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October 6, 2023

Important Dates


9 - 13

Fall Break - NO SCHOOL

17 Picture Retake Day
18 Late Start

Hawks Herald


Ghost & Goblins Run

27 Fall Parties

Make sure to bookmark this site so you always have the latest dates of things happening around Prairie Trace!

pte calendar

have a great idea? Make it a reality!

Attention students! The CEF student-led Grant Application is officially live! This is your chance to get the resources and support you need to turn your unique ideas into reality. If you're a student wanting to explore your creative side and make an impact, now's your time! Any K-12 student or student group may apply with a CCS staff member as their mentor. Click the link to apply now and join in!

apply today!

PTE Walk and roll to school Day

Walk to School Day logo

We had a great turn out with Walk and Roll To School Day on Wednesday, October 4.

The weather was great and the late start made it nice for families to participate. Thanks to all the families who participated and the staff who supported the event.

We had a grand total of .... 294 students. Thanks for making an impact for a healthier PTE!

fifth grade fall event

Registration is now open for the 5th grade event at Conner Prairie's Headless Horseman festival. Please see your 5th grade event email for the link to register! Sign up Deadline is Tuesday, Oct. 17th!

Would you like to chaperone this event? Sign up below:

chaperone sign up!

First page of the PDF file: Copyof2023GhostsGoblinsLogo_1

get your costumes ready!

Ghosts and Goblins 5K/2K is a family event takes place Saturday, Oct. 21st at 9:00AM at Carmel High School.

Participants can dress in costume (optional) and walk or run together to show school spirit. This event is presented by the Carmel Education Foundation, which provides scholarships and education grants to students and teachers throughout our district. See you there!


are you missing anything? 

Stop by the PTE vestibule between 8:30 am - 1:00 pm or 3:00 - 5:30 pm on October 16-20 to check the Lost & Found. Non-claimed lost and found items will be donated during Winter Break.






Dear PTE Parents, 

It is with great pleasure that we welcome the fall! I love this time of year, and I was so excited to kick it off with the Fall Tailgate last week. What a great turn out we had! It was so awesome to look across the parking lot, playground, and soccer field and see so many PTE students, alumni, and families conversing and enjoying each other’s company. We have an awesome PTE family, and I’m so appreciative of what each of you bring to our school. We are ALL lucky to be PTE HAWKS! 

One of the important events we look forward to in the fall is Parent Teacher Conferences. Our Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 2nd (afternoon and evening) and Friday, November 3rd (morning). There will be no ESE at PTE on these days. Parents will meet with their child’s teacher at school. Please make sure you watch for the email notification on October 16th to sign up for your conference. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher.  

Just want to thank you again for all of your hard work with our PTE fundraiser, Race to Prairie Trace! We exceeded our goal, and Mrs. Browne and I LOVED turning into human sundaes at our school convocation. I think the kids loved it too!  We appreciate your support for our PTO, staff and students! 

Please review the information in the Hawks Herald regarding the Referendum which will be on the ballot in November.  If you have any questions regarding the Referendum, please feel free to contact me.  

Carmel Clay Schools has a Parent Safety Academy coming up on October 24th and 25th.  If you are interested in this opportunity, there is a link for parent registration available online here: https://www.ccs.k12.in.us/services/student-services/pssa.

I hope that everyone has an enjoyable Fall Break! I can’t wait to return and see the progress that students continue to make each day. Remember to read each day over break with your child and practice those math facts!  


Kim Piper 

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