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HH 10/21/2022

October 21, 2022   *   Edition 6

Important Dates



22 CEF Ghosts & Goblins Run 
24 Dine to Donate - Marco's Pizza
24 - 28 Red Ribbon Week
28 Fall Class Parties
28 5th Grade Event - Headless Horseman


2 Late Start
2 Dine to Donate - Rose & Lois
3 Early Dimissal - Parent / Teacher Conferences
4 Parent / Teacher Conferences - No School
4 Hawks Herald
9 Dine to Donate - Rose & Lois
10 Deadline for Art to Remember orders
11 Veteran's Day Program - 3rd Grade
14 - 18 Food Drive
14 - 21 Fall Book Fair
15 Dollars & Cents Fundraiser - Penn & Beech
16 Dine to Donate - Rose & Lois

Education Support Professionals Day


Late Start

18 Hawks Herald
23 - 25 Thanksgiving Break - No School
23 Dine to Donate - Rose & Lois
30 Late Start
30 Dine to Donate - Rose & Lois

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Hello Families, 

We are midway through October and feeling this cooler weather!  However, this is Indiana, and we know we will have some mild weather mixed with chillier temperatures, especially in the morning.  Please talk with your children about wearing the appropriate clothing once the weather changes.  Some of our classrooms can fluctuate in temperature, so layers are best.  Remind them to bring home all of their sweatshirts and light jackets as well because our Lost and Found is already overflowing!  

Thank you for working so hard with us on our end of the day procedures.  Mrs. Browne and I are reviewing the carpool procedures and may be making some slight changes in the near future.  We will send information to all parents of any potential changes.  Thank you for putting your numbers in your cars and being patient with the process.  

Next week, our 5th grade students will be completing CogAt testing.  This will be an additional data point to help us with middle school scheduling for our students.  Students could potentially qualify for honors or advanced classes based on CogAt scores and/or NWEA scores.  

We look forward to seeing parents at school on Nov. 3rd and 4th for parent teacher conferences!  This will be a great time to give your teachers updates on your children and create action plans for home as well as school.  I know our teachers are looking forward to meeting with you to inform you of our child’s progress.  Please make sure you enter through the front doors as we will have sign in sheets, so we know who is in the building throughout the two days.  

We have some fun activities planned for the near future!  Next week is Red Ribbon Spirit Week:

  • Monday:  Red Ribbon Kick Off - wear red 

  • Tuesday:  Too Bright for Drugs - wear neon

  • Wednesday:  Follow Your Dreams - wear pajamas

  • Thursday:  Living Drug Free is No Sweat - wear athletic or workout clothes

  • Friday:  Team Up Against Drugs - wear your favorite sports team or PTE spirit wear 

Our students will have their Fall parties on October 28th in the afternoon.  Thank you to our PTO for organizing the activities and fun!  If you are volunteering for this and taking your child home after the event, please make sure you update the School Dismissal Manager to indicate that. 

Thank you for partnering with us at PTE!  We love our families!

Kim Piper

Dear Prairie Trace Families:

First, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Jason Lumadue, art teacher of Prairie Trace Elementary! I am so lucky to start my 9th year of teaching at Prairie Trace. I hope your children are enjoying their time in the art studio! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have during our school year.

My priority as an art teacher is to create a safe place for students to create art and feel great about what they have made! This includes our Art to Remember fundraiser. I understand Prairie Trace has participated in this fundraiser in the past. If this is your first time, not to worry, it is a very user-friendly process. Your child(ren) will be bringing home their personalized order form. It will have their name and online order code. Use that code at their website https://arttoremember.com/school/7f2e5q. There, you can shop over 50 keepsake items featuring your child’s artwork. Our school will receive 25% of all sales. We can also earn extra percentage bonus points for high participation. Every order can help raise money for our school! 

Orders are due by November 10. Products should be delivered to school in the first week of December, in plenty of time for the holidays! If your child was unable to complete their artwork in time, not to worry! Just have them create a piece of 2D of their choice ( crayons, markers, paint, or colored pencils). You can upload your child’s art on their website, or send me the image via email. I can upload it for you. Then, you can place an order. Thank you so much for supporting our school and your child’s art.

Mr. Lumadue
PTE Art Teacher

get your costumes ready!

The Ghost & Goblins fun family event takes place Saturday, Oct. 22nd at 9:00AM at Carmel High School. 

Prairie Trace has decided as a school to have students wear their grade level t-shirts and families can dress up in the same colors as their kids. This event is presented by the Carmel Education Foundation, which provides scholarships and education grants to students and teachers throughout our district. See you there!

Register at GhostsAndGoblinsRun.com 


Volunteers needed to help with the Fall Book Fair November 14-21.  All volunteers must have a criminal history check on file with CCS.

sign up here

are you missing something??

The PTE Lost & Found is very full! Please stop in the foyer and look for your child's lost belongings during Parent-Teacher Conferences on November 3 & 4.

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