareerIgnite
October 16 & 17, 2024
Carmel High School
Interested businesses can register HERE to attend the Carmel High School JA CareerIgnite event. This is an opportunity to network with approximately 2,000 students in grades 9-12 sharing information about your industry, company, jobs in demand and skills needed for the future workforce.
Please contact foundation@ccs.k12.in.us, sally@jaindy.org or josh.back@jaindy.org with any questions.
REgistered companies for 2024
JA CareerIgnite is one of three Junior Achievement capstone programs offered to Carmel Clay Students.
The JA CareerIgnite Fair engages 2,000+ Carmel High School students to explore their post-secondary options for education, employment, enlistment, and entrepreneurship through interactions from community businesses and representatives.
Photo: Clark Dietz
Photo: Orbis Education