Preferred Languages
Carmel Clay Schools is implementing automatic translations for school and district-wide messages. Using built-in technology provided by our vendors, mass communications can now be translated into your preferred language. Messages include school newsletters and district notifications. Emails from teachers and Canvas are not yet supported by automatically translation.
With more than 100 home languages spoken across Carmel Clay Schools, we are committed to connecting with parents in their preferred language to ensure clear and effective communication.
Preferred languages are determined in two ways:
1) The language most spoken at home, selected during registration.
2) Manually selected preferred language in your individual guardian form.
Select or Update Preferred Language
Language Preferences may be changed at any time in PowerSchool (desktop version, not the app).
Preferred languages may be set per parent/guardian and changed anytime.
See the images below for step-by-step instructions. Allow 24 hours for systems to load new information.