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Parent/guardian contact information is linked to your PowerSchool account. It is important to keep this information up-to-date for standard and emergency communication.

Our mass communication system does not allow recipients to 'pick-and-choose' which emails to receive. If recipients unsubscribe from any email it will impact all messages from their student's school(s) and the district. 

Teacher Communications

Teachers communicate with parents through Canvas and via email.  Parents are encouraged to contact teachers first (via email or voicemail message) with questions or concerns pertaining to the classroom.  

Mass communications

Carmel Clay Schools uses School Messenger and Finalsite to deliver mass emails and phone messages to families. Communications include announcing school delays/cancelations, principal newsletters, and distribution of quarterly grade reports. 

Text Alerts

Carmel Clay Schools families are automatically enrolled to receive emergency text messages. We take this responsibility very seriously and will use text messaging only to share critical and timely information, such as school cancellations, delays, or unreported student absences.

Preferred Languages & Translation

With over 100 home languages spoken across Carmel Clay Schools, we are committed to connecting with parents in their preferred language to ensure clear and effective communication.

Instructions for Setting Preferred Language