Title I
What Is Title I?
Title I is the largest federal grant program used to ensure that all children have a fair and equal opportunity to obtain a high quality education. Title I is a part of the Federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act that was passed in 1965. This grant provides extra academic support and learning opportunities for children who are most at-risk of failing state and local standards.
How Does Title I Help My School?
Title I funds are supplemental funds that provide additional instruction time and resources for students what are not meeting grade-level academic benchmarks. Title I funds may also be used for professional development, teacher training, and parental involvement activities.
Which Students receive Title I Services?
Services to children are based on the academic needs of individual children, not on the socioeconomic level of a child or his/her family.
These students may be served:
- Migrant children
- Children with limited English proficiency
- Children who are homeless
- Children with disabilities
- Any child who is in academic need
What Role Do Parents Play?
Parental involvement is an important component of Title I. Parents are needed for:
- Planning
- Policy
- Participation
- Partnering
- Program Evaluation
What About Accountability?
Title I requires states to develop standards and assessments that will challenge students served by Title I programs to perform to high levels. Research suggests that high standards, when coupled with valid and reliable assessments and aligned support, can exert a powerful influence over what children are taught and how much they learn.