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March 8, 2024

Important Dates


6 Late Start
8 Hawks Herald
11 - 15 PTE Dance Marathon Spirit Week
15 PTE Dance Marathon
15 Kids Invite Someone Special -
Last Name A - L, 7am PTE cafeteria
RSVP Required
17 Spring Spirit Wear orders due!
20 Late Start
22 Kids Invite Someone Special -
Last Name M - Z, 7am PTE cafeteria
RSVP Required

Hawks Herald

24 Indy Fuel PTE Spirit Night
26 PTE Parent Information Meeting, 6:30pm
26 PTO PRESENTS: Author Matt Tavares
27 Fifth Grade Program, 6:30pm

Make sure to bookmark this site so you always have the latest dates of things happening around Prairie Trace!

pte calendar


Attention Fifth Grade Families- please mark your calendars for March 27 to attend our family performance of the Fifth Grade Program, "The Day the Crayons Quit!" The family show is at 6:30 pm on March 27th, and the student call time will be at 6:00 pm. Doors open at 6:15, and seating will fill up!


Reminders from the nurse's office

all Parents:

Just a reminder that if you child has a fever of 100.4 or greater, they need to stay home until fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. If their temperature is below that threshold for 24 hours and their symptoms are improving they should return to school. Please call the nurses office if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's illness.

Parents of current 5th Grade Students:

A reminder regarding incoming 6th grade immunizations...Now is the perfect time to schedule an appointment with your child's pediatrician to have their 6th grade immunizations. Please email or drop off a copy of your child's updated vaccination record after their appointment. We can then update their record in PowerSchool so that they will be up to date for 6th grade.

Thank you!

Get your tickets today!

Make sure to join us for PTE Night at the Indy Fuel game on Sunday, March 24th. Every ticket purchased will give $5 back to PTE and all kids eat free! Kids 12 and under will receive a meal voucher. Get your tickets now! All PTE families will be sat together in the Center Terrace Level.

get your tickets here

Are you listed in the PTE directory?

This year, PTE is using DirectorySpot to power our school directory. You need to complete a form if you want your family's information in the directory. Check your email or contact ptoprairietrace@gmail.com for more information.  

save the date for pte pto parents night out! 

More information coming soon! 

First page of the PDF file: PupRunningFlyerTrack2024-JulieTrump

it's pups running time!

Attention all 4th and 5th grade PTE Families! Pup Running is a Carmel school-based youth running program that encourages fitness among elementary aged children through the sport of running. Spring Track Season is now open for registration. All skill levels are welcome!
Registration closes on 3/28/24. Absolutely no late registration will be accepted!! Prairie Trace will hold practices on Monday and Thursday after school. More Questions? Contact julietrump@gmail.com.

register today at puprunning.org

get some labels and support pte!

Check out Mabel's Labels for some great deals on labels to keep your student's belongings coming home! 






Dear Prairie Trace Families,

As we march into March, I want to emphasize the critical role of attendance, our success skill of perseverance, and reading at home. These elements are fundamental to your child’s growth and development, both academically and personally.

Attendance matters! Up to this point this year, 10% of our students have missed more than 7 days of school. Storing attendance is a state focus, and I want to make sure that our students are doing their best to be in school.  Regular attendance is the cornerstone of academic success. When students are present in class, they have the opportunity to engage with the material, participate in discussions, and build relationships with their peers and teachers. Please ensure that your child attends school every day possible and arrives on time. If your child must be absent, please notify the school promptly.

Our skill for success this month is PERSEVERANCE. We will celebrate our students who demonstrate this trait during our March Leadership Convocation at the end of the month. We know that learning is a journey set filled with challenges and setbacks. Teaching our children to persevere through difficulties is one of the greatest gifts we can give them. Encourage them to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and to never give up, even when the going gets tough. We have been focusing on this at school, so please help to remind them that their efforts and persistence will ultimately lead to success.

Students should be reading at home for at least 20 minutes a night. Reading is the foundation of all learning. Research consistently shows that children who read at home perform better in school. Make reading a priority in your household by setting aside time each day for independent reading. Encourage your child to explore different genres and topics that interest them. Reading together as a family can also be a fun and rewarding way to bond and create lasting memories. Your child can read to you or take the time to read to your child.  It’s always a great experience!  

Together, let's prioritize attendance,  perseverance, and reading at home to ensure that every child reaches their full potential. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child's education.

Best Regards,

Kim Piper 

First page of the PDF file: CorpPartners2023_2