Student Handbook
Mohawk Trails Elementary Policies
Biking & Walking Policy
To ensure the safety of our students, the following information will give the basic rules and requirements that must be followed in order to walk to school. Walking to school is a wonderful way to get some activity, but it also comes with much responsibility.
In order for a student to walk to school, a form must be signed by both the student who will be walking and the parent. Please click the button below to access the permit form. Print the form and fill it out.
Walking Rules and Procedures
- Walkers must remain on the path and sidewalk at all times. Students may not cut through the parking lot.
- Walkers will meet outside of door 1. They will be let into the building at 7:35 a.m. If students arrive early, they will not be allowed into the building.
- If a walker is late, he or she must check in at the office.
- Parents and students should identify the safest route for the student to walk through the neighborhood to school and home.
- In case of inclement weather, please have an alternate plan in place. Please be sure to make any changes through School Dismissal Manager. Remember, all changes need to be made by 1:00 pm. If no change is made, the student will continue to walk home.
- All walkers will be escorted to Door 1 in the afternoon. They can be picked up by their parent at Door 1 or walk with the crossing guard to the crosswalk at 126th street if they have a permission slip.
Mohawk Trails has installed a bike rack on the East side of the building. In order for a child to be allowed to use this amenity a few basic guidelines will need to be followed.
- A permission statement must be signed by both the student who will be riding the bike and a parent or guardian of that child. This permission form will give the basic rules that must be followed in order to receive a Mohawk Trails Bike Permit. Once this form has been returned to the office, the student may begin riding their bike to school.
- Bikes MUST be walked at ALL times on school property.
- There will not be more than one warning given before a Mohawk Trails permit is revoked for a period of time.
- Any damage or loss of property due to using this bike rack is NOT responsibility of Mohawk Trails.
- Bikes should always be locked.
- Bike issues are NOT acceptable reasons for being tardy to class.
- If a student cannot make enough time to walk their bike to the rack, lock it up, and make it to class by 7:55 a.m., they should not be riding to school.
- Safe bike procedures should be reviewed by parents when allowing students to ride to school.
- Recognizing stop signs, crosswalks and other children who are still utilizing the sidewalks for coming to school on foot should be respected at ALL times.
- Students should wear a helmet when riding their bike.
- The right to revoke bike privileges will always be at the discretion of our Mohawk Trails staff. We want for this to be a healthy alternative to walking or carpooling. Please help us to make this privilege a great addition to the daily routine of our Mohawk Trails students. Also, please make sure families have discussed plans for inclement weather! We will need to know what to do with students who are bike riders during storms, etc.
Elementary Student Handbook
- Absence and Tardy Reporting
- Attendance Policy
- Birthdays and Celebrations
- Cafeteria
- Code of Conduct
- Communication
- Delivery of Items
- Dismissal Procedures
- Emergency Preparedness
- Extended School Enrichment
- Facilities
- Field Trips
- Health Information
- Lost and Found
- Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
- School Hours
- Student Records
- Support Programs
- Technology
- Transportation
- Travel and Vacation Guidelines
- Visitors and Volunteers
- Withdrawal or Transfer of Students
Absence and Tardy Reporting
Late Arrival/Single Day Absence
- The office staff is charged with accounting for each student first thing every morning. If the reporting policy below is not followed and parents can not be reached, emergency contacts will be called, the assigned bus must be double-checked, and a school administrator or School Resource Officer may be called upon to visit the home - all in efforts to ensure the safety of the student.
- Late arrivals and single-day absences should be reported to the office via School Dismissal Manager. You may choose to email the teacher, as well, as a courtesy.
Planned Absence - 2 Or More Days
- Regular school attendance is basic to the successful education of your child and absence for any reason detracts from their learning experience. We ask that all parents support the importance of school attendance by scheduling family vacations/trips to coincide with scheduled school closings. The school board requests that students not leave for vacation before school is dismissed and that they return on the date school resumes.
- Please note that Canvas and other instructional materials are often inaccessible outside of the continental United States due to international internet safety protocols. Students who have a planned absence of 10 or more consecutive school days will be removed from the CCS system. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the school office when their student will be returning to class in person. The student will remain unenrolled until the parent/guardian has shared an accurate return date. Any work or tests that occur during this period will not be made up and grades will not be recorded. Teachers plan their lessons in accordance with the school calendar and are not obligated to provide schoolwork in advance of an absence.
- ALL planned absences of two or more consecutive days should be reported at least two weeks in advance by submitting a Pre-Arranged Absence Notification form. Submissions may be made online or by paper form.
Early Dismissal
- Please utilize School Dismissal Manager to report early dismissals.
- If you are picking your student up before the end of the school day simply park in the lot, report to the office with your identification, and your student will be called out of class to be dismissed. Early dismissals between 2:10 pm and 2:25 pm are highly discouraged as they interfere with end-of-day processes in the classrooms.
- Students may not be dismissed from class before a parent or other authorized adult has arrived in the office.
Attendance Policy
General Policies
Procedure For Reporting Absences/Late Arrivals
Late arrivals and single-day absences should be reported to the office by via School Dismissal Manager. You may choose to email the teacher, as well, as a courtesy. Planned absences of two or more consecutive days should be reported at least two weeks in advance by submitting a Pre-Arranged Absence Form.
In the event we are not notified of a child’s absence, we will attempt to contact parents and emergency contacts to verify whereabouts and ensure the safety of the student. Administration or a School Resource Officer will make a home visit if we are unable to reach parents or emergency contacts.
Student Tardiness
Students who have not reported to their classroom by the tardy bell are considered tardy. Parents must accompany tardy students to the office to check in to school before students report to class. Habitual tardiness has a negative impact on the beginning of the day for your child as well as their classmates. Every effort should be made to assist children in learning the responsibility of reporting to the classroom on time each day.
Attendance And Extracurricular Activities
Students must be in attendance at school by 11:30 a.m. to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities that day, or by 11:30 a.m. on Friday to be eligible for Saturday participation. Exceptions to this policy include any absence that is pre-arranged or an absence due to a school-related function.
Vacation And Homework Regulations
We ask that all parents support the importance of school attendance by scheduling family vacations to coincide with school vacations. In the event that this cannot be done and students must miss days of school, the following rules are in effect:
- Students absent because of illness may request that schoolwork assignments be sent home.
- Homework will not be given in advance of vacations that occur on regular school days.
- Students will be given the same number of days absent to complete and turn in all outstanding work – after their return to school.
Parents Out Of Town
Parents who are going to be out of town should email the school attendance administrative assistant and teacher with the name(s) and contact number(s) of adults who will be caring for the student during the specified period of time. Caregivers should be made aware of the Attendance Reporting Policy in the event the child is absent from school for any reason during the parents' time away.
Project ACES
Please refer to the Project ACES Guidelines on the CCS website
When a student refuses to attend for 4 days, a truancy petition may be filed. Per Indiana Code 20-33-2.5, when a student misses 5 unexcused days of school within a ten-week period the school will provide written notification to the parent/guardian that the student is violating school policy, that the parent is responsible for monitoring school attendance in compliance with compulsory school attendance laws and that the parent is required to attend a meeting. If the student continues to have unexcused absences, the school is required to report the student to the Juvenile Court.
Per Indiana Code 20-33-2.5, the parent, student, school representative, and teacher must schedule a conference to discuss the student's attendance at school. In some cases, the School Resource Officer will attend the meeting. The meeting will attempt to discern what the issues are for the student missing school and devise a plan to assist the student in improving their attendance.
The school shall establish an attendance plan that may include
Wraparound services to ensure school attendance for the student.
A description of the behavior required and/or prohibited for the student.
The effective time period for the plan, but not to exceed 45 instructional days.
Disciplinary actions the school will take if the student does not comply with the plan.
A referral to counseling, mentoring or other services for the student as appropriate.
Whether the parent is required or expected to attend the services assigned to the student.
The signature of the student and the parent agreeing to the plan.
Documentation of the meeting must be kept in the student file.
Indiana Code mandates that when a student misses 10 unexcused days of school, the student and parent must be referred to the local prosecutor’s office. Therefore, school administration will submit an ACES Referral Form to the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office. The Prosecutor’s Office will then contact the parents to determine possible consequences, including court action for truancy or educational neglect.
Absences not included in the ACES Program include:
- Religious Holidays
- Death in the immediate family
- Court Appearances, Jury Duty
- Serving as a page for the State Legislature
- College Visitation - High School
- Driver License Examination - High School
- Immigration, passports
- Medical, with doctor's note
Birthdays and Celebrations
Snacks or treats may not be shared with classmates in accordance with the district's wellness initiative and to protect students with food allergies. This applies not only to birthday celebrations, but to other types of celebrations throughout the school year, as well.
Flowers, balloons, candy or gifts of any other kind may not be delivered to students at school.
To prevent distraction in the classroom, hurt feelings and feelings of exclusion, students may not distribute party invitations at school. Teachers and staff members are not permitted to provide email addresses for the distribution of electronic invitations.
Food Allergies
The Carmel Clay Food Service Department works closely with our Registered School Nurses to provide excellent care for all students with allergies, special diets, and intolerances. Students with food allergies will have those items omitted from their lunch tray only when the Food Service Department has a physician statement on file indicating the items to be omitted. This statement must be signed by a recognized medical authority. These statements must be updated each school year. We will try to substitute another food item only if the medical statement indicates what foods are appropriate substitutions.
Any diet based on religious or lifestyle preferences is not considered a “special diet” since they are not based on a medical condition. Carmel Clay Schools recognizes there are students in attendance with various lifestyles and religious beliefs. However, Carmel Clay Schools does not provide menu items or monitor students based solely on lifestyle or religious beliefs. In order to help students and families make choices that are appropriate for them, each school menu identifies which food items contain pork and offer at least one daily vegetarian option.
Meal Payment
Carmel Clay Schools use a computerized method of collecting funds, tracking meals, and ala carte items in the school cafeteria. Student meal transactions are recorded using their student identification number or school photo.
The USDA school lunch and breakfast program is offered to all students. School lunches consist of an entrée, 1-2 servings of vegetables, 1 serving of fruit, and an 8oz milk. Limited ala carte items are also available for an additional cost.
Parents are highly encouraged to create an EZSchoolPay account to deposit funds into their child’s meal account (, however, checks made payable to Carmel Clay Food Services and cash are also permitted. If paying by check, please include your child’s name on the memo line of the check. The cost of lunch is $2.60, breakfast is $1.50, and milk sold individually is $0.60.
It is the parent’s responsibility to see that their child has a lunch brought from home or has money in their account. If they do not have money in their meal account, students are permitted to charge breakfast and lunch meals, however, parents are responsible for all negative balances accrued until their account is paid in full. Carmel Clay Schools will reach out to the household regarding any negative balance.
Students may also bring a packed meal from home to be eaten in the cafeteria. Restaurant carry-in meals and food delivered from outside sources are not permitted in the cafeteria during lunch. The cafeteria is supervised by school staff and rules are expected to be followed.
Students who have a food allergy, medical need, disability or impairment that restricts their diet will be eligible to receive a meal modification if the regularly planned menu cannot meet their needs.
If you have any questions concerning your child’s meal account (setting limits, restrictions, allergies), please contact the school’s cafeteria manager. You can also review transaction history in your child’s EZSchoolPay account.
Please refer to the district food service website for prepayment information, menus, allergy information, and to obtain the link to the online free and reduced-price meal application.
Expected Behavior
- When in line, students may talk quietly and are to keep hands to themselves.
- Students are not allowed to save places at the tables or in line.
- There is to be no throwing or playing with food or silverware.
- Students are not to leave their table until excused.
- When students need assistance, they are to raise their hand.
- Students may talk in a quiet voice, but keep it to those at their table.
- Students are not allowed to share/trade food.
Students may also bring a packed meal from home to be eaten in the cafeteria. The cafeteria is supervised by school staff and rules are expected to be followed. When finished eating, students are asked to follow school procedures for discarding all food, paper, and milk cartons and placing the recyclable plastic items and beverage cans in the proper containers for recycling.
Lunch Visitors
For the safety and proper supervision of our students, please understand that visiting with your child while at lunch is not allowed.
Breakfast is served every morning on regularly scheduled school days. Parents may drop students off in the carpool area, or students will be dismissed off the buses as they arrive. Breakfast is $1.50. If you qualify for food assistance, there is no cost for breakfast. The cost of breakfast will be automatically dedicated from a student's meal account.
Code of Conduct
Administrator Discretion
In instances where the teacher or other school personnel have used the general discipline guidelines to promote discipline in the school setting without success, the problem will be referred to the principal/assistant principal. The principals have the authority and responsibility to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning through a fair and consistent application of district policies and procedures. When a problem occurs, the principal/assistant principal will:
- Identify the problem (student view and teacher view).
- Consider disciplinary action
- When disciplinary action is necessary, the principal may:
- Conference with the student
- Refer the problem back to the teacher
- Conference with the parent (and/or student)
- Take other appropriate disciplinary action
Search and Seizure Policy
The school recognizes that students maintain their rights of privacy while attending school and that those rights include the right to be free from unreasonable searches by school personnel. These rights will not be disturbed unless it is necessary to do so to enforce the law or school rules. In all circumstances, students shall be treated with dignity and respect. In order to clarify the rights of the students and responsibilities of the school, CCS adopts the following policy:
- Search of Student’s Person: A search of a student’s person may occur only if reasonable grounds exist for the search. Generally, searches of a student’s person shall be limited to (1) searching the pockets of the student; (2) searching any object in the student’s possession such as a purse or backpack; or (3) a “pat down” of the student’s clothing.
- Search of Student Lockers: All lockers and other storage areas provided for students use on school premises remain the property of the school corporation and are provided for the use and convenience of the students. Under state law, students do not have any expectation of privacy in their locker or its contents. All locks used on lockers or storage areas are to be provided or approved by the school and unapproved locks may be removed and destroyed. The principal, or designee, may search a particular student’s locker and its contents if there are reasonable grounds for that search. If possible, the student whose locker is to be searched shall be present at the time of the search.
Anti-Gang Policy
Carmel Clay Schools prohibits criminal gang or criminal organization activity and similar destructive or illegal group behavior on school property, or school buses, or at school-sponsored functions.
Carmel Clay Schools prohibits reprisal or retaliation against individuals who report criminal gang or criminal organization activity and similar destructive or illegal group behavior or who are victims, witnesses, bystanders, or others with reliable information about criminal gang or criminal organization activity and similar destructive or illegal group behavior.
The School Board believes that hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational process and prohibits all such activities at any time in school facilities, on school property, and at any Corporation-sponsored event.
Hazing shall be defined for purposes of this policy as performing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to perform any act of initiation into any class, group, or organization that causes or creates a risk of causing mental, emotional, or physical harm. Permission, consent, or assumption of risk by an individual subjected to hazing shall not lessen the prohibitions contained in this policy. I.C. 35-42-2-2
Bullying Policy
- Bullying committed by students toward other students is strictly prohibited. Engaging in bullying conduct described in this rule by use of data or computer software that is accessed through any computer, any computer system, or any computer network is also prohibited.
- For purposes of this rule, bullying is defined as overt, unwanted, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communications or images transmitted in any manner including electronically or digitally, physical acts committed, aggression, or any other similar behaviors that are committed by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the targeted student and create for the targeted student an objectively hostile school environment that:
- places the targeted student in reasonable fear of harm to the targeted student’s person or property;
- has a substantially detrimental effect on the targeted student’s physical or mental health;
- has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted student’s academic performance; or
- has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, and privileges provided by the school
- This rule may be applied regardless of the physical location of the bullying behavior when a student commiting bullying behavior and the targeted student attend a school within the school corporation and disciplinary action is reasonably necessary to avoid substantial interference with school discipline or prevent an unreasonable threat to the rights of other students to a safe and peaceful learning environment.
- Any student or parent who has knowledge of conduct in violation of this rule or any student who feels he/she has been bullied in violation of this rule should immediately report the conduct to the Principal/Assistant Principal who has responsibility for all investigations of student misconduct including bullying. A student or parent may also report the conduct to a teacher or counselor who will be responsible for notifying the Principal/Assistant Principal. This report may be made anonymously.
- The Principal/Assistant Principal shall investigate immediately all reports of bullying made pursuant to the provisions of this rule. Such an investigation must include any action or appropriate responses that may be taken immediately to address the bullying conduct wherever it takes place. The parents of the bully and the targeted student(s) shall be notified on a regular, periodic basis of the progress and the findings of the investigation and of any remedial action that has been taken.
- The Principal/Assistant Principal will be responsible for working with the school counselor and other community resources to provide information and/or follow-up services to support the targeted student and to educate the student engaging in bullying behavior on the effects of bullying and the prevention of bullying. In addition, the school administrator and school counselor will be responsible for determining if the bullying behavior is a violation of law required to be reported to law enforcement under Indiana law based upon their reasonable belief. Such determination should be made as soon as possible and once this determination is made, the report should be made immediately to law enforcement.
- False reporting of bullying conduct as defined in this rule by a student shall be considered a violation of this rule and will result in any appropriate disciplinary action or sanctions if the investigation of the report finds it to be false.
- A violation of this rule prohibiting bullying may result in any appropriate disciplinary action or sanction, including suspension and/or expulsion.
- Failure by a school employee who has a responsibility to report bullying or investigate bullying or any other duty under this rule to carry out such responsibility or duty will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment with the school corporation.
- Counseling, corrective discipline, and/or referral to law enforcement will be used to change the behavior of the perpetrator. This includes appropriate intervention(s), restoration of a positive climate, and support for victims and others impacted by the bullying.
- Educational outreach and training will be provided to school personnel, parents, and students concerning the identification, prevention, and intervention in bullying.
- All schools in the corporation are encouraged to engage students, staff and parents in meaningful discussions about the negative aspects of bullying. The parent involvement may be through parent organizations already in place in each school.
- The superintendent or designee will be responsible for developing detailed administrative procedures consistent with the Indiana Department of Education guidelines for the implementation of the provisions of this rule. LEGAL REFERENCE: I.C. 20-33-8-0.2 I.C. 20-33-8-13.5
Classroom Rules
Students are under the supervision of many teachers during the day. Each will have his/her own requirements and students should learn these and abide by them. The teacher has the authority and responsibility to maintain discipline in the classroom consistent with school policy. Fair policies will be established, announced and consistently enforced. When a problem occurs, a teacher may:
- Conference with the student
- Conference with the parent (and/or student)
- Use classroom disciplinary action
- Cases or problems, which go beyond the control of the teacher, are to be referred directly to the building principal
At all times, the student's behavior should be refined and courteous. An indication of the cultural level of a school is the conduct of the student body at a convocation. Whether guests are present or not, each student is personally responsible for the impression made by the school as a whole. Unacceptable conduct includes boisterousness, booing, and talking out of turn during a program.
Destruction of Property
Destruction of school or personal property will result in the student and/or his/her parents being responsible for the replacement of destroyed property either by their own labor or by payment in full for all articles, parts, and labor incurred in the replacement of property.
Devices & Phones
Possessing and/or using a wireless electronic device which is portable and is capable of providing voice, messaging, or other data communications between two or more persons and includes cellular phones, tablet computers, laptop computers, digital cameras, and/or gaming devices in a manner which constitutes an interference with a school purpose or educational function, an invasion of privacy, or an act of academic dishonesty, or is profane, indecent, or obscene is prohibited.
This rule is not violated when the student has a) been given permission from a teacher to use a wireless device for educational purposes during instructional time; b) to use a wireless device in an emergency or to manage the student’s health care; c) to use a wireless device as part of the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan. Students in violation may be subject to disciplinary action.
Smart Watches
We recognize that some parents will provide their children with smart watches for safety reasons for location tracking or emergency communication purposes. During the school day students are not permitted to use their watch for calling, messaging, texting, accessing the internet, recording, taking photos, setting alarms, or any other non-classroom approved activity.
Parents/guardians can help us enforce this rule by not texting their children and calling or answering their calls during the day. If a parent needs to contact their child, they should phone the school office. If a student needs to reach their parents/guardian, they must talk with their teacher and/or office staff.
Watches and all other devices should be on silent mode during the school day so that there will not be disruptions to the classroom. If a student uses a smart watch for anything besides checking the time, it may be confiscated until the end of the day. Further violations are subject to additional disciplinary action.
Discipline Procedures
“The School Board recognizes the importance of safeguarding a student’s constitutional rights, particularly when subject to the Corporation's disciplinary procedures." (Policy 5611) A student who has committed a disciplinary infraction will be afforded due process in proportion to the disciplinary action taken by school officials.
Student Discipline Policy
Recognizing that the behavior of some students may be so disruptive that it interferes with school purposes or educational functions of the school corporation, school officials may find it necessary to remove a student from the school. In this event and in accordance with the provisions of IC 20-33-8 the following actions can be taken:
- Suspension From School: A school principal (or designee) may suspend a student from school for a period of up to 10 school days.
- Expulsion: In accordance with the due process procedures defined in this policy a student may be expelled from school for a period no longer than the remainder of the current semester plus the following semester, with the exception of a violation of rule 13 listed under the grounds for Suspension and Expulsion in this policy.
Grounds For Suspension Or Expulsion
Grounds for suspension or expulsion are student misconduct or substantial disobedience. Examples of student misconduct or substantial disobedience include, but are not limited to:
- Using violence, force, noise, coercion, threat, intimidation, fear, passive resistance, harassment or other comparable conduct constituting an interference with school purposes or urging other students to engage in such conduct. The following enumeration is only illustrative and not limited to the type of conduct prohibited by this subdivision:
- Continuously and intentionally making noise or acting in any manner so as to interfere seriously with the ability of any teacher or any of the other school personnel to conduct the education function under his supervision
- Setting fire to or damaging any school building or property.
- Preventing or attempting to prevent by physical act or intimidation the convening or continued functioning of any school education function, or of any meeting or assembly on school property.
- Causing or attempting to cause damage to property, stealing or attempting to steal property.
- Intentionally causing or attempting to cause physical injury or intentionally behaving in such a way as could reasonably cause physical injury to any person.
- Threatening or intimidating any student for the purpose of, or with the intent of, obtaining money or anything of value from the student or for the purpose of, or with the intent of, preventing the student from participating in school or school activities.
- Using any verbal, nonverbal, and/or physical contact which includes but is not limited to disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and/or sexual harassment.
- Knowingly possessing, handling, or transmitting a knife or any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon.
- Possession of tobacco by students in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, or when participating in any school-related event. For purposes of this policy, use of tobacco shall mean all uses of tobacco, including cigar, cigarette, pipe, snuff, or any other matter or substance that contains tobacco, as well as electronic, “vapor,” or other substitute forms of cigarettes.
- Knowingly possessing, using, transmitting, or being under the influence of any narcotic drug, a hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, intoxicant of any kind or any substance represented to be the above. Use of a drug authorized by a medical prescription from a physician is not a violation of this subdivision.
- Engaging in the unlawful selling of a controlled substance, a substance represented to be a controlled substance, or engaging in a criminal law violation that constitutes a danger to other students or constitutes an interference with school purposes or an educational function.
- Failing in a substantial number of instances to comply with directions of teachers or other school personnel during any period of time when the student is properly under their supervision, where the failure constitutes an interference with school purposes or an educational function.
- Engaging in any activity forbidden by the laws of Indiana that constitutes an interference with school purposes or an educational function.
- Violating or repeatedly violating any rules that are reasonably necessary in carrying out school purposes or an educational function and are validly adopted in accordance with Indiana law, including, but not limited to:
- disobedience of administrative authority;
- falsely reporting a "911" emergency will also be reported to the authorities for appropriate action;
- using abusive and profane language, verbal or written;
- using distracting or hazardous items such as: beepers, pagers, cellular phones, headphones, electronic games, radios, stereos, CD players, tape players, skateboards, toys, etc. during the school day or at school functions.
- Knowingly using on school grounds during school hours an electronic recording device in a manner that is inappropriate or a situation not related to a school purpose or educational function.
- Knowingly providing false information to school personnel.
- Possession of a firearm
- No student shall possess, handle or transmit any firearm on school property.
- The following devices are considered to be a firearm as defined in Section 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code:
- The frame or receiver of any weapon described above
- Any firearm muffler or firearm silencer
- Any destructive device which is an explosive, incendiary, or poison gas bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine, or any similar device
- Any weapon which will, or which may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant, and which has any barrel with a bore or more than one-half inch in diameter
- Any combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into any destructive device described in the two immediately preceding examples, and from which a destructive device may be readily assembled
- The penalty for possession of a firearm: 10-day suspension and expulsion from school for one calendar year. The length of the expulsion may be reduced by the superintendent if the circumstances warrant such reduction.
- The superintendent shall notify the county prosecuting attorney’s office when a student is expelled under this rule.
The grounds for suspension or expulsion listed above apply when a student is:
- On school grounds before, during, and after school hours and at any other time when the school is being used by a school group;
- Off school grounds at a school activity, function, or event, or
- Traveling to or from school or a school activity, function, or event.
Hard Surface (Blacktop) Area and Grass Area Rules
- Respectful, cooperative behavior is expected at all times. No pushing is allowed.
- No “contact” sports allowed. All organized games should follow usual rules and may not become physical. If games become a problem, teachers have the right to revoke a student’s right to participate.
- No one group of students has priority over another group of students in the use of an area or equipment. Sharing is absolutely required.
Playground Equipment Rules
- Swing only on your “pockets”
- No standing or lying on the swing seats
- Swing forward/backward only
- No sideways swinging
- No jumping off moving swings or pushing others too high
- To avoid injury, stay clear of the swing equipment if you are not swinging
- Slides are to be used sitting down, feet first, one person at a time
- Never climb up a slide or piece of equipment that is meant for downward movement
- High extension bars are not meant for climbing or sitting on top of the equipment
Recess Rules
- Students may NOT re-enter the building without a teacher’s permission. Restrooms are to be visited as a group before or after recess (not during recess) unless there is an individual, urgent need.
- Rough playing, chasing, kicking, fighting, and/or rude language are not appropriate for the playground and will result in loss of privileges and possible further disciplinary action.
- Students are to remain within their playground area. If equipment leaves the playground boundaries, students must ask the teacher to retrieve the equipment.
- Respect and care for school property is expected at all times. We will not tolerate anyone defacing, misusing or destroying playground equipment.
- Students are required to dress appropriately for outdoor recess. Students should have jackets, gloves, and a hat when weather requires them.
- All students will go outside for recess when the wind chill or actual temperature outside is twenty degrees or above.
- All school equipment taken outside for play must be taken back into the building after use.
- Students are expected to line up immediately when signaled by the teacher on recess duty.
Student Appearance
We will not interfere with the right of students and their parents to make decisions regarding their appearance, except when their choices:
- Present a hazard to the health or safety of the student himself/herself or to others in the school
- Interfere with school work, create disorder or disrupt the educational program
- Cause excessive wear or damage to school property
- Prevent the student from achieving his/her own educational objectives because of blocked vision or restricted movement
Students will be expected to keep themselves well-groomed and neatly dressed at all times. Any form of dress or hairstyle which detracts from the learning environment will not be permitted. This includes apparel advertising alcoholic beverages or with other obscene or questionable printing on them. School appropriate clothing must be worn.
Ball caps, hoods or hats may not be worn in the school building except on spirit days. Safe, appropriate footwear must be worn on the playground. Flip-flop sandals or high-heel shoes are not appropriate for the playground. Students not dressed appropriately may be asked to change.
Directory Information
Carmel Clay Schools designates the following items as Directory Information: a student's name; address; telephone number; date and place of birth; photograph; major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; height and weight, if a member of an athletic team; dates of attendance; date of graduation; awards received; or any other information which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy, if disclosed. The corporation may disclose directory information to any individual, other than a for profit organization, even without a parent’s prior written consent.
Parents and eligible students may refuse to allow the Corporation to disclose any or all of such "directory information" upon written notification to the Corporation within twenty (20) business days after receipt of this Student Handbook.
District Calendar
Emergency Contact Information
In order to facilitate reaching the parents of sick children, please remember to update emergency information on the CCS Powerschool Parent Portal with any change in home, work and cell phone numbers. Please also supply names and phone numbers of friends and/or relatives who can be called if parents are not available.
Methods of Communication
Teacher Communications
Teachers communicate with parents through Canvas and via email. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers first (via email or voicemail message) with questions or concerns pertaining to the classroom.
School Messenger
School Messenger is the platform used by Carmel Clay Schools to deliver mass emails and phone messages to families. Communications through School Messenger include anything from announcing school delays/cancelations to distribution of quarterly grade reports. Should your email address or phone number change, update that information in your PowerSchool Parent Portal so as not to miss out on these important communications.
Text Alerts
CCS families wanting to receive text alerts can text YES to 68453 from mobile devices.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years of age or older (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. Their rights are:
- The right to inspect and review the student's education records within forty-five (45) days after Carmel Clay Schools receives a written request;
- The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student will be so notified and provided the opportunity for a hearing. Additional information concerning the hearing will be provided when notified of the opportunity for a hearing;
- The right to provide written consent before the school discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent; and
- The right to file a complaint with the United States Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the school to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
FERPA permits the disclosure of education records, without consent of the parent or eligible student under certain circumstances. One of those circumstances is to other school officials, including teachers, within Carmel Clay Schools whom the school has determined to have legitimate educational interests. For purposes of FERPA, “school official” includes teachers, professors, instructors, administrators, health staff, counselors, attorneys, clerical staff, trustees, school board members, members of committees and disciplinary boards, contractors, including online service providers, volunteers, or another party to whom the school has outsourced institutional services or functions.
Additionally for purposes of FERPA, “legitimate educational interest” means direct or delegated responsibility for helping the student achieve one (1) or more of the educational goals of the Corporation or if the record is necessary in order for the school official to perform an administrative, supervisory or instructional task or to perform a service or benefit for the student or the student’s family.
Delivery of Items
Items From Home
Parents are asked to encourage their child to take responsibility for bringing all necessary items to school each day. In the event a parent must deliver an item to school, the following process has been put in place to avoid classroom interruptions:
- The parent will leave the item on a designated table outside the office
- Office staff will send an email notification to the student's teacher
- The student will be sent to retrieve the item when there is a break in instruction after the email is read
- If a teacher does not see the email before the end of the school day, the item will remain on the table for pickup the following day
We are not to call into a class for any delivery other than essential items such as eyeglasses or medication.
Deliveries From Third Parties
Flowers, balloons, candy or gifts of any other kind may not be delivered to students at school.
Dismissal Procedures
End of Day Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal will be at 2:25 pm. Teachers and staff work exclusively with the daily School Dismissal Manager report when dismissing students.
Access to classrooms is limited and at the discretion of building office staff at dismissal. Parents must be escorted by a staff member.
Early Dismissal Procedures
Occasionally the need arises for a student to leave school prior to dismissal. Please keep the following in mind when preparing for such an event:
- A parent, guardian or designated emergency contact will be permitted to pick a student up from school. Anyone else will need express consent from a parent. A driver’s license or other photo identification will be required to confirm identity and authorization to claim the student.
- Consider emailing the teacher with the anticipated pick-up time. This allows the teacher to prepare for the early dismissal, expedites the release of your student and minimizes classroom disruption.
- Please utilize School Dismissal Manager to notify the teacher and office staff of your child’s early dismissal. SDM allows parents to report if the student will be leaving for the day or returning to school on the same day.
- Students will remain in the classroom until an authorized individual is present in the office to claim them.
School Dismissal Manager
In order to ensure the most efficient and accurate dismissal process possible, teachers and staff work exclusively from School Dismissal Manager reports to release students at the end of the day.
All daily changes to a student’s default end of day transportation must be submitted through School Dismissal Manager prior to 1:30 pm on the affected day. Notes, phone calls, and emails will not be accepted as a notice of a transportation change. Please contact the school front office if you need assistance with School Dismissal Manager login information. Remember, all changes to dismissal must be submitted BEFORE 1:30 pm on the day of the change.
Any permanent change to your student’s default transportation must be made by contacting the front office staff.
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Situation Communication
During an emergency situation, Carmel Clay Schools will use the following channels to communicate with stakeholders in a timely and accurate manner:
- Phone Call
- Text
- Social Media (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram)
- Local News Media
Please keep phone numbers and email addresses current in your PowerSchool Parent Portal to ensure you receive emergency communications.
Text alerts may be set up by texting YES to 68453 from a mobile device.
Emergency Cancellation Of School
It may be necessary for the school to close or be delayed due to extreme weather conditions. Notification regarding weather-related closings, delays or early dismissals will be posted on the district and school websites, district social media pages and on local news stations. Please be certain your family has established a plan for weather-related closings, delays or early dismissals. School Messenger emails, calls and text alerts will also be delivered.
Lockdown/Severe Weather Situations
Students will not be released to parents during an emergency school lockdown or severe weather situation. All students will be required to report to and remain in their assigned weather safety areas until conditions are safe. These procedures have been established for the protection and safety of our students and staff, and have been rehearsed repeatedly by students in regularly scheduled drills.
Emergency Drills
It is the responsibility of the building level school safety specialist to determine the need for and organize emergency drills in accordance with state guidelines. The building level school safety specialist will see that all personnel and students are informed of procedures and routes to be followed in such drills.
Frequency of drills
- fire drills - one each month that school is in session
- tornado drills - one per semester
- earthquake drills - one per year
- lockdown/intruder drills - four times per school year
Emergency Information And Medical Update
If a child becomes sick or injured during the school day, parents will be notified if the school nurse determines contact is necessary. Please be sure to maintain current parent phone numbers and designated emergency contacts via your PowerSchool Parent Portal account so that any necessary contact during the school day can be made.
Extended School Enrichment
There is an after-school care program available for students in your building. This is not a school-sponsored program; rather it is run through a governing board and funded through Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation. There are fees required, but reduced fees are available for those students on free or reduced lunch/textbook programs. The afternoon program runs from 2:25 pm – 6:00 pm. For more information, please contact the Extended School Enrichment division of Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation directly.
Indoor Air Quality
Carmel Clay Schools recognizes its responsibility relative to student, employee, and visitor health and safety, and the need for the development of a comprehensive program designed to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment on Corporation property and at Corporation-sponsored activities. Carmel Clay Schools’ administrator designated to monitor, facilitate, and answer questions pertaining to these indoor environmental quality procedures is the Director of Facilities and Transportation; 317-815-3962.
Carmel Clay Schools is committed to providing a safe environment. While pesticides protect children from pests that may be found in the school and its surrounding grounds, under some circumstances they may pose a hazard to children. Therefore, pest control practices may involve a variety of chemical and non-chemical methods that are designed to control pests effectively while minimizing potential pesticide exposure. For information regarding pest control, please contact the main office, and the name and phone number of a specific contact person will be provided. Carmel Clay Schools will provide notice of planned pesticide applications to parents who have requested advanced notice during the student registration process. Unless an emergency is declared, Carmel Clay Schools will give notice at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date and time the pesticide application is to occur. The notice will include the date and time of the pesticide application, the general area where the pesticide is to be applied and the telephone number to contact for more information. In case of emergency pesticide applications, because of an immediate threat to public health, the school shall give written notice as soon as possible.
Facility Rental
Who is eligible?
Facilities are available only to local groups or organizations that can provide the district with liability insurance.
What is the process?
- Complete the Facility Use Agreement
- No later than 2 weeks in advance of the requested date, send the completed agreement and a Certificate of Liability directly to the school you wish to reserve
- The Certificate of Liability must include Carmel Clay Schools “certificate holder” as follows:
- Carmel Clay Schools
- 5201 E. Main Street
- Carmel, IN 46033
- The Certificate of Liability must include Carmel Clay Schools “certificate holder” as follows:
- Provide liability coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence
- Name Carmel Clay Schools as the “additional insured”
Will there be a charge?
Fees are assessed by the Business Office in accordance with the district’s Administrative Guidelines. The renting organization may also be charged fees for air-conditioning or heat if either of these utilities is requested. Questions may be directed to the office of the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs at 317-844-9961.
Please visit the following policies and administrative guidelines as it regards to school facilities:
Use of School Facilities Policy 7510
Administrative Guideline 7510a
Field Trips
General information, permission slips, and requests for parent chaperones for each individual field trip will be sent home prior to the trip. A full criminal history check must be obtained prior to chaperoning a field trip.
Parents accompanying the classes on field trips need to be aware of the following:
- Due to the supervisory roles assumed by parents on field trips, NO other children may accompany the parent during the field trip.
- Field trips are considered extensions of the school program and therefore are also a part of the drug-free/smoke-free environment.
- Parents may be asked to assume the responsibility for fees, etc., due to their participation in the field trip.
- Once parents have been accepted as chaperones, it is imperative that they inform the teacher if plans to attend the trip change. Other arrangements for chaperones would need to be made before the trip.
- Information about parking for parent volunteers/chaperones will be included in the volunteer notice sent home before the field trip.
- Chaperones are expected to follow the appropriate dress code required by students.
- On a case by case basis, chaperones may travel on the school bus transport as space permits.
- Students will not be released to parents from field trip locations.
Health Information
Carmel Clay Schools has a growing population of students who maintain life-threatening allergies. It is our policy to protect the safety of all children; therefore it is important to note that no outside food (bought or made) is allowed in individual classrooms except for school approved coordinated snacks.
Students with food allergies will have those items omitted from their lunch tray only when the Food Service Department has a physician statement on file indicating the items to be omitted. This statement must be signed by a recognized medical authority. These statements must be updated each school year. We will try to substitute another food item only if the medical statement indicates what foods are appropriate substitutions.
Head Lice
Parents have the prime responsibility of assisting in the prevention and management of head lice cases through regular checks of their child’s hair and starting immediate treatment when head lice are detected. While head lice are a nuisance, they do not spread disease and are not a health issue. Should a case of head lice be brought to the school’s attention, the school nurse will maintain confidentiality at school, verify the presence of an active infestation, and bring it to the child’s parents’ attention. Parents, students, and school staff will be educated about head lice identification, treatment, and prevention. If at all possible, students should not be excluded from school for having head lice, as the management of head lice should not disrupt the educational process of the child. The need to exclude students from school will be determined on a case by case basis. This policy is supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Association of School Nurses, and the Hamilton County Health Department.
Injury & Illness
Injuries should be taken care of before the child is allowed to return to school. If a child becomes sick or injured during the school day, parents will be notified by the school nurse. It then becomes the parent’s responsibility to pick up the child as soon as possible.
A child with a contagious illness or fever should not be sent to school. Any student whose temperature is above 100.4°F will be sent home from school. Any student with a fever should be kept home until the student has been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication (temperature below 100.4°F).
Students may return to school:
Strep infections – after antibiotics and temperature below 100.4°F for 24 hours
Pink eye – after prescribed medication for 24 hours and improved condition
Skin lesions – any student with an open wound must keep it covered during the school day and during athletic events
Scabies – the next day after treatment
Vomiting and/or diarrhea – handled on a case by case basis after consultation with the school nurse
Meningococcal Disease
Indiana law requires each year that parents/guardians be informed “about meningococcal disease and its vaccine” (IC 20-30-5-18). Meningococcal disease is a dangerous disease that can strike children and youth. The disease can progress rapidly and within hours of the first symptoms, may result in death or permanent disability including loss of hearing, brain damage, and limb amputations. Symptoms of meningococcal disease often resemble the flu and can include a fever, headache, nausea, and stiff neck, making the disease difficult to diagnose. The bacteria that cause meningococcal diseases are transmitted through air droplets and by direct contact with an infected person. Fortunately, there is an immunization available and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends routine meningococcal immunizations at 11 to 12 years old. For teenagers, immunization is recommended at high school entry and incoming college freshmen. Please talk with your child’s health care provider about meningococcal disease and vaccination.
Indiana law requires students in all grades to meet the minimum immunization requirements. The immunization record must include the student’s name and date of birth, the vaccine given and date (month/day/year) of each immunization. For specific guidelines, please refer to the Immunization Requirements section found on the Nurse's page. All updates to a student’s medical history and permission for Tylenol/Advil needs to be completed through your PowerSchool Parent Portal account.
Medication Procedure
Use Of Medications
In consideration of student health and welfare, all medication required during school hours, except those subject to IC 20-33-8-13 (student possession and self-administration), will be administered by the nurse or designated, trained staff under the following conditions:
- Transportation of Medication: ALL medication, both prescription and non-prescription, must be transported to and from the school nurse’s office by a parent or guardian. Students are not permitted to have any medication or drug in their possession.
- Storage of Medications: ALL medication, prescription or non-prescription, must be stored in their original containers labeled with the student’s name and expiration date. All medications, with the exception of emergency medications, must be stored in a locked cabinet or drawer. Emergency medications should be stored in a secure area inaccessible to children. The emergency medication must be unlocked and immediately available to school personnel at all times when students are present.
- Prescription Medication: Prescription medication must have a current, written order of a physician, dentist, chiropractor, optometrist, podiatrist, OR prescription (label affixed on container) including name of the drug, drug dosage, route of administration, directions or interval for the drug to be given, and name of the licensed healthcare provider prescribing the medication.
- Non-Prescription Medication: Non-prescription medication must be accompanied by a current, written order of a physician, dentist, chiropractor, optometrist, podiatrist, including directions for administration. Directions should include the name of the drug, drug dosage, route of administration, directions or interval for the drug to be given, and name of the licensed healthcare provider prescribing the medication. Please write your student’s name on non- prescription containers.
- Parent Consent to give Medication: Carmel Clay Schools requires a parent/guardian signature giving consent for the school to administer any medication. The consent of the parent/guardian shall be valid only for the period specified on the consent form and in no case longer than the current school year or program year. For daily medication, it is the student’s responsibility to come to the health center to receive the medication at the designated time. If it becomes necessary to give a student medication that is not kept at school, a parent or legal guardian may come to the school and administer the medication.
- Student possession and self-administration: In accordance with Indiana statute, students are not permitted to self-carry or administer any medication, with the exception of students with acute or chronic medical conditions that require emergency medications (i.e. Epi-pen, inhaler, insulin, Glucagon). An annual health plan with both parent and physician signatures must be received stating the nature of the medical condition and that the student has been instructed how to self-administer the medication.
- Analgesics: The school nurse will administer analgesics (generic Tylenol or Advil) as needed if parent consent is on file. At the elementary level (K thru 5), a parent/guardian will be notified when analgesics are given.
- Benadryl: The school nurse will administer Benadryl, as needed, for life-threatening allergies. A parent/guardian will be notified when Benadryl is given.
- Products unapproved by the FDA: Carmel Clay Schools does not honor any requests to administer any products not approved by the FDA, including but not limited to herbs, homeopathic medicines, vitamins, cultural treatments, salves, and nutritional supplements.
- Administration of Low Hemp THC Extract, including CBD oil, by School Personnel: Carmel Clay School Personnel will administer a low THC hemp extract substance, including CBD oil if, at a minimum, all of the following criteria are met:
- The parent has provided the school with written permission to administer this product to his/her child and has verified that the product was acquired from a retailer that meets the requirements listed in SEA 52;
- Product has come in original packaging and is unopened;
- Student’s healthcare provider has provided the school with a prescription to administer the substance which includes the dose, route and time of administration; and
- The product has been approved by: (1) the federal Food and Drug Administration or the federal Drug Enforcement Agency as a prescription or over the counter drug: or (2) meets the packaging requirements of SEA 52.
- Emergency Stock Medication: Carmel Clay Schools may store emergency stock medication, as permitted by Indiana statute, to be administered in emergency situations.
- Medication Documentation: All medication administration will be documented and kept on file in the health center.
- Medication Termination: If medication needs to be terminated, the parent/guardian will provide written notification to the school indicating the date medication consent is withdrawn.
- Medication Disposal: At the close of the school year, ALL medications must be picked up by the student’s parent or designated adult. Medications left in the health center will be destroyed.
Lost and Found
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
School Hours
School hours are 7:40 am - 2:25 pm. Students arriving after 7:45 am are considered tardy.
Students are highly encouraged to ride the bus to school as this is the most assured method of a timely arrival. Those who are driven to school may be dropped off no earlier than 7:15 am when staff members are outside to greet them.
Student Records
Support Programs
In addition to the diversified programs of the regular classroom, our schools offer a variety of support programs. Among these are programs that address:
- Learning disabilities
- Speech and hearing difficulties
- Emotional disabilities
- Occupational and physical therapy needs
- A High Ability program for academically gifted children
- A School Social Worker/Counselor for individual, group, and parent support
- Staffing and referral procedures for educational psychological assessment
- ENL (English as a New Language) services
- General Education Intervention (GEI)/Building Based Team (BBT)
- Response to Intervention (RTI)
If you or your child has a need for a support program, please call the principal, assistant principal, School Social Worker/Counselor, or classroom teacher for more information.
School Dismissal Manager
In order to ensure the most efficient and accurate dismissal process possible, teachers and staff work exclusively from School Dismissal Manager (SDM) reports to release students at the end of the day.
All daily changes to a student’s end of day transportation must be submitted through SDM prior to 1:30 pm on the affected day. Notes, phone calls, and emails will not be accepted as a notice of a transportation change. Please contact the school’s front office if you need assistance with SDM login information. Remember, all changes to dismissal must be submitted BEFORE 1:30 pm on the day of the change.
SDM should not be used to report late arrivals or early departures from school. See "Attendance Reporting" for information pertaining to these situations.
Any permanent change to your student’s default transportation must be made by contacting the front office staff.
Bike/Walk to School
Practices vary by school and location. Carmel Clay Schools does not accept responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen bicycles.
The control and supervision of our pupils remain the responsibility of the parent until such time as the child actually boards the school bus or arrives at school.
At the Bus Stop
- Please be at your stop five minutes before expected bus arrival time. Board and leave the bus only at your regularly assigned stop, unless you have received special permission in advance.
- Stay out of the street and away from the road.
- Respect surrounding property while waiting for the bus.
- Wait to enter until the bus comes to a full stop, and the door has been opened by the driver. Take your turn and do not push when entering or leaving the bus.
- At no time are parents allowed to board the school bus.
On the Bus
- Always obey the driver promptly and respectfully.
- Be seated promptly and stay in assigned seat.
- Keep all books and materials on your lap or contained in a backpack or book bag.
- Be courteous and do not use profane language.
- Speak in low tones.
- Never push, shove, scuffle or horseplay; that is always unacceptable and a serious safety hazard.
- Keep your head, hair, hands, feet, and all belongings inside the bus and to yourself.
- Never fight, it is unacceptable and a serious hazard.
- Never throw objects inside or outside the bus.
- Do not eat or drink on the bus.
- Treat bus seats and equipment with care and respect.
- Keep the bus clean and orderly. Deposit trash in the containers at the front of the bus upon leaving.
Exiting the Bus
- Take your turn and do not push when leaving the bus.
- Once off, clear the area immediately. If crossing the street, wait for a signal from the bus driver before crossing in front of the bus. Walk quickly across.
Bus Conduct
The bus conduct and safety rules are designed to promote safety on the bus at all times. The safety of all students is our top priority. Therefore, each student is expected to cooperate fully by always obeying the rules. Students must remain in assigned seats.
The authority of the bus driver will be recognized and supported by all for everyone’s safety. The noise level on the bus must be low so the driver can communicate with students, and be able to hear traffic sounds such as sirens. Students must quickly respond to the directions of the bus driver.
Riding the school bus is a privilege. Therefore, it is very important for parents to review the bus rules with their children. Respectful, quiet, appropriate behavior is expected at all times. Rude, disrespectful, and/or dangerous behavior by any child may result in a suspension of transportation privileges. It then becomes the responsibility of the parent to provide transportation to and from school.
Buses are not to be used to transport additional students for after school social activities. Students are not permitted to ride any bus other than the one assigned unless it is for daycare purposes and prior approval has been given.
All changes in bus arrangements and all problems and concerns about routes/bus stops/drivers should be brought to the attention of the Carmel Clay Transportation through the “Transportation Concern” form located in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Individual schools do not have the authority to make changes or to address transportation route difficulties.
Remember, the tardy bell rings at 7:45 am each morning.
Morning - Those who are driven to school may be dropped off no earlier than 7:15 am when staff members are outside to greet them.
Note: If the student is arriving after 7:45 am, the parent must accompany him/her into the school to check the student in. Please do not leave your car in the fire lane when escorting your student into the building. Cars not parked properly are subject to fines.
Afternoon– Afternoon carpool drivers should arrive at school no later than 2:25 pm. Enter the designated parking lot and pull to the sidewalk in a single file line as traffic allows.
Travel and Vacation Guidelines
We ask that all parents support the importance of school attendance by scheduling family vacations to coincide with school vacations. In the event that this cannot be done and students must miss days of school, the following policies are in effect:
Planned absences of two or more consecutive days should be reported at least two weeks in advance by submitting a Pre-Arranged Absence Form.
Homework will not be given in advance of absences of less than 10 days due to vacation. This will be left up to the discretion of each individual teacher. See special circumstances below for absences of 10 or more days.
Students will be given the same number of days absent to complete and turn in all outstanding work after their return to school.
Planned Absence - 2 Or More Days
- Regular school attendance is basic to the successful education of your child and absence for any reason detracts from their learning experience. We ask that all parents support the importance of school attendance by scheduling family vacations/trips to coincide with scheduled school closings. The school board requests that students not leave for vacation before school is dismissed and that they return on the date school resumes.
- Students who are absent for 10 or more consecutive school days will be un-enrolled for the duration of the absence and will be re-enrolled upon their return to school. Teachers plan their lessons in accordance with the school calendar and are not obligated to provide schoolwork in advance of an absence. Any work or tests that occur during a period of un-enrollment will not be made up and grades will not be recorded.
- Accounts such as Canvas and PowerSchool are inactive while a student is un-enrolled and will need to be re-established upon the student's return to school.
Visitors and Volunteers
CCS reserves the right to limit visitation or include additional restrictions on visitors dependent on local and national health alerts. We ask all visitors to adhere to our policy of identifying yourself as a visitor in the building by wearing an identification badge provided by the front office, and all visitors must have a CCS approved background check on file. Observations by outside agencies are limited and must be approved by the building administration. There are times when visits are not encouraged (during testing, etc.). Furthermore, uninterrupted instructional time in the classrooms is always a priority. Visits by relatives, particularly young children, are discouraged except on special occasions and must be cleared through the office. Prior to your visit, please make the appropriate arrangements with your child’s teacher. For the safety and proper supervision of our students, please understand that visiting with your child while at recess or at lunch is not allowed.
Entering Carmel Clay Schools
All Carmel Clay Schools utilize a visitor check-in system to provide the best possible security for our students and staff. All visitors are required to scan their driver’s license or state identification card to enter the school. This increased level of security will allow the school to better track visitors and help increase the safety and security of our students and staff. Visitors into the school must have an approved CCS background check and will be required to scan your identification card and be issued a badge to wear. Any visitor in the building without a visitor badge could result in an intruder lockdown situation. When you leave school, you will return that badge and be scanned out. As always, safety is a top priority at Carmel Clay Schools. Thank you for your continued support as we continuously work to improve our educational institutions.
Carmel Clay Schools are fortunate to have parents and family members volunteer their time and talents to enrich our students' learning experiences. We welcome all adult volunteers who have an approved criminal history background check on file.
Volunteers for Carmel Clay Schools are required to have a criminal history background check completed through the district's approved vendor. Please submit the volunteer request form to begin the background check process. Once you are approved to volunteer, you will receive an approval notification via email and your child's school will be notified.
- When volunteering, please find alternative care for younger children.
- Thank you in advance for helping keep our schools safe!
Withdrawal or Transfer of Students
Withdrawal From Carmel Clay Schools
Complete the form below and submit it to the building as soon as possible if you intend to withdraw your child(ren) from Carmel Clay Schools. The information requested allows for the transfer of records to the new school, as well as forwarding of any materials left behind or items ordered but not yet received at the time of withdrawal (school pictures, yearbook, etc.).
Transfer To Another Carmel Clay Elementary School
Notify the office staff if you intend to move to a home located within the boundaries of a different Carmel Clay elementary school at any time during the school year or over the summer break. We will collect the necessary proof of residency documents from you and notify the new school of the impending transfer.