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HH 4/14/2023

April 14, 2023  *   Edition 17

Important Dates


14 PTE Cultural Fair
17 - 21 Earth Week
April 17 -
May 12
iLearn Testing - Grades 3 - 5
19 Clay Middle School Open House
for 5th grade
19 Pizzology - Dine to Donate
21 Parents Night Out - Trivia Night!
26 Administrative Professionals Day
26 Late Start
26 5th Grade Program, 6:30pm
28 Pink for Pulley

Hawks Herald


3 - 4

Kindergarten Screenings

3 Bike to School Day
8 - 12 Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week!
8 - 12 Literati Spring Book Fair
10 Fine Arts Night / STEM Fair
12 Hawks Herald
12 Hoosier Hysteria
15 - 19 School Resource Officer (SRO) Week
16 101 Beer Kitchen Carmel - Dine to Donate
16 - 18 PTE Field Days
19 Kindy 500
25 5th Grade Graduation
25 Hawks Herald

planning a move?

If you are planning to move out of PTE’s school boundaries at the end of the academic year or over the summer CCS requires you to complete this form.

To speed up the release of your student’s academic records to their new school please return this form the front office at your earliest convenience. CCS also requests that you return your Chromebook to the front office on their last day. Please call 317 571 7925 with any questions.

moving notification form

We hope you can join us for our Parents Night Out Trivia Night on April 21st at Prairie View Golf Club. Get your friends together and form a trivia team and come bid on some awesome silent action items! Tickets are $20 each and include your trivia entry and dinner from The Old Spaghetti Factory. We'll have a 50/50 putting contest and cash bar. Hope to see you there!! Please buy your tickets by Wednesday, April 19th so we can provide numbers to our food vendors!
Buy parents night out tickets!
If you can't attend Parent's Night Out but still want to shop the Silent Auction, no problem! Click below to register and support Prairie Trace!

silent auction registration

First page of the PDF file: PTEFlyer


please return your library books

Students are continuing to check out items from the PTE Media Center. Just a heads up that all materials will be due back by May 12, so we can begin to inventory the collection.

Happy reading! You can always see what your child has checked out from the PTE Media Center by clicking on the directions HERE.

PTE Art at the Carmel Arts Council Children's Art Gallery

Second grade students in Mrs. Rohr, and Mrs. Szymanski's class have works displayed at the Carmel Arts Council Childrens's Gallery, on Main street in Carmel! Gallery is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The opening reception for Prairie Trace Elementary is scheduled for May 6th from 4-6pm.


Dear Prairie Trace Families, 

I hope to see you at our Cultural Fair on Friday from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. We will have exciting and informative booths as well as three different food trucks for dinner options. Come join us in our celebration of diversity at Prairie Trace!  

It is state testing time in the state of Indiana! The ILEARN window for students in grades 3 through 5 opens on Monday. The students took their practice assessment last week. Our students are ready to show what they know on the state assessment. Third, fourth, and fifth grade students will begin testing on April 17th. Parents, please make sure your student is well rested and eats a healthy breakfast in the morning. Another way you can help your child feel confident about doing his or her best is by writing a letter of encouragement and putting it in your school folder, lunch box, etc. Notes of encouragement can say, “You can do it!” or “I believe in you!” Remind your child how much you love them and how special they are to you! As parents, you are your child’s biggest cheerleaders and your support does make a difference. It’s also important for students to maintain good attendance throughout the testing schedule. If students come in tardy, and their grade level has already started testing, they will be in the office until the testing session is over. He or she will then be part of the make-up assessments at a later time.  

Please plan on attending the PTO Parents Night Out event on April 21st! The event will be held at Prairie View Golf Clubhouse. They will have trivia and a silent auction with awesome student experiences and grade level baskets! It will be a fun event for parents to meet others and support PTE.  We hope to see you all there!   

We wanted to provide a reminder to all PTE families about the policies in regard to student health expectations for school attendance. CCS follows the CDC recommendation of a fever threshold of 100.4 degrees. Any student with a fever (temperature at or above 100.4) should be kept home until the student has been fever free (temperature below 100.4) for 24 hours without fever reducing medication. Any student with a temperature above 100.4 will also be sent home from school. In addition, we want to remind you that childhood illnesses are very common and expected in the school setting, especially during the fall and winter months. This can include seasonal cold and/or allergy symptoms.  Students are expected to be present at school unless more serious symptoms and/or fever require them to remain at home. In order for absences to be excused, please remember to bring any medical documentation you have pertaining to the absence.  

5th Grade Parents: As a reminder, if you have not already scheduled your student for their 6th grade vaccines, please note that they will need 2 required vaccines (MCV4 and Tdap) prior to the start of school. If these are obtained prior to the end of the school year, please provide documentation so that we can update PowerSchool. Thank you to those parents that have already taken the initiative! If you have a child who will want to play sports (see Clay’s website), you will also need to schedule a time for a physical prior to the start of the school year.  

Upcoming Events:

April 17th-21st - Earth Day Spirit Week 
April 18th - ILEARN starts and goes until May 12th 
April 19th - Dine to Donate at Pizzology; Clay Open House from 6-8pm for 5th graders
April 21st - Parents Night Out Trivia Night
April 24th - April 28th - Guest Storyteller in Media Center for grades K and 2 focused on fairy tales
April 26th - Late Start; Grade 5 Performance 6:30 PM
April 28th - Pink for Pulley - wear pink for breast cancer in honor of a former PTE teacher, Mrs. Pulley 
April 29th - Pups Track Meet at Carmel High School 12:00pm  

Best regards, 

Mrs. Piper 

Hello 5th grade parents!

You may or may not have heard from your students that PTE will be putting on a fifth grade program in April! This performance includes all of our fifth grade students, so it is imperative that all students are in attendance. I wanted to give you a few pieces of pertinent information, and also open a line of communication.

The performance date is Wednesday, April 26th. We will perform the program twice- once during the school day at 1:30pm (this performance will not be open to parents), and once in the evening for parents and whoever else might want to come, at 6:30pm. The evening call time for students will be 6:00 PM back at PTE. Please make an effort to make this date a priority in your student’s calendar. This performance is extremely important, and each individual student plays a vitally important role in this show. With that being said, if there is truly an UNAVOIDABLE conflict or illness, please let me know as soon as possible. If for some reason your student is 100% unable to attend due to illness or another unavoidable conflict, an alternate assignment will be provided.

Students are being asked to wear all black. Long pants (leggings/athletic pants are fine as long as they are all black) and a black shirt (can be short or long sleeved.)

I am incredibly proud of the work that I am seeing from the students and I can’t wait for you all to see the performance. Please feel free to reach out to me, apoticha@ccs.k12.in.us, with any questions.




We need parents just like you to help us in the cafeteria during lunch time.  As a cafeteria helper, you will help the children find a seat, open their lunch items, get all the extras (think parmesan cheese, ketchup, napkins, and utensils!), and maintain PTE lunch room standards!  ...all while getting to socialize with your kiddos and their friends. (We all love seeing your FB and Instagram selfies!)


First page of the PDF file: 2023FootballCampInformation