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Technology & Data Solutions

Technology & Data Solutions is the department within the division of Business Affairs, responsible for information resources and technology to support teaching and learning, as well as supporting the administrative functions of the district. The name indicates the department's focus on information regardless of format or delivery, and on services.  

TDS supports and maintains the schools' libraries, computer networks, computers, Chromebooks, iPads, software, phones/voicemail, and video systems. TDS also supports and maintains the district's wide area network, financial, human resources, food service, student management, transportation, Email, library systems, a data warehouse, and website.

CCS IS Tech Team
Members of the CCS tech team pose for a group photo in front of the CCS logo in the public meeting room

Members of the CCS tech Team gathered for a lunch to celebrate the great start to the 2022-23 school year. 

Student Learning

Technology and IT resources

Technology & Data
kid surprised
kids on computer
Wolf TV Recording
Student interviews teacher
CCS tech team at the Ghosts & Goblins run/walk

The IS team from ESC got an special shout-out at the 2018 Ghosts & Goblins run for their group costume - a human keyboard!