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HH 11/18/2022

December 2, 2022   *   Edition 9

Important Dates



21 Grandfriend's Event - 3-5pm
21 Thanksgiving Raffle for PTE teachers
21 Yearbook Cover Designs due!
23 - 25 Thanksgiving Break - No School
23 Dine to Donate - Rose & Lois
30 Late Start
30 Dine to Donate - Rose & Lois


1 Group / Club Pictures
2 Hawks Herald
15 Teacher Cookie Exchange
16 Last Day of the Semester
16 Hawks Herald
19 - Jan 4 Winter Break - No School

Please RSVP to let us know if you are attending!

rsvp here!

If you would like to volunteer for the event, please sign up here! 

!'d like to volunteer!

share your traditions!

Prairie Trace Elementary has a digital slideshow that runs on a TV in the front lobby for all staff, students, and visitors to view throughout the day. Knowing and learning about one another's family, culture, and traditions creates a sense of belonging among classmates and peers. It is our goal at PTE for every student to feel like they belong and are loved while at school. To continue helping students feel this way,  we would love to display pictures that celebrate the diversity of traditions and cultures of our families at PTE. If you are interested in sharing photos of your family traditions and celebrations, please send your photos to Miss Black (cblack1@ccs.k12.in.us) and she will add them to our slideshow in the front lobby. 


Greetings, PTE Families! 

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I greatly appreciate the relationship we have with our school community and families. You truly make PTE an amazing place to come to work everyday. We continue to build our community with awesome events like the following:

  • Great attendance and conversations at Parent Teacher Conferences 

  • Wonderful programs like our 3rd grade Veterans’ Day Program 

  • Dine to Donate participation for our restaurant nights and, most recently, candle making at Penn and Beech to support PTE 

  • Assistance from our staff and families for families during the food drive and Winter Wonderland 

Thanks for all you do to instill great values in your children and trust them in our care each day!  We appreciate you! 

We have seen an increase in student absences over the last few weeks. Please make sure you are vigilant in hand washing and observing for symptoms of illness. We want our students here, but we also want to make sure they are well enough to focus on their academics.  

Next week is a short week due to Thanksgiving!  We will be out of school on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please continue to have your child read each day for at least 20 minutes. This can be done with a parent or independently. It’s also great to have your students work on their math facts for at least 10 minutes each day. We want to make sure we are building muscle memory and not letting things slide during our days off!  In our house we say, we can’t let our brains turn to mush! 

Here are some awesome opportunities coming up for our students:

  • Nov. 21:  Grand Friends’ Day 3:00-5:00 PM (Book Fair ends) 

  • Nov. 22:  Grade 4 has a Fire Safety presentation from the Carmel Clay Fire Department 

  • Nov. 23-25;  No School!  Enjoy your time with family!  

  • Nov. 28-Dec. 2:  Kindergarten students will enjoy a guest speaker in the Media Center explaining the TRUE story of the 3 Little Pigs!  

  • Nov. 30:  Late Start; Rose and Lois Dine to Donate 

  • Dec. 1:  Group Photos for the Yearbook - make sure students have any special shirts/uniforms for their groups 

Warmest Regards, 

Kim Piper

Please help us thank our wonderful PTE teachers and staff. All items donated will be part of a raffle and every team member will walk away feeling appreciated! 

sign up here!


First page of the PDF file: ASVFlyer