Great Idea Mini Grant Logo


Spring 2024 Grant Awards

Carmel Education Foundation is pleased to announce the award of 23 educator grants this spring!

Projects are focused on student learning resources, wellness, and skills for success. These projects are meant to engage new and experienced readers using a wide range of materials, promoting real life learning experiences. These grants will focus on building life skills, classroom connections...and so much more!


Click on the link below to view a list of grant recipients,

their Great Idea with description, and the school where students will benefit. 

CEf spring 2024 grants 

The CEF board of directors is committed to providing grants to benefit CCS students and teachers.

The grant committee, comprised of CEF board and community members are thrilled to award these grants as a resource to support our students through creative classroom projects and innovative instruction.

CEF Great Idea! Grants are funded through the generosity of Carmel community members who donate to the Foundation.

Picture below is from the Fall 2023 Grant Reception

Fall Grant Recipients, 2023