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Budget Information

The school budget represents the educational program of a school community translated into dollar need (expenditures). The budget covers a calendar year, January 1 - December 31.

There are five major funds in Carmel Clay Schools. Each has a purpose and cannot be co-mingled.  

Taxpayers have the ability to view budget notices in one central online location at BudgetNotices.IN.Gov. A new email subscription option is provided to taxpayers to stay informed of submissions by their local units.

Taxpayers will be able to view all local government units in Hamilton County, search by their address, or use an interactive map tool. This website has been designed to promote the importance of budget notices and the role that they play in the daily lives of Indiana taxpayers. 

Taxpayers who do not have Internet access or have difficulties with the website may contact the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance at (888) 739-9826 and request a paper copy of the notices for their local government units.

The operating referendum, safety referendum, operating fund, and debt service fund are primarily sourced from local property taxes. The education fund's primary revenue source is state income and sales tax. 

Learn more about Referendum Funding

Taxpayer Resources

The community has multiple tools available to learn more about school funding and budgets, including the monthly financial report provided to the Carmel Clay School Board.

Online Budget Notices

Indiana Transparency Dashboard

School Board Meetings