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CCS Tech Drop
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Technology changes so quickly! We'll share updates, quick tips, and best practices for you and your classroom - one little drip drop at a time. To subscribe to get updates, select the yellow bell icon below. Tap the 'Already have an account?' link and log in with your CCS username and password. Then follow the steps to subscribe to the CCS Tech Drop board.
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With the Screencastify Submit features, users can create video assignments for their teams.
Google Meet is a great video and audio conferencing tool for CCS users.
Using AI like Gemini can help users boost productivity and manage efficient workflows.
Screencastify allows users to include questions in a video and embed it directly into a Canvas Assignment.
Updates are now available for Canvas Discussions.
Learn more about the Canva team migration and copying content into your district team.
Let's welcome Nick Noel, who is the new Training and Development Specialist at CCS!
Great News: CCS is adding Google Meet to our suite of Tech Tools! Learn more in this week's Tech Drop.
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