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HH 12/2/2022

December 2, 2022   *   Edition 9

Important Dates


7 - 8 Rackz BBQ - Dine to Donate
9 Yearbook Staff applications due
16 PTE Staff Brunch
16 Last Day of the Semester
16 Hawks Herald
19 - Jan 4 Winter Break - No School


5 First Day of the Semester
11 Late Start
13 Hawks Herald
16 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School

share your traditions!

Prairie Trace Elementary has a digital slideshow that runs on a TV in the front lobby for all staff, students, and visitors to view throughout the day. Knowing and learning about one another's family, culture, and traditions creates a sense of belonging among classmates and peers. It is our goal at PTE for every student to feel like they belong and are loved while at school. To continue helping students feel this way,  we would love to display pictures that celebrate the diversity of traditions and cultures of our families at PTE. If you are interested in sharing photos of your family traditions and celebrations, please send your photos to Miss Black (cblack1@ccs.k12.in.us) and she will add them to our slideshow in the front lobby. 

Let's send our teachers and staff off to winter break with a bang! Please sign up below to donate brunch items for our teachers and staff! 

sign up here! 


Dear PTE Families, 

We hope that everyone had a restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday and break. We were excited to welcome the students back into the building on Monday. Their smiles were amazing! We battled some illness before the break, so we continue to stress healthy habits at school, so we can return to our great PTE attendance numbers. Please continue to stress handwashing and covering coughs and sneezes at home too! We have 3 weeks of learning before another break, and we need to make every moment count! 

Before the break, PTO sponsored a wonderful Grand Friends’ Event! Thank you to Jess Farr and the amazing volunteers who made this event special for all of our guests. It was great to see the special bonds between the students and their grand friends!  

Hopefully, you have seen the information regarding reporting absences in School Dismissal Manager. Parents and caregivers can now report absences and late arrivals on SDM. We hope this system will be easier for you as you can report absences. If you use this system, you do not need to call the office. We will get all of the information from our daily report.  

Looking ahead, we have so many wonderful things in store. Our teachers continuously strive to provide your children with engaging and meaningful activities and lessons each day. We will be looking for leaders who think everyone can win. These students can problem solve and work together to make others happy. We will celebrate these students at the end of the month. During the last week before holiday break (Dec. 12-16), our students will kick off our annual drive for Riley’s Dance Marathon with our annual Jingle Jog. We ask that each child bring in at least a dollar and have an enjoyable jog outside with their grade level!  

December 16th is our last day of school before Winter Break, and we are certain that the next couple weeks will pass by quickly! Continue to read at home each night with your child - they truly love this time with their loved ones! 

Yours truly, 

Kim Piper

NEW FEATUREs in school dismissal manager

Will your student be absent from school or arriving late? Check out School Dismissal Manager's new features: Report Absence and Add Late Arrive. You can find these features in your SDM account where you enter exceptions. 

You can even use it for future date entries!

Questions:  pte_admin_assistants@ccs.k12.in.us

First page of the PDF file: DecemberDTDFlyer

First page of the PDF file: APznzabFx8zViyfu_KRp_JEwMM5iybAlVDdqply8Z-H5R9HwltFdDJ9iBfWGfYnSE7I-Tii991QqvzzxHqP6i7pPqZVF9_PR7


First page of the PDF file: ASVFlyer