The mission of the Facilities Department is to provide high-quality facilities management. The Carmel Clay Schools Facilities Department oversees the following services:
- Maintenance
- Custodial Services
- Facility Planning
- Capital Projects
Facility Rental
Who is eligible?
Facilities are available only to local groups or organizations who can provide the district with liability insurance.
What is the process?
- Complete the Facility Use Agreement
- No later than 2 weeks in advance of the requested date, send the completed agreement and a Certificate of Liability directly to the school you wish to reserve
- The Certificate of Liability must include the following
- Name Carmel Clay Schools “certificate holder” as follows:
- Provide liability coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence
- Name Carmel Clay Schools as the “additional insured”
Will there be a charge?
Fees are assessed by the Business Office in accordance with the district’s Administrative Guidelines. The renting organization may also be charged fees for air-conditioning or heat if either of these utilities is requested. Questions may be directed to the office of the Associate Superintendent at 317-844-9961.
Please visit the following policies and administrative guidelines as it regards to school facilities:
Pesticide & Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality
Carmel Clay Schools recognizes its responsibility relative to student, employee, and visitor health and safety, and the need for the development of a comprehensive program designed to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment on Corporation property and at Corporation-sponsored activities. Carmel Clay Schools’ administrator designated to monitor, facilitate, and answer questions pertaining to these indoor environmental quality procedures is the Director of Facilities; 317-815-3962.
Energy Savings
Energy savings is a priority for Carmel Clay Schools.
- As educators, we are the role models for the leaders of tomorrow. When Carmel Clay Schools implements energy-savings measures and produces positive results in energy and financial savings, we are setting an example for our students. We are teaching them through our responsible actions that our impact on the Earth should be limited and can be done through a variety of actions.
- Through a number of energy-savings efforts, from 4-day work weeks in the summer to recycling practices implemented throughout the district, Carmel Clay Schools is continuously working to limit its environmental footprint.
- Fiscal responsibility balanced with providing quality education is a priority for Carmel Clay Schools. Green initiatives across the district have resulted in multi-million dollar savings for tax payers. This page, as well as the links to the left, provide information on a number of energy and financial savings initiatives that are occurring every day in Carmel Clay Schools.
- District wide program to recycle batteries and light bulbs
- District wide computer and electronics recycling
- District wide system to shut off computers
- Program to use and recycle re-manufactured ink cartridges for printers
- Program to reduce the number of printers
- District wide program to replace light bulbs with “Green” energy saver bulbs ballasts
- Co-mingled trash recycling program
- Hamilton County Food Rescue Program
- Transportation idle policy
- No idle zones in parking areas
- Used oil is for supplemental heat of bus garage
- Purchase of fuel efficient truck and bus fleet in including diesel and propane busses.
- Green teams and clubs of staff and students at each building (CCS Green Team)
- "Coolers are Cooler with Cups”
- Earth Day and America Recycles Day
- Carmel Community Garden - Plots to Plates Organic Garden
- Cafeteria Recycling
- Holiday Recycling Lights Program
- Ultra high efficiency condensing boilers at 5 locations
- Unneeded furniture is donated to other schools or non-profit organizations
- Trash compactors at 5 locations - reduces removal trips and land fill volume
- Use of “green” clean custodial supplies
- Hazardous waste disposal program
- Integrated Pest Management program – reduces use of pesticides
- Planting native wild flowers and prairie grasses
- Continuing installation of efficient LED and induction lighting
- Automated HVAC control systems at each building
- “Optimal Start” technology is used in the building Energy Management System
- Control of heating & cooling water temperatures and thermostat set points
- 11 buildings have received Energy Star Awards
- Energy management program since 1995
CCS has a green advisory group called the Carmel Green Team. This group consists of community members and parents who help advise and support green initiatives in the schools.