Skills for Success

Learning is often compared to building a house; it is completed brick by brick, establishing a solid foundation of knowledge. A house cannot be built with bricks alone, however. It requires construction plans and tools to transform those bricks into a proper home. The Carmel Clay Schools' “Skills for Success” are the tools required to achieve academic and personal success in today’s ever-changing and global society. Skills for Success are the characteristics and strategies employed by individuals for developing emotional intelligence, as well as intra and interpersonal competence. The skills CCS students will develop over the course of their K-12 journey to reach their full potential as individuals and as members of the greater community:

Self-Initiative | Growth Mindset | Connection | Regulation | Problem Solving |
Insight | Perseverance | Collaboration

Skills for Success

Skills for Success

An individual’s belief in their ability to take action, assert self, and succeed.

Sub-skills: Self-confidence, reflection, independence, decision-making, self-reg/discipline, motivation, integrity

Skills for Success

An individual’s ability to remain cognitively flexible and maintain an attitude that contributes to a willingness to learn and grow. 

Sub-skills: Resilience, open-mindedness, curiosity, self-confidence, reflection, lifelong learning

Skills for Success

The ability to build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with others. 

Sub-skills: Communication, relatability, active listening, respect, humility, social awareness, perspective-taking, team-building, empathy.

Skills for Success

The ability to recognize and manage one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in different situations in order to accomplish personal and collective goals.  

Subskills: Self-management, impulse control, self-monitoring, flexibility, adaptability, self-agency

Skills for Success

The ability to make caring and constructive choices in order to resolve problems and overcome challenges. 

Sub-skills: Curiosity, growth mindset, empathy, critical thinking, responsible decision-making, communication, resilience, perseverance, reflection, creativity, flexibility, and teamwork

Skills for Success

The ability to clearly understand how thoughts and emotions impact self and others.  

Sub-skills: Self-awareness, situational awareness, self-regulation, empathy, adaptability, setting boundaries, advocacy, reflection

Skills for Success

The ability to remain focused and committed despite obstacles and delays in order to reach a goal or solution. 

Sub-skills: Determination, resilience, goal-focused, discipline, self-worth, accepting delayed gratification, growth mindset.

Skills for Success

The ability to work constructively with others in order to accomplish a common task or goal. 

Sub-skills: Communication, self-awareness, assertiveness, engagement, responsibility, professionalism, respect, active listening, adaptability, cognitive flexibility, and inclusion.

The Why Behind Skills for Success?

  • A need to better define the often difficult to define skill set required for personal and professional success
  • Informed by educators, students, parent/caregivers, and community members

  • Increased ownership by the district as a whole 

  • Consistent and focused 

  • Allows for vertical and horizontal alignment 

  • Eliminates redundancies

View Skills for Success School Board Presentation

College & Career Readiness

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) identified the eight core competencies associated with career readiness. 

  1. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
  2. Oral/Written Communications
  3. Teamwork/Collaboration
  4. Digital Technology
  5. Leadership
  6. Professionalism/Work Ethic
  7. Career Management
  8. Global/Intercultural Fluency

Skills for Success Workshop Series

Learn more about the activities and initiatives that build character development and emotional intelligence. Facilitators will provide an experiential learning environment for participants in order to increase awareness of the CCS Skills for Success. 

Stay tuned for more opportunities.

Intrapersonal Graphic

Intrapersonal Skills

Ways of dealing with oneself including thoughts and emotional awareness, beliefs, and skills applied inwardly.

Interpersonal Graphic

Interpersonal Skills

Knowledge, skills, and attitude directed toward other people including empathy, social awareness, and collaborative problem solving. 

Grade Level Skills

Skills for Success are not curriculum. They are the tools and developmental tasks required for continued academic and life success. Whether identified or not, adults use Skills for Success daily in their work and home life to achieve desired outcomes. Collaborating on a team project, taking a walk around the block over lunch to deal with a stressful situation, and managing busy schedules are all learned skills. Teachers and staff are preparing students to grow their inter and intrapersonal skills by incorporating Skills for Success into academic lessons and classroom activities. 


Forming friendships

Establishing adult connections

Emotional expressions

Social basics like taking turns and sharing

Middle School

Comprehending complex situations with self and others

Manage growing independence

Conflict resolution

High School

Respect unique perspectives 

Transform group identity and mentality to individual understanding

Acquire set of values and ethical system to guide behavior


Stick Figures

We believe in providing authentic opportunities for children and adults to continuously develop Skills for Success through the context of social and academic experiences. 

Joined hands together

We believe that a positive culture and learning environment starts with adults. Adult self-regulation is necessary to foster relationships with students that contribute to achievement.


We believe direct and explicit instruction of skills is important to incorporate into classroom activities and raises achievement in all domains. 

Venn Diagram

We believe practices and activities should be assessed through an inclusive lens and be relevant to all students. Practices should affirm diverse cultures and backgrounds while strengthening practices that promote equity.