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January 26, 2024

Important Dates


2 PTO Family Bingo Night - 6pm
6 The Burger Joint - Dine to Donate
7 Late Start
8 - 9 Sucker Sales for Riley
9 Hawks Herald
12 - 13 Sucker Sales for Riley
14 Valentine's Day Class Parties
19 President's Day - No School
21 Late Start
21 Urban Air - Jump to Donate, 4-8pm
23 Hawks Herald

Make sure to bookmark this site so you always have the latest dates of things happening around Prairie Trace!

pte calendar

Burger joint express - dine to donate

Make dinner easy on yourself on Tuesday, February 6th and head over to The Burger Joint Express. Mention Prairie Trace and they will give 20% back to the school! 

Are you listed in the PTE directory?

This year, PTE is using DirectorySpot to power our school directory. You need to complete a form if you want your family's information in the directory. Check your email or contact ptoprairietrace@gmail.com for more information.  

Don't miss the Carmel Education Foundation fundraiser, Taste of Carmel! Get your tickets at TASTEOFCARMELINDIANA.COM.

First page of the PDF file: PrairieTraceElementary2-21-24

get your jump on!

Get the wiggles out on Wednesday, February 21st at Urban Air in Noblesville and support Prairie Trace at the same time! 20% of the proceeds will go back to PTE!


Last chance to sign up for Bingo Night at PTE! Friday, February 2nd from 6-7:30pm. Get more more details and to sign up at the the link below.


Sweets for Riley! 

The Ambassador Team will be selling suckers each morning in the grade level pods on February 8-9 and 12-13. Each sucker is $1 and all proceeds benefit Riley Children's Hospital. 

Volunteers are also need needed to assist Ambassadors with sucker sales in the morning. All volunteers must have a current background check on file with CCS.

sign up here to volunteer!

save the date for pte pto parents night out! 

More information coming soon! 

join us for the international festival! 

Please plan to join us on April 19, 2024 and share your family's culture and traditions with all of PTE. Please visit the link below to see all about the event and sign up to participate. 

sign up here to participate!

First page of the PDF file: PrairieTrace2024GoodNewsClubFlyer2-JulieTrump

Good News Club is back!!

Good News Club is an after school interactive Bible Club for students in ALL grades. Screened and trained adult volunteers lead the club. Club will meet on Wednesdays after school until 4:00pm starting Jan. 31st and running through March 6th.
Sign up today!

Questions? Contact julietrump@gmail.com





Prairie Trace Families, 

We are getting close to the end of the second reporting period, so I wanted to remind you of changes that were made at the district level regarding our standards based report card. As you may remember, the end of the first reporting period was the end of October. This coincided nicely with Parent Teacher Conferences, so the “report” that parents received was the information gained during the meeting between the teacher and the parent/guardian.  

Reporting Period Two will end at the end of February, and the Standards Based Report Card will come out in early March. You will receive an email and will be able to access this report through PowerSchool.  In this report, teachers will share how students are progressing toward Benchmark. This means how students are progressing toward mastery of the essential standards with the material they have been taught up to this point in the school year.   

Reporting Period Three will end at the end of the school year. The Standards Based Report Card will be available through PowerSchool as well. You will receive an email when this is available. The purpose of this report is for teachers to share how students demonstrate mastery of the grade level essential standards. At this time, they will report how the student ended the year in regard to grade level skills. This report will use proficiency based language based on how students met proficiency for the essential standards at the conclusion of the year. 

The major difference between reporting period two and reporting period three is:

  • Reporting period two is about what has been taught so far.

  • Reporting period three is about the all-encompassing grade level standards and if students were proficient in them at the end of the year.

As you are aware, there are many other reports that come home regarding student data throughout the year:

  • NWEA reports twice a year 

  • WIDA reports for our Multi-Lingual Learners

  • CogAt reports for 1st and 5th graders 

  • Information related to Dyslexia Screening in grades K-2

  • IREAD 3 information for 3rd graders 

  • ILEARN information for students in grades 3-5

As always, please reach out to your child's classroom teacher if you have questions or concerns about your student's progress, or any of us in the front office if you have a specific need. 

Thanks for your commitment to your child’s education!

Kim Piper

First page of the PDF file: CorpPartners2023_2