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HH 4/1/2022

April 1, 2022   *   Edition 16


Important Dates



1 Corporate Partners Contest entries due


No School - Spring Break!
11-15 National Library Week
12 Math Bowl
13 Late Start
15 Hawks Herald
15 4th Grade Field Trip - Indiana State Museum
19 - May 3 ILEARN - 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades
19 CCS Presents: Social & Emotional
Growth in Middle School
22 Parent's Night Out & Silent Auction
at Prairie View Golf Club
27 Late Start
27 Administrative Professionals Day
29 Hawks Herald
29 Pink for Pulley Celebration

Join us on May 9th and bring the grandparents and grand friends to celebrate a Fine Arts Night, from 6-7:30pm! You will also get to see what the kids are Learning in STEM!

help stock the clinic!

Our amazing school nurses are in need of new and gently used clothing items and shoes in order to fully stock the clinic. Please take a look at the items listed below and consider donating - every little bit helps! A donation bin will be placed in the front lobby; you may either drop the donation off or send the donation in with your child. Thank you so much for your ongoing support!

sign up here

summer meals program donations needed

Summer break can be a difficult time for students and families who receive free/reduced lunch; In Hamilton county alone, 1 in 7 kids are food insecure.  To assure that these families are receiving adequate food resources during this time, Carmel Youth Assistance started the summer lunch program in 2017.  The program is grass roots funded, meaning that they rely entirely upon donations from the community to cover the $20,000 + dollars needed to sustain the program each year. The summer lunch program serves CCS students and families, and we want to do what we can as a school and CCS family to sustain such an integral program within our community.

make a donation

First page of the PDF file: CYAPSchoolFlyer


Enjoy a casual evening of dinner, libations, & camaraderie to document the night. This will be a great time to meet new friends, catch up with old ones and peruse Silent Auction items--all while supporting and celebrating PTE!

Silent Auction Tips | The Ultimate Fundraiser Blog

For Parents' Night Out, each grade puts together a basket for the silent auction. Below are the links to each grade's sign up genius for their Silent Auction Baskets. Each link has more information about what is included in the basket. Check our your grade below!

First Grade 

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade 


Donations are needed for our Beverage Pull at the up-coming Parent's Night Out event on April 22. Sign up to donate & help raise funds for Prairie Trace! Additional information in the Sign-Up Genius.

help out for parent's night out!

join the pto for the 2022-2023 school year!

It’s hard to believe we are beginning to look ahead and plan for the 2022-2023 school year! Throughout the year, the PTE PTO utilizes over 50 parents/guardians to fill its Executive Board & General Board Director positions. Without volunteers, the amazing offerings at PTE are just not possible. Please consider taking on a leadership role in the PTO by signing up to learn more about the positions summarized in the link below. We are beyond grateful for the support shown this year, and we want to thank you for investing in our school and its students. Of note - submitting this form does NOT commit you to a Director's position for next year. It just means that you are interested in learning more. (Call out for general volunteers will be in the Fall of 2022). Please let us know you are interested by Monday, April 11, 2022.

i want to help out the pto


Dear PTE Families,

We made it! We had a wonderful Kindness Week, and the students are ready for a break with you. The students have worked hard this month.  Enjoy your Spring Break! Take some time to focus on family and spend some quality time with your children.  

  • Take a break and go “off line”

  • Find some fun “stay-cation” things to do if you are here 

  • Watch favorite movies 

  • Camp in the backyard 

  • Play board games 

  • Listen to fun music and have dance parties 

Be ready to come back refreshed and ready to finish strong! We will have a lot to do that first week back:  ILEARN, Math Bowl Competition, and Grade 1 CogAt Testing. Make sure those chromebooks are charged. Let’s make sure we are at school and on time each day! If your child is going to be absent, please call the attendance line by 7:35am, so we are aware.  This is especially important with all of the testing that will be occurring when we return.  

Enjoy your break!  Encourage your children to be readers and leaders! I can’t wait to see your children again on April 11th! 

PTE Proud, 

Mrs. Piper

First page of the PDF file: SchooltoHearttoHome
First page of the PDF file: contestcorporatesponsorflyer2022docx1-StephanieMiskowiec



help our PTE students dine safely

and comfortably!



We need parents just like you to help us in the cafeteria during lunch time.  As a cafeteria helper, you will help the children find a seat, open their lunch items, get all the extras (think parmesan cheese, ketchup, napkins, and utensils!), and maintain PTE lunch room standards!  ...all while getting to socialize with your kiddos and their friends. (We all love seeing your FB and Instagram selfies!)
This is a way to help out in the school, get to know all of your child's classmates, and interact with the staff at PTE.