Tech Drop

Canvas End-of-year Reminders
Kate Masterson

Make your course available to students after the term ends

Students will lose access to your PowerSchool created courses at the end of the term. However, you can give them read-only access which allows them to see content, but not participate in course activities (assignments, discussions, etc.).

How do I make my course available to students after the term ends?

Summer Sandbox courses

After the term ends, you won't be able to edit your 19-20 PowerSchool created courses. If you'd like to work on your content over the summer, you'll want to copy your content into a sandbox course (called a sandbox because it's a place to play). You can use a sandbox course you already have, or you can request a new one from the link in the Canvas help menu. You can always copy content from a concluded course, so in the fall you can copy content into your 20-21 courses either from your 19-20 courses or your summer sandbox.

How do I request a Canvas course?

How do I copy content from another Canvas course using the Course Import tool?

Conclude manually created courses

If you were a teacher in a manually created Canvas course with students enrolled, you should have already received an email about concluding your course. We will conclude your course for you, either on June 8 or August 3, depending on your choice. However, you may also conclude these courses yourself. 

How to I conclude a manually created Canvas course?

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