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HH 10/7/2022

October 7, 2022   *   Edition 5

Important Dates



11 Dine to Donate - Chipotle on 146th Street
12 Walk to School Day
13 - 14 Fall Break - No School
17 National Boss / Admin / Managerial Staff Day
17 - 21 National School Bus Safety Week
18 Picture Retakes
19 Late Start
21 Hawks Herald
22 CEF Ghosts & Goblins Run 
24 - 28 Red Ribbon Week
28 Fall Class Parties
28 5th Grade Event - Headless Horseman


2 Late Start
2 Dine to Donate - Rose & Lois
3 Early Dimissal - Parent / Teacher Conferences
4 Parent / Teacher Conferences - No School


The Headless Horseman 5th grade event at Conner Prairie is now scheduled to start at 5:15pm (not 5:30pm, as originally stated). We want to ensure adequate time for everyone to eat prior to getting in line (early) for the hayride. Registration is now closed. Additional details to come closer to the event date on dropoff/pickup procedures.

We still need chaperones! Please sign up here:

i want to be a chaperone for the 5th grade event

First page of the PDF file: ChipotleD2DOct2022


Dear Hawk Families, 

Fall is among us, and our students are almost done with quarter one! The quarter ends on October 12th, the day before fall break. Report cards will be sent out electronically on October 24th, but most importantly, you will be able to meet with your student’s teacher for Parent Teacher Conferences on November 3rd and 4th. We look forward to this time to be able to discuss your student’s progress and give you ideas for home!  You will hear back from your teachers with your conference time on Oct. 19th. Due to the quick nature of the meeting, these conferences are for parents/guardians and the teacher only - students are not a part of the meeting this time. Here is the schedule for Nov. 3rd and 4th:

  • Students will attend school on Thursday, Nov. 3rd in the morning, and the day will end at 11:10 AM. Students will attend a modified version of their specials class on this day. They will have the option to take a grab and go lunch with them prior to leaving. There will NOT be ESE care on this day. Please make sure you update your child’s school dismissal manager account to reflect how your child will get home that day.  

  • Students will NOT attend school on Friday, Nov. 4th.  ESE is offering full day childcare at the Monon Center for families that sign up in advance.  

I just wanted to thank you again for the amazing participation in the Race to Prairie Trace! Our fun run was a success, and Mr. Reid and I had an awesome time at the convocation last week getting pied in the face and becoming human sundaes! This was a great send off for Mr. Reid as he transitions to his high school position.  I’m sure he’s going to miss the awesome adventures of elementary school!  We will for sure miss him! We welcomed Mrs. Browne to the office this week, and she has done an amazing job in her new role! 

As we embark on the cooler months of the year, you may have more time with your child indoors after school. Think about all of the educational opportunities you can do each day:

  • Read a good book together and discuss the characters, setting, and plot.

  • Practice math facts - every grade level can use this practice, just change the operation. 

  • Play board games and work on sportsmanship and patience. 

  • Write letters to family members to practice the craft of writing as well as handwriting. 

Thank you for your continued support at home as we support your child at school. The one on one time they have with you each day is invaluable!  Set aside the time and cherish the small moments!  

We have great learning opportunities approaching at PTE!  Here are some activities your child may experience in the near future:

  • The Hamilton County Coat Drive will continue through next week! Take a look for some gently used coats, hats, and mittens you can donate as you prepare for this year. 

  • PTO is hosting another Dine to Donate on Oct. 11th at Chipotle on 146th!  Take the night off from cooking! 

  • Second grade will be going on a walking tour of Carmel next week! 

  • Walk to School Day is October 12th! I know we already have a lot of walkers, but more students may want to join on this day. 

  • Fourth graders will be on a field trip on October 12th! 

  • There will be no school on October 13th and 14th!  Enjoy your Fall Break! 

  • Picture retakes are October 18th! 

  • We have another late start on October 19th!  

  • Kindergarten and second grade students will be on a field trip on Oct. 21st! 

Have a great weekend! Thanks for being amazing partners with us!

Kim Piper 

Dear Parents and Families: 

We wanted to provide a reminder to all PTE families about the policies in regard to student health expectations for school attendance. CCS follows the CDC recommendation of a fever threshold of 100.4.  Any student with a fever (temperature above 100.4) should be kept home until the student has been fever free (temperature below 100.4) for 24 hours without fever reducing medication. Any student with a temperature above 100.4 will also be sent home from school. In addition, we want to remind you that childhood illnesses are very common and expected in the school setting, especially during the fall and winter months. This can include seasonal cold and/or allergy symptoms. Students are expected to be present at school unless more serious symptoms and/or fever require them to remain at home. PTE has a school nurse on staff every day and students are always welcome to come to the clinic for evaluation during the school day, if feeling poorly. As a reminder, the clinic can provide cough drops, Tylenol and Ibuprofen for minor complaints of pain or discomfort such as sore throat, head ache or cough. If you feel your student needs allergy medication, cough suppressant or decongestant, please provide at home. Student absences will be considered unexcused if they stay home for illness. A physician’s note is required to medically excuse an absence.

We are always available during the school day if you have any questions or concerns and are here to help your student have a productive and successful day!

Nurse Michelle and Nurse Kathy

get your costumes ready!

The Ghost & Goblins fun family event takes place Saturday, Oct. 22nd at 9:00AM at Carmel High School. 

Prairie Trace has decided as a school to have students wear their grade level t-shirts and families can dress up in the same colors as their kids. This event is presented by the Carmel Education Foundation, which provides scholarships and education grants to students and teachers throughout our district. See you there!

Register at GhostsAndGoblinsRun.com 

First page of the PDF file: NewsletterinsertCCS202111




We need parents just like you to help us in the cafeteria during lunch time.  As a cafeteria helper, you will help the children find a seat, open their lunch items, get all the extras (think parmesan cheese, ketchup, napkins, and utensils!), and maintain PTE lunch room standards!  ...all while getting to socialize with your kiddos and their friends. (We all love seeing your FB and Instagram selfies!)
This is a way to help out in the school, get to know all of your child's classmates, and interact with the staff at PTE.  



ESE Late Start Image

Free ESE Late Start Before School Program

Late start school days happen 1-2 Wednesdays each month. On late start days, ESE offers a free before school program for all CCS elementary school students. To participate in this program, pre-registration is required.

The ESE late start before school program is offered from 7-8:20 a.m. and school breakfast is provided. The next ESE late start before school program is scheduled for Wednesday, October 19th..

Registration just takes a few minutes and is free. For your child to participate in the ESE late start before school program, they must be enrolled in our EZChildTrack system prior to the beginning of the late start program day. We strongly discourage enrolling your child day-of and may not be able to accept the child into the program.

Register here!

school dismissal manager - don't forget! 

Now that afterschool clubs are starting, please remember to change your child's default dismissal by 1:15pm each day in School Dismissal Manager by submitting an exception. This is extremely important for your child to get to where they need to go at the end of the day.

log into school dismissal manager

PTE Walk to School Day - Wednesday, October 12th

Walk to School Day logo

The idea behind Walk to School Day is to promote health, safety and physical activity with families and friends in the school community.

We believe that International Walk to School Day will help bring the Carmel community together to help make walking a safe and enjoyable part of everyone's lives. So, get those shoes ready for walking!

Hope to see a great turn out! Meet by the back parking area for a snack and water. Look for the Prairie Trace banners!!

be an exam proctor

Carmel High School has paid positions for test proctors at various times of the year. We are a host site for the ACT and SAT tests a number of times throughout the school year. In addition, every year in May, we administer around 4000+ Advanced Placement exams.  The large volume of tests requires many proctors to keep the process moving smoothly.
We will be hiring proctors throughout the year to prepare for these exams. Specifically, for the first 3 weeks in May when Advanced Placement testing is administered. The hiring process is simple. A brief application needs to be completed and a full background check is performed. The employment background check is more extensive than a regular volunteer background check but lasts for 5 years. Once it is on file with CCS you can use it to proctor, substitute teach or apply for employment with the school district. It makes the application process much easier and quicker. There is an initial fee of $24.90.
The proctor jobs are very flexible. We assign positions based on the availability you provide to us. You can work as much or as little as you like. We provide paid training and a parking pass. The current pay rate is $14.80.

If you are interested, please contact Tricia McGuire at tmcguire@ccs.k12.in.us.


First page of the PDF file: APznzabFx8zViyfu_KRp_JEwMM5iybAlVDdqply8Z-H5R9HwltFdDJ9iBfWGfYnSE7I-Tii991QqvzzxHqP6i7pPqZVF9_PR7