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HH 5/25/2023

May 25, 2023  *   Edition 20

planning a move?

If you are planning to move out of PTE’s school boundaries at the end of the academic year or over the summer CCS requires you to complete this form.

To speed up the release of your student’s academic records to their new school please return this form the front office at your earliest convenience. CCS also requests that you return your Chromebook to the front office on their last day. Please call 317 571 7925 with any questions.

moving notification form

First page of the PDF file: ESE-2023-2024-CCS-Flyer


Happy Summer, PTE Families!  

I would like to take this time to thank all of our parents for the support and partnership during this wonderful year! Thank you to all who volunteered in classrooms, field trips, provided snacks, read with their children, and supported Prairie Trace. To our PTO, I’m so proud of your hard work with our staff and students. I appreciate all of your help with activities, parties, and special events around the school. You truly support us, and we could not have many of our fun events without your help! I look forward to our continued work together next year as we partner together to meet our academic goals in the future.  

To the amazing Prairie Trace HAWKS, thank you for all of your hard work throughout the school year! I love being your principal and seeing you each and every day. Have the best summer vacation possible! Read every day, practice your math facts, and write me letters. I will write you back! Please try new ideas and adventures.  Limit your screen time and play outside! I look forward to welcoming you all back in August for an exciting school year! Keep loving, laughing, and learning this summer!  

Love ya, 

Kim Piper

First page of the PDF file: 2023FootballCampInformation