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HH 12/03/2021

December 3, 2021   *   Edition 8


Important Dates



4 CCS Holiday in the District
8 and 9 Rackz BBQ Dine to Donate
14 - 17 Jingle Jog
16 Drop off Holiday Cookie supplies!
20 - Jan 3 Winter Break - No School

The PTE Orff Ensemble will once again be performing at Carmel's Holiday in the Arts District festival. We perform at 4pm. Here's a link to the website that shows the location as well as parking information. Hope to see you there!

First page of the PDF file: PTEJingleJog

Materials needed for STEM Lab

Order Your Yearbooks today!

Yearbook Order Code: 14475422, Deadline 3/11/2022

Orders your Yearbooks Today

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 8 AND Thursday, December 9 for our December dine-to-donate event at Rackz BBQ!!!

spread some holiday joy!

2021 is almost over and we have one more chance to make sure the PTE staff and teachers know how special they are!

The PTO will be providing cookie decorating kits to our staff and teachers. The PTO will provide the cookies and icing. We are asking for donations for sprinkles and gift bags.

Please sign up below. Donations can be dropped off to Lindsay Ohmer (13614 Stone Haven Dr) or Jill Griffiths (5255 Comanche Trail) at any time prior to Thursday December 16.



Cub Scout Pack 197 at PTE

Cub Scout Pack 197 at Prairie Trace is looking to expand its membership. If your son or daughter has interest in developing leadership and life skills, making friends, and going on a few outdoor adventures, come check us out. Email pack197pte@gmail.com with questions.
Our winter focus is on our Pinewood Derby!  We would love to have your son or daughter join us on this fun car building and racing adventure. Join us for the Pack 197 Pinewood Derby - Saturday, January 22, 2022 - Clay Middle School, check-in at 5:00 p.m. with racing to start at 5:30 p.m.

Scan here to register your child for the Pinewood Derby or follow this link to the form.

Congratulations to the Kindergarten classes for having the most family/friends register with our corporate sponsors! Kindergarteners, stay tuned for details on your extra recess/PJ day! Families can still sign up with our corporate sponsors (Kroger Community Rewards, Amazon Smile, and BoxTops) and support PTE! See below for more info!



help our PTE students dine safely

and comfortably!



We need parents just like you to help us in the cafeteria during lunch time.  As a cafeteria helper, you will help the children find a seat, open their lunch items, get all the extras (think parmesan cheese, ketchup, napkins, and utensils!), and maintain PTE lunch room standards!  ...all while getting to socialize with your kiddos and their friends. (We all love seeing your FB and Instagram selfies!)
This is a way to help out in the school, get to know all of your child's classmates, and interact with the staff at PTE.