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Traffic Patterns


MTE Traffic Patterns


Morning Arrivals


Students may be dropped off starting at 7:15 am. Please have students exit the car when instructed. Parents should not get out of the car. Please do not pass or go around cars.

Students should enter and exit their vehicle on the side closest to the building. 

Students arriving after 7:40 am are tardy. Parents should park in the West Lot and walk students into the office. 

Walkers & Bikers:

Students should only use crosswalks. A crossing guard is typically stationed at 7:15 am at 126th and Carmel Drive. Please stay on the sidewalks. Students may use the Front Door starting at 7:30 am.


Mohawk Trails Dismissal


Afternoon Dismissals


Parents may arrive for dismissal at 2:20 pm in the West Lot. Drivers should form two lines and shut off engines while waiting. Drivers will be released by school staff. Please do not pass or go around cars unless instructed to do so.   

Walkers & Bikers:

Students will be released out the front door and to staff at the Shelter House for those who live north of the school. A crossing guard is stationed at dismissal at 126th and Carmel Drive. 

Safety Precautions

Walkers and bikers should only cross at intersections and marked crosswalks. A crossing guard is stationed at 126th and Carmel Drive. Students should wear reflective clothing or add flashing lights to backpacks and bikes for increased visibility. 

Drivers should be extra cautious in and around school zones.