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HH 5/12/2023

May 12, 2023  *   Edition 19

Important Dates


15 - 19 School Resource Officer (SRO) Week
16 101 Beer Kitchen Carmel - Dine to Donate
16 - 18 PTE Field Days
19 Kindy 500
25 5th Grade Graduation
25 Hawks Herald

planning a move?

If you are planning to move out of PTE’s school boundaries at the end of the academic year or over the summer CCS requires you to complete this form.

To speed up the release of your student’s academic records to their new school please return this form the front office at your earliest convenience. CCS also requests that you return your Chromebook to the front office on their last day. Please call 317 571 7925 with any questions.

moving notification form

end of year - lost and found

lost and found

 The PTE Lost & Found is very full! We   need volunteers to help organize and put   out our Lost & Found items. Items will be   placed in the front of the school (weather   permitting or vestibule in case of rain) so   parents can come out during school and   look through. You will be responsible for   sorting, bringing these items out and   taking them back in at the end of the day.

sign up to help with sorting! 

pArents - please look through the lost and found for your child's items. aLL ITEMS LEFT AFTER THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL WILL BE DONATED!

Prairie Trace Field Days Are Coming!

learn more and volunteer!


First page of the PDF file: CYAPFoodDrive1

don't forget to update SDM!

There are so many exciting things happening these last weeks of school. Don't forget to update School Dismissal Manager any time your child's plans after school are changing. The office cannot make changes on your behalf and all changes must be in SDM by 1:15pm!

Questions:  pte_admin_assistants@ccs.k12.in.us

First page of the PDF file: PrairieTrace2


please return your library books

Students are continuing to check out items from the PTE Media Center. Just a heads up that all materials will be due back by May 12, so we can begin to inventory the collection.

Happy reading! You can always see what your child has checked out from the PTE Media Center by clicking on the directions HERE.

Interested in getting more involved with our amazing PTO? We still have director positions available for next school year! Each director position is open to one or MORE directors, meaning you can grab a friend to share the duties - it's a lot more fun that way anyway. Fill out this google form and we will be in touch to answer any questions you may have. Also - filling this form out DOES NOT commit you to the role, it just lets us know you are interested. We look forward to hearing from you!

i want to help out the pto


Hello PTE Families! 

The month of May is in full swing, and I can’t believe the school year is almost over! This week was Teacher Appreciation Week. You all did a wonderful job showing our teachers and staff just how much you appreciate them. I thank you for your kindness! We truly have an awesome school community!  

Thank you to our awesome parents who volunteered and supported fifth grade at JA Biztown and 4th grade’s Hoosier Hysteria Day! I know many of you are volunteering at Field Day too! We couldn’t have these wonderful experiences without the help of you! We appreciate you! 

Last week we welcomed our future kindergarten students for kindergarten screeners. If you know of any children who live near you who will be 5 by August 1st, please encourage them to register for kindergarten. This really helps us with enrollment and teacher numbers for next year.  

Students in third through fifth grade did a great job on their ILEARN assessments. It is a long testing window, and they came in with a positive attitude each day and did their best. Thank you for taking this state assessment into consideration when planning appointments and vacations.  

If you are a parent of a walker, please DO NOT park along the curb on Haverton (behind the school) at the end of the day. As parents park there, other cars can’t get through and students are starting to walk between the cars. This is unsafe for all. The weather is finally nice, so please plan to meet your children at the playground or have your child walk home. The parking on the curb is getting out of hand, and it is not safe for students.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful few weeks of school. Before we know it, we will be sending our awesome 5th graders off with their walk out, and it will be summer break! Start thinking about materials that you can have at home to keep up with reading, math facts, and writing throughout the summer. A little bit each day really does prevent summer slide!  

Here are some important events coming up:

  • May 15:  Human Growth and Development Talks for Grades 4 and 5

  • May 15-18:  Carmel Youth Assistance Food Drive 

  • May 16:  Clay students and staff to visit 5th graders 

  • May 16-18:  Field Days 

  • May 19:  Kindy 500 and 5th Grade Variety Show

  • May 25:  Last Student Day!  5th Grade Recognition at 8:30 AM 

Thank you for all you do!  You are the best!

Kim Piper 

class 0f 2030 news and events

We have so many incredible things planned to help celebrate our 5th graders. To supplement costs, we are requesting a contribution from 5th grade families. Please contribute if you can!

contribute to 5th grade activities here

Help us make the Graduation Party one the students will remember!  Feel free to send in gift cards in a marked envelope with your student (5th Grade Events Team) and/or drop by to the front office.  We will use these at the Northview Party! Thanks for your willingness to donate!

donate a gift card here

We need volunteers on graduation day!

sign up here to volunteeR AT THE CEREMONY OR THE CELEBRATION 

Please let us know if you are coming to graduation!

RSVP for graduation here





We need parents just like you to help us in the cafeteria during lunch time.  As a cafeteria helper, you will help the children find a seat, open their lunch items, get all the extras (think parmesan cheese, ketchup, napkins, and utensils!), and maintain PTE lunch room standards!  ...all while getting to socialize with your kiddos and their friends. (We all love seeing your FB and Instagram selfies!)


First page of the PDF file: 2023FootballCampInformation