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Walk or Bike to and from School

Are you interested in walking or biking to or from school?

  • All students can walk and bike to school if their parents/guardians approve.


  • Parents must fill out the online PowerSchool Dismissal Change each time their child is walking or riding a bike home.   

    • EXCEPTION:  If your family is within the “1 mile radius” no bus zone, there is no need

      to fill out the online CCS parent portal School Dismissal Manager.


  • In order to bike, a child/parent must fill out the bike permit form.  It prepares your child with some good bike safety education for a safer trip to school and back.
  • If a PTE child filled out a Bike Permit form in the past that form is still good all the rest of the years at PTE. That child can still ride their bike without filling out a new form each year.
  • Any bike forms filled out and returned to school will be sent to the office to be processed and then returned to the student.
  • When a student walks or bikes before school, they will need to go to the back-parking area near bike racks and back playground area. They will need to wait for a staff member to release them into the building.


  • At the end of the school day, students will go to a designated area in the building with a staff member and wait to be dismissed to the back-parking area.

Our hope is our PTE students will have a“safe and healthy” alternative way to school and back!

Bike Permit Form