In-District Transfer & Residency Requests
The guidelines below shall be followed in assigning students to schools. All inquiries regarding elementary and secondary school boundaries should be directed to Michele Soultz.
Student Assignment to a school is determined by geographic boundaries established by Carmel Clay Schools. It is the Corporation intent that students will attend school in the attendance area in which their parents or legal guardians reside. Requests based upon before or afterschool childcare needs will not be approved.
Only students who meet specific eligibility requirements will be considered for In-District Transfer/residency exceptions, and there are no guarantees for approval. Specific eligibility requirements are listed below. Please note, Carmel Clay Schools will not provide transportation for students receiving an In-District Transfer.
In-District Transfer eligibility
- Students whose families relocate within the school corporation during the second semester of the school year, and would benefit from completing the school year in their current school.
- Students entering their 5th or 8th grade year in a school where they have consistently attended for multiple years.
- Siblings of students who may be receiving special services at a designated school.
- Children of CCS employees.
- Students entering middle school from the Clay Center Elementary or Cherry Tree Elementary boundary may attend Carmel Middle School. Transportation is not guaranteed and reassessed annually.
In-District Transfers may be revoked for any of the following reasons:
- Documented patterns of truancy, late arrivals, leaving early, and/or consistent failure to drop off and pick up students on time.
- Update or realignment of school boundaries.
- Reassignment of siblings receiving special services.
A parent/guardian who is a resident in Carmel Clay Schools, and whose student meets the eligibility requirements must complete the In-District Transfer Application and submit to Please allow 10-14 days for CCS staff to process the request.
Decisions related to in-district transfers are based on student eligibility, enrollment numbers, space availability, and individualized programming available within each school. The building Principals from all schools involved will be consulted.
Notification of transfer approval/denial will be provided in writing and all decisions are final.