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Traffic Patterns

PTE Traffic Patterns

Morning Arrivals:


  • Students may be dropped off at Door 1 starting at 7:15 am.
  • Please pull your vehicle forward to the front of the line or directly behind the next vehicle.
  • Students should be ready to exit the car when the vehicle comes to a stop.
  • Students must exit from the passenger side of the vehicle.
  • Students should only be released from their vehicle within the “drop off area”, which is clearly marked by two traffic cones.  Please see the red boxes on the map.  
  • Parents should not get out of their vehicles for any reason.
  • Please do not pass or go around cars unless instructed to do so by staff.
  • Students arriving after 7:40 am are considered tardy, and parents should park in the main parking lot (east side of the building) and walk students into the main office. 


  • A crossing guard will be stationed at 7:20 each morning at the intersection of Haverton Way and Lost Oaks Drive, just west of River Road.
  • Students should utilize sidewalks and crosswalks.
  • Students will gather at the 5th grade playground until invited to enter the building by the staff.
  • Students will be invited into the building at 7:35. 

Afternoon Dismissals


  • Parents may arrive for dismissal at 2:20 pm in the front parking lot.
  • Cars will form two lines of 10 for pick up. Please watch for a staff member to indicate which line you should be in. 
  • Cars who are not in the set of 20 cars for pick up should remain in a single line to wait for your turn to pull forward. 
  • Please pull close to the car in front of you to allow for us to get more cars in.
  • Please have your students carpool number easily displayed in your rearview mirror. 
  • Drivers should shut off engines while waiting.
  • Parents should not get out of their car and we ask that all children enter on the passenger side of the car.


  • Students will be released from Door 6 after buses have been released.
  • A crossing guard is stationed at dismissal at the intersection of Haverton Way and Lost Oaks Drive, just west of River Road.

Biker Information

Bike Permit Form

  • All students can walk and bike to school with parent/guardian approval.

  • Parents must fill out the online PowerSchool Dismissal Change each time their child is walking or riding a bike home. Families in the No Bus Zones do not need to fill out the online CCS parent portal School Dismissal Manager.

  • Bike Permit Forms are required for all students in order to share important safety information.

  • Completed forms will be valid from year to year. Families do not need to fill out a form each year.  

  • Completed forms should be turned in to the front office.


  • Walkers and bikers should only cross at intersections and marked crosswalks.

  • A crossing guard is stationed at Haverton Way, just west of River Road.
  • Students should wear reflective clothing or add flashing lights to backpacks and bikes for increased visibility. 
  • Drivers should be extra cautious in and around school zones.