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August 11, 2023

Important Dates


21 Registration opens for Race to Prairie Trace!
22 Meet the Teacher - K - 2nd, 5pm
22 Ambassador applications due!
23 Late Start
23 Meet the Teacher - 3rd - 5th, 5pm
24 Pups Running registration closes!
24 WPTE applications due!
25 Hawks Herald


1 Spirit Wear orders due!
4 Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
6 Late Start
7 Picture Day!
8 Hawks Herald
11 Race to Prairie Trace Kick Off!
12 Head Room Parent Meeting, 5:30pm 
General PTO Meeting, 6:30pm
20 Late Start
20 Race to Prairie Trace Event Day!!
22 Hawks Herald
29 PTE Fall Tailgate, 5:30pm

Make sure to bookmark this site so you always have the latest dates of things happening around Prairie Trace!

pte calendar




General volunteers are needed to help throughout the year! Please consider volunteering to help out in the school and at PTO-sponsored events. 

Note that all volunteers must have a criminal history background check on file & have viewed the CCS anti-bullying video

Thank you for volunteering! Email ptoprairietrace@gmail.com with questions. #PTEFamily

Yes, I want to help!

Get your Hawks Gear! 

Check out all the awesome new designs and show your Hawk spirit. Place your orders by September 1st. Items will arrive in backpack mail the week of September 18th!

order spirit wear!


First page of the PDF file: PupRunningXC2023Flyer-JulieTrump


Dear Prairie Trace Families,

The staff at Prairie Trace had a great first week with your children. The students joined us with a positive attitude, ready to learn, and make a strong IMPACT on our Prairie Trace community! We know this is going to be an awesome year filled with great opportunities to learn and engage! 

Getting into the habit of daily attendance is more important than ever. It helps to:

  • Reduce stress

  • Make it easier to connect with friends and teachers 

  • Support learning 

Please make sure you are communicating any absences, late arrivals, and early pickups with the office via School Dismissal Manager and your classroom teacher. Also, it is best if appointments can be made outside of the school day or during your child’s lunch and recess time. As per CCS policy student pick ups should not occur after 2 pm..

If you are a parent of a walker, please do not park on Haverton Road to pick up your child.  Buses have a hard time getting through, and this becomes very dangerous for our students.  Thank you! 

We have many events coming up in the near future, so please mark your calendars: 

  • August 14-August 29:  NWEA Assessments 

  • August 22:  Meet the Teacher for Grades K-2 (parents only)
    Kindergarten:  5:00-5:30pm 
    1st Grade:  5:35-6:05pm
    2nd Grade:  6:10-6:45pm

  • August 22:  Ambassador applications due for interested 4th and 5th graders 

  • August 23:  Late Start  - School starts at 8:20 AM

  • August 23:  Meet The Teacher for Grades 3-5 (parents only)
    3rd Grade:  5:00-5:30pm 
    4th Grade:  5:35-6:05pm
    5th Grade:  6:10-6:45pm

  • August 24: WPTE applications due for interested 5th graders  

We are working to make PTE a place where everyone is safe and learning each and every day! We will always do our best to listen and partner with you, so all of our students can have a successful year. Do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions or concerns.  


Kim Piper 

get ready hawks!

It's almost time for our biggest fundraiser of the year -- Race to Prairie Trace! Mark your calendars for when registration opens, when we kick-off, and event day! More details will be released soon, but we can't wait for this fun-filled week of challenges & prizes. Get excited, Hawks!

August 21 - Registration opens for Race to Prairie Trace!

September 11 - Race to Prairie Trace Kick-Off Day!

September 20 - Race to Prairie Trace Event Day!

First page of the PDF file: 2022EditablePosteredited

New fundraising partner!

Prairie Trace has partnered with Mabel's Labels this year as a fundraising partner. All orders made using our code will give 20% back to the PTO. Avoid the lost and found and label those items for your kids!