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The Smoky Row PTO hosts a variety of events and activities throughout the course of the school year. Listed below are the events made possible by your generous donations and the wonderful PTO volunteers.

Family Fun Nights - Fall & Spring

Family Fun Nights are events that are intended to support connections in our SRE community. Next year we will be planning one event in the fall in conjunction with the Fall Book Fair and a second event in the winter.  Volunteers on this committee will help set up, execute activities on the night of the event, and clean up. The dates for this year’s events are Nov. 17th and Jan. 26th.

Hospitality - 1st Thursday of each month

Volunteers on this committee help brighten teachers and staff days throughout the year.  The events are a Back to School luncheon, boxed lunches for Track and Field Day and donating treats on the first Thursday of each month.  

Family Movie Night - Fall

We will have an outdoor family movie night on Sept. 30th. Volunteers on this committee will help  set up, attend movie night, and help with any cleanup.  Some ideas are to sell popcorn and/or other treats and to invite families to bring a picnic and chairs/blankets, while viewing the movie. 

Science Fair for Kindergarten-3rd Grade - Spring

Promote the event, coordinate volunteers for kickoff, as well as work the event by setting up and/or checking in families. This event will be on March 2nd.

Science Fair for 4th and 5th - Late Winter

Help with promoting the event at kickoff, as well as set up and/or check in or serve as a mentor or judge on the actual day of the event.  This event will be on February 7th.  

Clubs - TBD in early Spring

The Clubs committee will plan, organize and schedule a selection of after school clubs for SRE students in all grade levels. Each club will be sponsored and run by an SRE staff member. All information will be provided by the school.  Please read the Rocket Review weekly. 

Yearbook - All Year

These volunteers will collect pictures throughout the year at various school events and put together the yearbook for families to order.  We also need photographers to photograph school events (experience and special cameras are not required, iPhone cameras work well).

4th and 5th Grade Social - Fall

This event gives SRE 4th and 5th graders an opportunity to socialize after school hours.  The 4th/5th social will be on Oct. 21st.  Volunteers will assist with everything from planning to monitoring students the night of the event.

5th Grade Team Building Event - Fall

Volunteers will help plan and execute an experience designed to bring 5th graders even closer as they prepare to end their time at SRE and begin new adventures at Carmel Middle School.  In the past, this activity has been modeled after the Amazing Race.  This event will be held on Oct. 7th.

5th Grade Recognition Ceremony - End of School Year

Volunteers will help plan and execute the 5th Grade recognition ceremony which includes decorating for the graduation ceremony and a special 5th grade lunch.  The celebration is always on the last day of school.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - All Year

The mission of this newer committee is to  promote love and unity in our diverse SRE community by enabling all to feel valued, seen, heard, and included through the recognition and celebration of our  similarities and differences. Volunteers will help plan events and programs that will celebrate and encourage dialogue about diversity. 

Walk to School Day - Fall

Volunteers will help coordinate food with Nurse Paul for the walkers (usually muffins, fruit, water etc).  Volunteers will also help post signage on the walking paths, and set up/hand out food.  This event will be held on Oct. 5th. 

Annual Smoky Row Elementary Alumni Scholarship - Click HERE for Application

The Smoky Row Community is proud to present outstanding Carmel High School graduating seniors with the opportunity to receive the Smoky Row Elementary Alumni Scholarship.  Current Smoky Row students, teachers and PTO have worked together to arrange for recipients to be awarded up to a $1,000 scholarship.  We are proud to offer a SRE Alumni scholarship as well as a Rising Rocket Award for a former Smoky Row student who has overcome great adversity to succeed at Carmel High School.  Please note the Smoky Row PTO Scholarship Committee reserves the right to change the amount of scholarship monies awarded to recipients.

Application Due: April 15, 2024.  Late Applications will NOT be accepted.



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