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HH 12/16/2022

December 16, 2022   *   Edition 10

Important Dates


19 - Jan 4 Winter Break - No School


5 First Day of the Semester
9 Chat and Chew Sign-ups due!
11 Late Start
11 Fork + Ale - Dine to Donate
13 Hawks Herald
16 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
17 Homeroom Parent meeting - 6pm
18 5th Grade Parent Info Night - Clay Middle School
19 5th Grade Night - CMS Basketball Game
20 K-2 Musical Performance
24 Noble Roman's - Dine to Donate
25 Late Start
27 Hawks Herald


share your traditions!

Prairie Trace Elementary has a digital slideshow that runs on a TV in the front lobby for all staff, students, and visitors to view throughout the day. Knowing and learning about one another's family, culture, and traditions creates a sense of belonging among classmates and peers. It is our goal at PTE for every student to feel like they belong and are loved while at school. To continue helping students feel this way,  we would love to display pictures that celebrate the diversity of traditions and cultures of our families at PTE. If you are interested in sharing photos of your family traditions and celebrations, please send your photos to Miss Black (cblack1@ccs.k12.in.us) and she will add them to our slideshow in the front lobby. 

First page of the PDF file: ChatandChew2023-registrationflyer-JulieTrump


Dear Prairie Trace Families,

I hope that everyone enjoys their winter break. I want to take this opportunity to reflect on our accomplishments and all the experiences that your children have had an opportunity to be part of thus far. We have so much to be proud of this year!!!

I’m so proud of our teachers, students, and families at PTE!  Prairie Trace teachers have written and received many grants to help in the classroom from the Carmel Education Foundation. These grants will bring more resources to the classroom to match the curriculum we are teaching. Our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is working hard to support our families, students, and teachers each and every day. Our families raised a significant amount of money through the Race to Prairie Trace to bring opportunities to our school with visiting artists, special activities and events for our students. Our parents and caregivers came in for parent teacher conferences, and the school family partnership remains so strong. Our third graders had an amazing Veterans’ Day program, and we will see more performing arts programs in the future. Our PTE Ambassadors have led the charge with different service projects like the canned food drive and now starting to fundraise for Dance Marathon for Riley Children’s Hospital. We have an amazing group of teacher leaders that meet monthly to discuss the instructional vision of our school and make important decisions. Our teams of teachers meet weekly to discuss student data and make adjustments to their instruction to be more responsive to student needs. We have celebrated student leaders each month who go above and beyond in their classrooms demonstrating different leadership attributes. I am a strong believer in teamwork, and this shows how strong our Prairie Trace family can be when we all work together. We have had an amazing first semester, and I look forward to many more great student experiences when we return from break. 

Our students are making great progress in all areas - socially, emotionally, and academically. Teachers are assessing students, reteaching when necessary, and are determined that students are mastering the essential standards. Students are learning about their goals for their lessons and what success looks like for each learning target. I can’t wait to see their growth when we take NWEA in January! 

I look forward to many more awesome accomplishments in 2023! I wish you all a happy and healthy winter break. Please take time to relax, but also ensure that your child is reading daily, practicing trick words/sight words (if they have them), and practicing their math facts. As I tell the students, we can’t let our brains hibernate during this break! 

Thanks for all you do!

Kim Piper

Dear Prairie Trace Families:

The Zionsville Lion’s Club performed the majority of vision screening for 1st, 3rd and 5th grade students on 11/11/22 (Any student that was absent was screened later in the clinic). First graders only also received a secondary MCT vision screen through Little Eyes and Dr. Schuetz on 11/18/22. The results for all 1st graders where sent home on 12/5, so please make sure you have seen these results in their backpacks. As for the 3rd and 5th grades, ONLY students that failed their vision screening will have a “Referral Letter” sent home. This means that if you do not see a letter for your 3rd or 5th grader, then they passes their vision screening. The referral letters are being sent home on 12/12.  Thank you and please call the clinic if you have any questions!

Nurse Michelle and Nurse Kathy

First page of the PDF file: APznzabFx8zViyfu_KRp_JEwMM5iybAlVDdqply8Z-H5R9HwltFdDJ9iBfWGfYnSE7I-Tii991QqvzzxHqP6i7pPqZVF9_PR7


First page of the PDF file: ASVFlyer