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Restore Tab(s) in Chrome
Abigail Pagryzinski
Chrome Logo

Ever accidentally closed a tab or tabs in Google Chrome and then sat in frustration trying to remember what was lost? Google Chrome has a fix for that! Learn how to Restore Tab(s) in Chrome.

Open the Chrome Browser and navigate to the three-dot "more" menu in the upper-right corner. 

Arrow pointing to three dot menu in Chrome

Hover over History, then find the Recently Closed title. Under it, find the window titled ___ (number) Tabs and hover over it. Select Restore Window

History > Recently Closed > Restore Window

Note: The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+T will open the most recently closed window or tab. Use this shortcut multiple times in a row to bring back multiple tabs.

Keyboard with red squares around control, shift, and T keys

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