How do PTO funds benefit TME?
- Grade Level Field Trips K-5th
- School Clubs
- Teacher and Staff Appreciation
- Hospitality Family Support
- Classroom Allocations for Teachers
- Allocations for SRO & Social Worker
- Administrative Assistance
- School Convocations
- Fall and Valentine's Day Parties
- Family Bingo Night
- Back to School Night Ice Cream Social
- Boosterthon Dance Party
- Family Tailgate
- Heritage Fest
- Spring Carnival
- Staff Meals (3 times a year)
- Field Day
- 5th Grade Graduation and Party
- Scholarship and Financial Aid
- Teacher and Staff Appreciation
- and MORE!
PTO Fundraising
We have two school events at Towne Meadow that we use as fundraisers to budget for our PTO.
- Boosterthon is our BIGGEST fundraiser of the year which helps us to bring in about 2/3rds of our budget with a week long fundraising effort where our students and staff help to collect donations. The PTO helps to organize incentives throughout the week as we reach our goals and it ends with a dance party for each grade level to celebrate our success!
- Carnival is a night where families come to play carnival games, bid on our silent auction, eat dinner and enjoy the night with the Towne Meadow community. This fundraiser is one night only and helps in complete our fundraising for the year.
This year we are also adding a Pacers Family Night along with Dine to Donate events to help with fundraising for our school. We thank you in advance for supporting the PTO this school year!
The TME Dance Party Fall Fundraiser is a full week of FUN for our students and staff. All students receive a dance party shirt to wear during the event.
Students have grade level incentives as they reach their fundraising goals such as extra recess, board game day, movie at lunch and others set by the teachers.
We also do school wide incentives for everyone to enjoy such as ice cream sundaes after lunch, yard games at recess, crazy hair day and staff inflatable costume races. See pictures below!
Spring Carnival
This fun annual event is almost here! Have dinner and dessert, play games, get a prize, enjoy entertainment with family and friends - all while raising money for the Towne Meadow Elementary PTO.
Carnival cannot be successful without the help of our wonderful TME community! Be sure to lookout for the sign up link about a month in advance from the event date.
Join us at the Coyote Carnival on March 21st from 5:30-8 PM.
Games, Prizes, Food, Sweet Shop, Raffle, Photo Area, and Online Silent Auction.
Community Rewards
Boxtops for Education - Collect and send in boxtops from hundreds of items. Each boxtop earns 10 cents, and this amount is given to TME in the form of a check.You must download their mobile app and scan your grocery receipt into your account. Be sure to link your account Towne Meadow Elementary.
Shop at Shutterfly or Tiny Prints and 8% of your purchase will be donated to TME! This is an extremely easy way to raise additional funds for our school on products that many people are ordering anyway, especially this time of year. TME will earn a commission when customers click thru the TME website and purchase products. Our webpage is
Shop at Kroger and earn money for TME. Enroll your Kroger plus card online at www.krogercommunityrewards.comand the store gives a percent of the total spent to Towne Meadow. You can get a Kroger plus card at the store or register for a digital card online. Once you create an online account, follow the instructions to register your card. You will be able to select “enroll” under the community rewards section in your account information. You can type in Towne Meadow or use the TME code:39220.