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March 22, 2024

Important Dates


24 Indy Fuel PTE Spirit Night
26 PTE Parent Information Meeting, 6:30pm
26 PTO PRESENTS: Author Matt Tavares
27 Fifth Grade Program, 6:30pm
28 Pup Running registration closes


1 - 8 Spring Break - No School!
10 Late Start
11 4th Grade Folk Dancing Program, 6pm
11 101 Beer Kitchen - Dine to Donate
12 Hawks Herald
19 PTE International Fair
24 Late Start

Hawks Herald

26 Parent's Night Out - 7pm

Make sure to bookmark this site so you always have the latest dates of things happening around Prairie Trace!

pte calendar


Attention Fifth Grade Families- please mark your calendars for March 27 to attend our family performance of the Fifth Grade Program, "The Day the Crayons Quit!" The family show is at 6:30 pm on March 27th, and the student call time will be at 6:00 pm. Doors open at 6:15, and seating will fill up!

Hope to see you all at Parent's Night Out on April 26th. As part of Parent's Night Out, we have our silent auction and each grade level puts together baskets that help raise money for PTE. Donate to your grade level basket at the links below. We need everything collected by April 1st! 
kindergarten - all things carmel

1st grade - cooking up some fun

3rd grade - indulge indiana

4th grade - bbq basket

5th grade - spa night

First page of the PDF file: PrairieTraceElemD2D

Get your tickets today!

Make sure to join us for PTE Night at the Indy Fuel game on Sunday, March 24th. Every ticket purchased will give $5 back to PTE and all kids eat free! Kids 12 and under will receive a meal voucher. Get your tickets now! All PTE families will be sat together in the Center Terrace Level.

get your tickets here

Are you listed in the PTE directory?

This year, PTE is using DirectorySpot to power our school directory. You need to complete a form if you want your family's information in the directory. Check your email or contact ptoprairietrace@gmail.com for more information.  

free webinar for parents and caregivers

Parents and caregivers! Do you have an anxious child or wonder how to best help your student who is struggling? Join us for any or all of the upcoming webinar series, hosted by Hillary Blake. Register now: linktr.ee/carmelclayschools.


we need your help!

Open call for PTO Directors for the 2024-2025 school year is officially underway! We have something for everyone, no matter your schedule. Grab a friend & get involved!

Fill out this interest form for more information on open positions  

Filling out the form does NOT commit you to being a director; please note, this is for DIRECTOR positions. General volunteer recruiting will begin in the early fall. Thank you for your time and commitment to PTE!

First page of the PDF file: PupRunningFlyerTrack2024-JulieTrump

it's pups running time!

Attention all 4th and 5th grade PTE Families! Pup Running is a Carmel school-based youth running program that encourages fitness among elementary aged children through the sport of running. Spring Track Season is now open for registration. All skill levels are welcome!
Registration closes on 3/28/24. Absolutely no late registration will be accepted!! Prairie Trace will hold practices on Monday and Thursday after school. More Questions? Contact julietrump@gmail.com.

register today at puprunning.org

get some labels and support pte!

Check out Mabel's Labels for some great deals on labels to keep your student's belongings coming home! 

looking for leggings and joggers

The clinic is in need of gently used boys and girls leggings/joggers in size 4-10! We greatly appreciate your help if you are cleaning out closets in the near future! Students can drop these off in the office or clinic.

vaccination reminder for all 5th grade parents

Please remember to schedule an appointment for your student to receive the MCV4(Meningococcal) and Tdap vaccination prior to the start of 6th grade. These are Indiana State requirements. If your student has received the vaccines please provide a copy to the clinic so that we can update their records in PowerSchool.







Dear Prairie Trace Families, 

As we gear up for our much-anticipated Spring Break, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your continuous support and engagement with our school community. Your involvement truly enriches the educational experience for our students. I absolutely love working with your children everyday, and I thank you for sending them to school each day ready to do their best!  

I am thrilled to share that the Kids Invite Someone Special (KISS) events were a success! This event was planned by our awesome PTO, and I know our students loved the special time with a loved one before school. Thanks for helping with the smooth flow of the mornings and following the directions for arrival and dismissal. We really appreciate it!  

PTO has generously sponsored another upcoming event this week. Our students will hear from a visiting author on Tuesday during their Specials time! Matthew Tavares, an author and illustrator will share his talents with us, and hopefully, inspire our students to start their own stories. Maybe you will get to read some of their great work over spring break! We can’t wait to hear from Mr. Tavares, and we thank the PTO for sponsoring this experience for our students. PTO does an amazing job organizing enriching experiences for our school community! 

Additionally, I encourage you to mark your calendars for the exciting events we have planned for the next few weeks:

  • March 26: Visiting Author

  • March 26: Grade 3 IREAD scores sent home 

  • March 26: Parent Information Night at PTE 6:30-7:30 in the gym - Come to hear information about the school, get questions answered and hear how our PTO engages with school events and how you can get involved! Childcare provided by Clay NJHS!

  • March 27: 5th Grade Program 6:30 in the Gym 

  • March 29: 4th Grade Indiana Expo 8:15-9:00 am

  • April 1-5: No School for Spring Break 

  • April 8: No School - Solar Eclipse - Students will bring home glasses before break 

  • April 9: Math Bowl - Good luck to our awesome team! 

Lastly, I kindly request that if your child will be absent from school prior to the Spring Break, please notify the school office in advance. This allows us to ensure the safety and well-being of all students and helps us maintain accurate attendance records.

Once again, thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in your child's education. Wishing you all a safe, restful, and enjoyable Spring Break!

Warm regards,

Kim Piper 

First page of the PDF file: CorpPartners2023_2